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Herbie,  I had to reply to your post and give you a cyber (((hug)))


My eldest daughter is bipolar and we have been through very similar times with her, the awful thing about it is when they are manic they dont want to take their meds because they feel so fantastic, and then of course they come crashing down - sometimes with devastating consequences. All I can say is that my daughter learned from her mistakes (admittedly slowly) and she is now studying Law at Manchester and keeping herself fairly level.


The most important thing you can do for them when they are on a down cycle is listen - my daughter feels totally worthless when she is down - tell her how much you love her and that you will always be there for her, but also that she has to learn from the whole cause and effect lesson. I check on a constant basis that my daughter is taking her meds, and also make sure that she is reminded of the consequences if she doesnt, not in a nasty way, Just a gentle nudge or an almost joke, but so she knows that I am involved and behind her/ keeping an eye her.


I hope that she feels better soon,  don't ever feel guilty herbie , you cant make her better,  you can just try to help her to heal herself.





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Carrie - I hope it does all sort out, I cannot believe that they will wait until 2 weeks before. How are you wedding plans coming on?


Samcalv - at least I am not having to worry about the legal side of things it sounds really complicated! Have you chosen your colours and dress etc yet - sorry if I am waaay behind the times!


Kerry - what kind fo a budget do you have for a photographer if you dont mind me asking, I have had emails from loads of them with their price lists which I can share with you if you want.


Nicyx - I read one of your earlier posts about looking for your holiday for next year, sounds like a brilliant antidote for the mother of all post holiday blues!


Herbie - Only 7 weeks! What dress have you chosen, when are you having your fitting? All very exciting! You must be so proud of your son, what an achievement!


Michelle - Mrs Page!! LOL at the husbands comment, yes they are arent they! Looking forwarsd to your low down on the day, hope you get back into Uk time without too much stress!


Char - I read back on your posts to find out what you did to your knee, I almost peed, you are totally off your rocker girl. I am sorry that it is still giving you grief though I hope that it heals soon. Good news on the revision turning back to annual leave and wedding planning front though, definitely a silver lining to that particular cloud!


I had a very frustrating day regarding my bloomin tour operator, I have already done a whinging post on the main forum, but on the bright side I have chosen my photographer, I think I have chosen my dress and I have chosen MPV for my make up and hair, so all is not lost!





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Nima thanks ever so much for your kind words, and it's was so nice to hear about how well your daughter is doing. I've got my fitting mon20th, so I fill get some photos then. Welcome Selina this forum is the answer to all your prayers. Everyone on here is so nice and helpful. We need details which hotel you going to? Mrs Page woohoo welcome back it seems like youve been away for ever. BDW has missed you!!! Can't wait to her all about it and see some photos. Charmaine I hope you knee heals soon, is that from your drunken night??? Bonus about getting all that time to plan :-)

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Hi Selina, welcome to the forum! Which hotel have you booked for, you will probably find that in addition to this thread you get a lot of information about how to plan from the thread to do with your hotel as they all seem to do things differently! Iam booked at the Gran caribe Real for Valentines Day next year, we are renewing our vows and having the dream day that we couldn't afford when we first got married!


Herbie, cant wait to see the pictures hon, I love seeing wedding dress shots! Are you getting really excited now?



I had some unbelievably good news regarding my dress hunt yesterday! I have been having a nightmare trying to find a dress that will fit as I have got a big bust and quite a small waist so I am in essence a dressmakers 18/20 on top (highstreet 14/16) but only a dressmakers 10/12 on the bottom (high street 8) which means that we would have had to order the dress in the biggest size and then get it taken in. Sounds simple enough, but the dress that I want is corseted and they cannot take it in more than 2 sizes without ruining the corset. It has been a nightmare.

Anyway i ended up tracking down the design studio of the dress to ask what could be done and I only got to speak to the designer herself!!!! I had a long chat with her ( Lyn Ashworth) and the minute I described my problem she understood, she was intrigued about the fact that after 17 years of marriage and 6 kids we have decided to renew and we got chatting about all sorts, she has only offered to design me a made to measure dress that she will do all the fittings and everything herself!!!!!  I am so  excited about it, she was absolutely lovely understood all of the fears that I have been having about wearing something too girly ( I am after all a 42 year old mum of 6) and reassured me that she will make me look fantastic! 


I am ringing her today so that we can sort out the initial consultation, she is going to do my measurements via skype because i am miles away from her and then make up a mock dress, then i will travel to her and she will tweak the mock, then we decide which design and she will make the dress to my exact measurements! 




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Michelle -  Welcome back MRS.... can't wait to hear all about your day and see your picsxxx


Nina - That sounds fantastic about your dress!!!! How exciting..... I have picked my dress it should be in this month hoping it is soon so I can go and try it on in my size.... and my bridesmaid dress is called a topaz blue tho I would call it turqoise!!! LOL We are just finalising all the details for our AHR for when we get home, picked the buffet and going tonight to order the cake ..... Sent all the forms off to the hotel for the wedding... and I am going to pick my flowers, cake and a la carte restaurant over the weekend.... problem is I don't know which a la carte to pick everyone has different reviews on them and my two children are quite fussy eaters!!!!!


Selina - Welcome as others have said this forum is fab there is loads of advice and tips on here!!!! Which hotel are getting married in????? Have you picked your dress or bridesmaids dresses yet????

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Hi all,


Welcome back Mrs Page. Excited to see the photos.




Would love your pricing lists if you can message them to me. Don't know if you can do that on here. Im really struggling to decide!!




Where you get married cause now the excitement begins!!!





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Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post


Hola Girls!!! MRS PAGE here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha, i've had a quick look through and so much has gone on. Thanx for all the well wishes our day was amazing!! Although we had ups and downs and things didn't all go to plan it all pulled together in the end and had a truely fantastic day!!We are really pleased with our pic's i'll put some up after our reception. Trying to keep myself awake today so i sleep tonight and try and get back into UK time!!! Sooooooo tired though!


Can't believe we are home already :o( wish i was back there now at our gorgeous pool sipping on a Mojito :o( god i have holiday blues already ha ha...


I hope Lisa's day went well i see some pix on FB and she looked AMAZING!! As did Nicy and Lyndsey!! God our husbands are lucky ha ha ha ha ha


Chat soon girlies, missed you all xx


OMG welcome1.gif back lovely :-) CONGRATULATIONS MRS. Page... that has a lovely ring to it....

Cant wait to see your pix hun x


Talk about back down to earth.... cant believe we finally did it... it hapopening for us all now and yes, the other girls, Lisa & Lyndsey looked stunning and your totally right we have lucky husbands... i love saying that... Husband!!! Haha xx


We missed you too chick, glad to have you back x



Originally Posted by char79uk View Post




So I went back to work on Monday after being off for 3 weeks revision leave.  Due to my fractured knee I ended up leaving as I was in too much pain and the doctor has signed me off from the date it happened (14th May) until 17th June.  I've got to go to the hospital next week to have another xray to check the fracture is healing properly and also have the fluid drained from my knee because it is still swollen.  The doctor told me to rest it loads and has given me stronger painkillers and made another appointment for 17th June to see if i'm fit for work yet.  Apparantly because of the torn ligaments I could be on crutches for months!!!


On the up side because I've been signed off sick I get all 15 days of my annual leave, that I took for revision, refunded back to me and i get to sit around all day doing wedding stuff!!






At least there is an upside to all that chick... phew!!! Good luck at hospital nest week x


Originally Posted by nina874 View Post



Nicyx - I read one of your earlier posts about looking for your holiday for next year, sounds like a brilliant antidote for the mother of all post holiday blues!

I had a very frustrating day regarding my bloomin tour operator, I have already done a whinging post on the main forum, but on the bright side I have chosen my photographer, I think I have chosen my dress and I have chosen MPV for my make up and hair, so all is not lost!







Holidays are the only way forward for us at the mo!!! Haha.




Originally Posted by Selina Newman View Post


Hello everyone


I am new to the forum and have just booked to get married in Mexico on 12.10.12 and am from the UK. 


If anybody can share any tips or piccys that will be fab.




Hello and welcome Selina, Where in the UK are you from? and where are you getting married? come on we want the juicy details.... especially us old married's who need to feel involved still :-) LOL xxx


Originally Posted by nina874 View Post


I had some unbelievably good news regarding my dress hunt yesterday! I have been having a nightmare trying to find a dress that will fit as I have got a big bust and quite a small waist so I am in essence a dressmakers 18/20 on top (highstreet 14/16) but only a dressmakers 10/12 on the bottom (high street 8) which means that we would have had to order the dress in the biggest size and then get it taken in. Sounds simple enough, but the dress that I want is corseted and they cannot take it in more than 2 sizes without ruining the corset. It has been a nightmare.

Anyway i ended up tracking down the design studio of the dress to ask what could be done and I only got to speak to the designer herself!!!! I had a long chat with her ( Lyn Ashworth) and the minute I described my problem she understood, she was intrigued about the fact that after 17 years of marriage and 6 kids we have decided to renew and we got chatting about all sorts, she has only offered to design me a made to measure dress that she will do all the fittings and everything herself!!!!!  I am so  excited about it, she was absolutely lovely understood all of the fears that I have been having about wearing something too girly ( I am after all a 42 year old mum of 6) and reassured me that she will make me look fantastic! 


I am ringing her today so that we can sort out the initial consultation, she is going to do my measurements via skype because i am miles away from her and then make up a mock dress, then i will travel to her and she will tweak the mock, then we decide which design and she will make the dress to my exact measurements! 






OMG nina that is absolutly fantastic news, how lucky are you, thats a dream come true girl im so happy for you, what a gorgeous lovely thing for the designer to do!!! WOW!!!

I bet you cant wait even more so now, as you know it really will be the "one" made for you!!! really really wonderful :-)


& OMG... 6 kids, phew, im knackered just saying that... what are their ages if you dont mind me asking?


You know, i really am soooo pleased for you about the dress, that really is the best news possible, you will look and feel a million dollars by the sounds of it :-) xxx

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Hello everybody and thank you for all being so lovely and friendly.


I am from Somerset so down South. 


Now the exciting details I am getting married in the Gran Sirenis is anybody else getting married there?


I have my first appointment to look at wedding dresses on the 16th July so excited.  I am going for blue for my bridesmaid dresses but one of my bridesmaids is pregnant and not due until October so not sure if I will need to wait to get the dresses as she wont know what size she will need.


Can anybody help with what I need to do to legalise my wedding in the UK?  I am paying for the apostille stamp is that all I need to do or is there more I have looked on the internet and it all seems confusing?





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Originally Posted by Selina Newman View Post


Hello everybody and thank you for all being so lovely and friendly.


I am from Somerset so down South. 


Now the exciting details I am getting married in the Gran Sirenis is anybody else getting married there?


I have my first appointment to look at wedding dresses on the 16th July so excited.  I am going for blue for my bridesmaid dresses but one of my bridesmaids is pregnant and not due until October so not sure if I will need to wait to get the dresses as she wont know what size she will need.


Can anybody help with what I need to do to legalise my wedding in the UK?  I am paying for the apostille stamp is that all I need to do or is there more I have looked on the internet and it all seems confusing?







bet you cant wait til 16th, not long now :-) Do you have a style in mind? Yes i would prob wait til nearer the time to buy Pregnant dress at least the style can be chosen and its just what size to get at the time x


We got the apostille aswell, we then went to our town hall... births deaths marrages etc and they said we dont need to do anything, but i got a number for the head office and they confirmed this for us, as long as we have the marrage cert (& apostille) we are fine.

I still worry as im unsure how there any record of our marrage in the UK but im assured this is OK. You can deposit your cert with the office for a charge to keep it safe, it has to be the original and if you want copies you are better getting them before hand as if you want them after you have deposited it with them they charge you and as far as im aware you cant get your original cert back.

We are just keeping hold of ours.

Have a look at these








Its prob fairly straight forward but im just keeping hold of ours. xxxx


Hope this helps x


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