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Originally Posted by roo66 View Post


Welcome back mrs Creely,cant wait to see the piccies im sure you wont keep us long;)

Im glad everything turned out as you had hoped and dreamt of you deserved a happy wedding day xxx


We have had an eventful day here today firstly tonight i got all my hair cut off ive gone very short i grew it for our wedding but never really loved ho it looked i had extensions on our wedding day cos it hadnt grown that much.I wore Paul down in the end ho was very anti me going for the chop.Pauls mum has seen it and said she likes it and Eddie Pauls dad had said to Chris about my hair it made me look old.I wish hed said somink to me before lol.

Whilst getting it cut a huge and i mean huge bang went off the army have difused an unexploded bomb all the neighbours were in the street.

Just before all that i came home and Josh said mum bills (joshs friend) house is on fire we drove up and somink has happened to the aga his mum had left somink on or by it and its caught fire.His stepdad broke down when i went in and hugged him stunned and frightening is the best way to discribe it.A neighbour managed to get the dogs out but the whole of the downstairs is damaged by smoke or burnt.

Then i find out Ryan my eldest has fallen off his bmx bike has been to hospital with what they think is a broken ankle they have looked at the xray and are shocked there is no break.They are getting a radiologist to check the images and will give him a call


All in all an eventful day oh and i forgot our house is now on the market with Ward and Partners and on rightmove so hopefully we will be on the move very soon.We found a house today as well. phew eventful to say the least lol



Thanks roo... pix up soon :-)


OMG, It was like reading a script to a film that!! WOW, i had to catch my breath at the end.... Your right, eventful to say the least!!! Hope your son is OK x


Good luck with the house sale xxx




Originally Posted by herbie76 View Post



Well yesterday Jay finally brought his suit, he's gone for a black one as he wants all the boys to wear black trousers and waistcoats and White shirt rolled up sleeves. It does look very smart, will post photos tomorrow of everything.



Sounds goegeous :-) xx Cant wait to see x



Originally Posted by nina874 View Post


Another UK bride here!

I am renewing my vows after deciding that I want to celebrate the fact that we are still madly in love and because we only ever had a civil wedding first time round, so it will be lovely to do it in a more romantic setting.

You all seem to be quite close to your wedding dates but remarkably calm, though there seems to be a few MIL issues going on! Mine wont be going to the renewal so that is one headache less.

Have you all sorted out your photographers etc and how tricky has it been being in another time zone or have you all communicated by email?



Welcome along, and a massive congrats hun :-) Cant wait to hear all your details!! Renewal of vows is such a wonderful thing to do x




Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post



Our tickets came today... OMG so so real now :o)



OMG OMG OMG..... Fantastic news Michelle xx


Originally Posted by amurka View Post


We had the most stressful couple of days in the beginning of the week ever....we received a call from our TA Caribbean Warehouse (who were extra helpful and nice so far and we loved dealing with them) saying that Thomas Cook has decided that from next year they won't be flying to Dominican Republic anymore during winter and as our tickets were with Thomas Cook we are obviously affected by it....

And that's when the stress begun...as there is group of 6 people from both of our families coming in addition to both of us, the lady on the phone told me that they will need to get flights from Thomson, and as Thomson prices are higher and they are asking to cover the flights up front, our whole wedding party will need to pay almost £3000 today or they will give us a refund and we wont be going anywhere.....

So obviously everyone was very stressed and it was midday Monday by the time we got more explanations from them, I have decided to go to Bluewater and go to every possible travel agent there and see what deal they can offer directly...I have spend 5hours in there lol and then i got "light bulb moment" lol - the reason why they had to ask for money up front is because they are keeping hotel with Thomas Cook and getting flight from Thomson...so I ring Caribbean warehouse asking can they do the whole package (flight and hotel) with Thomson??? On which the same lady on the phone calmly replies "yes of course" and will that mean that our wedding party will only need to pay £300pp more in total and won't need to pay £3000 up front??? and she tell me "yes".....WTF!!!! (pardon my language) Why on earth didnt she tell me that before????

So i have spend over 5hours researching and talking through 10 deals with different airlines just to come up with this idea that in all fairness I think CaribbeanWarehouse was suppose to offer this deal to us first and not paying £3000 up front on the spot!!!!

Not to mention that in those 5hours I have stressed myself sooo much that everything I have planned for this 5months gone to waist and we will need to look for somewhere else to get married....:(

Well my FI came to pick me up, all drained, from Bluewater only for me to get a phone call from Sara Taylor from TaylorMadeRings that she is coming to see us in 20min....and i completely forgot about the meeting at all with all the stress....so we got home and had meeting with Sara (she was very nice and very informative and we have seen some very nice rings) and then after tried to relax...

Yesterday, after sleeping on everything we have decided to speak to Caribbean Warehouse again and set few things that were bothering us straight....our wedding party and us (as we have separate booking from them) decided to take TA's deal to pay extra money to travel because we didn't have much choice....however at the very end, when me and FI were confirming everything we remembered that we already paid extra in our original booking to choose our seats on the plane....and when asked TA will this be still included, we have been told no that's an extra 50£...my FI just flipped to be honest at this point...

Not because we mind paying extra 50£ but because if we haven't asked about choosing seats the TA wouldn't even notice and we would have only found out before our trip, not to mention that we ourselves had to come up with solution on having the whole package with Thomson the day before too.....

Anyway, it has caused us loads of stress and my advice for anyone who is traveling with Caribbean Warehouse, they are lovely and they are trying very hard, but if you have serious matters like we did, the best person to speak to is Gemma! She is operations manager there and we have been speaking to her at the very end when we were trying to sort everything out with seats and she was genuinely concerned and found us the best options and tried to keep us calm....


Sorry ladies for the rant....needed to share it with someone, because for the last two day I was on and off in tears thinking that we wont be able to get married in our dream location and will have to plan it all over again...:/






OMG... this is a stressful time as it is, this is something anyone could do with out let alone a brid to be and her party!!! Well done you on your thinking though and so glad to hear that you have found someone (Gemma) who wants to help you... what chaos :-(




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Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post


Oh Nicy that was good, how you manage that with the cert? I've been told by the WC it will take 3/4months but the girls on here say it takes at least 6mths to come :o(


Come on we need details, storeys, pix we are all dying to hear about your day and holiday :o) xx


we have 6 sleeps now!!! OMG. I have packed 3 cases and we are just waiting for our tickets now. (should be arriving today) had my hair coloured yest, have my lashes going on sunday and my nails monday and then that's it. I'm off early tues morning. I am literally shaking as i type that....AARRRGGGHHH!!


Nicy we will have to have a new Thread for us married women ha ha.


I had more MIL drama yest. After the FIL didn't go on the stag cos he had the pooh's. MIL was due to have Scarlett yest afternoon and i got FI to ring her and ask if FIL was OK now as i dont want Sassy getting it before we go away. MIL said yes he went to work mon and today and is fine but if Michelle is worried i will take her to the park or something. So ok fine she can go....near on 1pm she rings and leaves a message saying FIL has come home with a sore tummy and best Scarlett not come round as i quote 'YOU dont want her coming round here being ill'... WTF... what happened to the park? What the hell letting me down that late in the day. My hair appointment was at 3pm.. luckily, very luckily my dad was at home and he said drop her up here. God that family P me off. So she didn't ask to have her another day or anything so Sassy is not seeing her nan this week.


I give up i really do!


I didnt expect to get wedding cert there, when we met with Nancy i asked her how long for it to get to us and she just said because i asked her to arange this before we left the UK it gave her time to arrange the details over there and as we were satying at the resort 4 days after the wedding then we could have it before we left, we got it on the Monday after we were married... One less thing to think about :-)


Pix will be put up soon, as you said there are people who havent seen the dress who are coming on sat so i dont wana spoil the suprise so pix will go up after the party sat night x


Yes we can start the new thread soon... as there will be a few more of us in the next few weeks!!! What can we call it!! :-)


Your FMIL really is crackers!!! She really is... Thank god for your dad :-) xx Poor you x



Originally Posted by amurka View Post


Oh Michelle, cos you are flying with Thomson as well, could you let me know again what are their rule about taking wedding dress on board? :)) xoxo


Thomson are fine with it as long as the dimentions meet their criteria i bought this box :




I had no problems whatsoever Thomson dimentions are 55 x 40 x 20cm and this box fits their requirements and fits in the over head compartments perfectly :-) Although you cant carry another bag as the box is classed as your had luggage. Stephen had all the hand luggage stuff in his bag (tickts, passports etc)




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OK so i was going to wait for pix on FB as i wanted to do what Michelle said and wait until after AHR on sat as lots of peeps hadnt seen my dress but never mind, my bro in law has posted pix on FB :-) If you havent already find me NICOLA CREELY and you can have a look :-)



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Awww Nic. I've emailed everyone and asked them to hold off putting the wedding ones on FB.


It looks amazing. I love them. The gazebo, hotel, your hair, your flowers all beautiful!!!!!!! It looks like such a lovely day. Made me feel even more excited about mine.. (5 sleeps now)


Now for the review?? ha ha :o) x

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Michelle - I love your planning thread, everything looks so beautiful hun, you are so creative and wow your AHR post box is amazing, whoop whoop your tickets have come, can't believe that your day is nearly here xx

 Nicy - Hi chick, congratulations Mrs Creeely, your pictures on fb are just beautiful, i love the one where you are sitting looking in the dressing table mirror, you look stunning babe.  Can't wait to read your review. xx

 Josie - Congratulations on becoming legal in the UK,, better practice that signature xx

Nina - Welcome to the site x


Roo - wow your day sounds awful, those poor people who had the fire, i hope your sons ankle is ok x


Amurka - what a stressful day and from the sounds of it all for nothing...at least its all sorted now though hun x



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Hi girls


So I went out on Saturday to a mates for birthday drinks, got absolutely battered (no surprises there), my cousin decides to bring her pole with her (not sure if you girls know that i've been doing classes for the last 6 months, just for a bit of fun and exercise), well i thought it was a fantastic idea, even though i know that a pole is supposed to be properly secured into the ceiling.  I decided to show off one of my new moves, mid swing the pole comes down with me attached to it and i go flying (yes flying) accross the room and land very awkwardly on my left knee.  We all piss ourselves laughing (like you do) and I felt a slight twing as I struggle to get up (in my 5 inch heels).  Anyway I continue on for the night dancing, laughing, walking (or should i say hobbling), don't get home until 1pm Sunday afternoon (oh yes it was one of those nights) by which time I can't actually stand.  My left knee, thigh and calf had swollen to twice their size.  Wayne was like WTF have you done, why didn't you come home and why the f are you still wearing those bloody 5 inch heels, he wasn't that impressed as i incoherently tried to explain what happened and then told him that 'i didn't think it was that bad'.  We both agree that I am far too battered to go to the hospital and talk to 'official people' so we'll wait and see how it is Monday and see if the swelling goes down.  Well I still haven't made it to the hospital, the swelling has gone down and I can now put pressure and stand on it, i just can't straighten, bend or move my knee left or right.  It is still painful and i can't sleep because everytime i move it hurts.  I think it might be pointless going to the doctor as they can't see inside, but because it happened on Saturday do you think if i go to a&e they'll turn me away?  I really think i need an xray just to check there is no proper damage because it has been 5 days now and i'm still in pain...


On top of all that i'm on revision leave as i have an exam on 2nd June and i'm stressing so much.  I usually go to the library to revise as i get distracted by everything at home (like BDW, FB, Ebay) but because i can't walk very far i have no choice but to revise at home but as you can tell i'm not really do much...I'M SO GOING TO FAIL!!!!

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Oh Char, i know its not funny but that did make me giggle (not the pain bit obviously). I would defo go A&E if you are still in pain. I'm sure whenever you did it they will see you. Best to check you haven't done more damage than you think. May just be a severe sprain and will take a while to heal.


Hope your feeling better later. I know what you mean about distraction. I have a pile of paperwork here and i'm on here and FB!!! Its so hard not to have a nose lol

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I've just got back from A&E (only 4 hours from start to finish), the verdict is i have a slight fracture and torn ligaments. They've given me crutches, very strong painkillers that make me feel like i'm floating and they said I need to rest it loads and put ice packs on it.  Also i have to see the doctor next week and he'll advise me when i can start my knee exercises. 


The girls doing my xray couldn't help but laugh when I told them how i did it!!

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