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Originally Posted by waybuloo View Post


Wooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooo Nicy!!!! So so excited for you!!!! hahahahaha I want to scream out loud & yes its REAL!!!!!!!!....lol


5 weeks 4 days for us....OMG....had my second dress fitting today & Oh my god I am just so in love with my dress, I am never going to want to take it off AND it has to be taken down another half size....YAY!! Started at 10 stone 3 & now am 8 stone 9.....so pleased but can't bloomin wait to eat every take away in the world after June 10th!!!!....lol




WELL DONE YOU!!!!! THATS BRILLIANT :-) I gave up on my diet ageeeeessss ago, i love food too much, BUT i am doing cabbage soup diet now for the nest two weeks, not really to losse weight but to my my tummy look flat!!!


5 weeks.... this really is exciting times now... things start to come together nicely x


im with you on the dress front, i love love love my dress, i knew i loved it the day i saw it but to get that reasurance when you go back and see/try it on is overwhelming :-)


Originally Posted by herbie76 View Post


Hi girlies how are we all?


Nicy 2 weeks today woohoo omg so soon your be a married women arrrhhhhh!


Char so glad everything is coming together for you both, believe me your time will come round so quickly. I went in to pay off some of the holiday and realised it was a year ago that I booked it now I've only got 14weeks to go!


Michelle hope all works out with Harrisons braces.


Well today ladies I'm off to watch my brothers run the London Marathon, between them both they have raised over £3000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. My nephew suffers from this so it is a charity very close to our hearts. So it's going to be a very emotional day. :-)


Next week I pick up bridesmaid dresses and get Hollie measured for hers. Can wait to see them all together in their dresses. I've got my friend doing a hair trial for me the day I have my dress fitting so will post pictures then, hopefully will be better than before. I've then got to sort out out AHR invites. I feel like the time is just slipping by again and nerves are really kicking in arrrhhhh!

I started a new gym a couple of weeks ago and done Body conditioning class on Friday and I still can't walk properly OMG my legs and stomach kill, so I know that class works so if I can walk by next Friday I might try again!


Well done to your brothers in the marathon, thats fantastic :-) Beautiful weather for it too!! Good luck to them today x


Looking forward to your pix hun :-) Be lovely to see them all together xx




Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post


Oh i'm having my shellac nails done today. Will let you know how it goes :o) x


Ooooooo..... Fab :-) xx



Originally Posted by kerry872 View Post


Hi girls.


Less than a year to go for me now!


Time to start actually doing some planning.


Number one is wedding dress. I can plan around that then.


How many shops did everyone go to till they found the one. Im worried that i will pick too soon and miss out or end up paying over the odds. How much should i be looking at on average???


Thanks girls x


I visited 3 shops, tried on 7 dresses in total... firstly i thought id found my dress (2nd id tried on) then had it in my head to get that one , i loved it so so much.... and was just putting of ordering it dont know why but im SO SO glad i did as new wedding dress shop opened nr my work so i went in one day and then i found it.... MY DRESS :-) It was the 4th one i tried on in the new shop :-) Its just stunning... im so so glad i waited and didnt order the first dress.... maybe deep down i just knew.... i would say as silly as it sounds you really really will know when its the one!!! try on as many as you can... but then you might find you will only need to try one or two on, i think its different for everyone but i would suggest dont rush into buying it unless your absolutly sure!!!! And trust me when you buy you will be 100% :-) xxx

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hello hun.. the 1st shop i went to an the 1st dress i tried on was the dress! i still went to about 5 other shops an probably tried 3 dresses on in each shop but non compared to the 1st dress. although mori lee was the design i tried which was 840 but i found a forvever yours exactly the same dress but it had a zip fastening that was 550 this is the one i ordered as the detail on the back is nicer than the corset back. i think you just know when you try it on. but i kept trying dresses on just cuz i loved it!!



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Well done to your brothers Herbie....that is a fantastic amount of money to raise......we were saying today that doing the marathon should be on our list of things to do but don't think I'd even manage it half way!!


Michelle i am sure its because you are super organised but at the end of the day as long as you remember THE dress...who cares!!....lol


I tried on tons of dresses too many to remember, we had a rule that in each shop my mum would pick two, Brooke would pick two & I would pick two & no matter what I thought of their choices I had to try it on.....was a lot of fun.....Brooke had me in dresses like off of Gypsy weddings....lol but we went back to the same shop twice with the dress I almost had....my mum had her card out & everything to put down a deposit but something inside just didn't feel 100%...i loved it but just something made me say 'I want to have a think about it'......then we went to Gillian Roberts & the lady said to me 'we had a new dress in today & I think you will love it'....she was right...it was THE ONE....mum cried, Brooke cried & then I cried.  It cost £1,179 which was a bit more than what I thought we (or should I say my mum) would pay for a dress & we might have been able to get it cheaper online but at the end of the day I have my dream dress & the shop have been fantastic with alterations & everything so worth every penny.


Well ladies I have been told to be ready for 6pm on 7th May by my best friend....she has organised a surprise hen night for me.....I thought we were just going to have one in Mexico but she has been a busy little bee.....so sweet that people go to all that effort.  I think I have the emotional bug from you Nicy...am so overwhelmed by everything at the moment....am soooo excited & nervous & want to cry all the time.....bloody mess.....lol!! So just had to go to Lakeside today & get myself a new dress....hahaha its gorgeous from Lipsy....so will wear it on my London hen night & Mexico one!!


Let us now about your nails Michelle xx

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Just a wee bit of info... looking through our ticket "booklet" today.... From the 1st May (the day we fly) our hotel is not only a premium hotel but a premium a la carte hotel, therefore we now get free entry to the VIP lounge at Glasgow airport, with free food and drink for 3 hours :-) Use of a VIP lounge in the hotel?! A free taxi ride to the resort from the airport instead of the coach and we can choose the seats we want on the flight for no extra charge which usually costs £50!!! (except extra leg room) :-) Bargain!!!! xx


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Wow Nicy its all soooooo exciting for you hun xxxxx, who are you flying with???? 



Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post

Just a wee bit of info... looking through our ticket "booklet" today.... From the 1st May (the day we fly) our hotel is not only a premium hotel but a premium a la carte hotel, therefore we now get free entry to the VIP lounge at Glasgow airport, with free food and drink for 3 hours :-) Use of a VIP lounge in the hotel?! A free taxi ride to the resort from the airport instead of the coach and we can choose the seats we want on the flight for no extra charge which usually costs £50!!! (except extra leg room) :-) Bargain!!!! xx


Michelle - Let us know about the nails... I go to this nail bar where I live and it is owned by Vietmese and they do stunning false nails (they look really natural) and they last for 2 weeks and then you have to go for fillers.... and they last another two weeks.... Don't know if there any of these nail bars around where you live they cost £35 for the nails and £20 for the fillers as long as you look after them they last ages..... They put this special stuff on them that I think you can't get in this country.....

Kerry - I went to two shops. In shop no 1 I nearly found the one but wasn't 100% and the bridal shop owner (who also lives next door to me) told me to wait until Feb half term as she was having new designs in.... The first one out of the new designs I tried on was the one I just knew as soon as I put it on.  The cost was £940.


Waybuloo - Wow how lovely for you friend to do this for you...... xxx I know you will have a lovely time xxxx


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Originally Posted by samcalv1 View Post

Wow Nicy its all soooooo exciting for you hun xxxxx, who are you flying with???? 



Kerry - I went to two shops. In shop no 1 I nearly found the one but wasn't 100% and the bridal shop owner (who also lives next door to me) told me to wait until Feb half term as she was having new designs in.... The first one out of the new designs I tried on was the one I just knew as soon as I put it on.  The cost was £940.


Waybuloo - Wow how lovely for you friend to do this for you...... xxx I know you will have a lovely time xxxx



Were flying with Thomson :-)


Kerry my dress was £695


Waybuloo, really is a lovely thing for your friend to do!!! Something else for you to look forward to :-) xx


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Well done to your brothers Herbie!! o)


Nicy that is wicked news about the 'upgrade' how lovely is that!! x


Lisa - how nice of your friend to do that. How exciting!! I've been asking my sister whats going on, on my hen and she's just said 'stop asking' just be there at 11am! i've sorted the rest. :o) 2 weeks i can't wait! :o)


Kerry i went to two shops. I thought if i go to too many i might be spoilt for choice and to be honest once you find the style you want or suits you its then just a matter of finding 'the one'... I see my dress in a magazine and asked the bridal shop if they could get it in so i could try it on. They did and i knew it was the one. I still tried on others but went back to that one. dont fret you will know when it is 'the one'... alot of us got our dress over a yr ago and are stil in love with them. Mine was £1500 and then i got 15% off that cos it was a maggie sottero promotional day and i had to pay half of my dress on the day to get the discount. My sister paid the first half then i paid the rest. My alterations were £80. Hoop hire is £25 :o) i collect it on the 21st May x


Well girls my nails look ok, i'm a bit of a perfectionist and there are a couple that are not as nice as they could be but i only paid £15 so next time i will just tell her what i want and sure she will do them a slight bit better. They are lovely and shiney and so far no chips :o) ha ha. I think the colour might be better than the french manicure but i want french manicure for the wedding so i had to try it out. I've booked her in for my semi eye lashes for the 22nd May. So excited :o)


Oh girls i am feeling gutted this morning. My laptop was playing up for month and kept crashing. I work from home so my sister has on order a new one for me as i kept moaning about it and it is down to work to get me a new one. We yest it just went. I have saved most of my things to memory stick and all my work bits etc are safe but all my wedding stuff was in my documents. All my wedding collection pic's everything. To do list, budget all of it. The only option it gave me was to restore to original state which it is doing now. I could cry 20mths of planning has been wiped away. GUTTED!!!!!!!! dosent even come close.


I'm now on my old laptop which i'm limited on. I have no camera, printer, scanner etc connected to this one :o( I have to start all over again and then do it all again when the new laptop arrives! BOO! Not happy today! And i'm supposed to be on holiday but i will have to sort this otherwise i can't work next week :o(

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wow michelle your nails look fab!! Gutted for you about loosing your wedding stuff but think positive you wil have a new collection soon of your 'actual wedding' and all the planning will still have been worth it to make it such an amazing day! (im sure most of it is in your head anyway if your anything like me, its all im thinking about!!)


My wedding diet is not going well at all, so dont worry about not spending as much time exercising as you would have liked to, i have been exersizing soooo much and its not made that much diff to my weight, im gutted!! still got 7 weeks to go so fingers crossed something might change between now and then!



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Originally Posted by gom4good View Post

wow michelle your nails look fab!! Gutted for you about loosing your wedding stuff but think positive you wil have a new collection soon of your 'actual wedding' and all the planning will still have been worth it to make it such an amazing day! (im sure most of it is in your head anyway if your anything like me, its all im thinking about!!)


My wedding diet is not going well at all, so dont worry about not spending as much time exercising as you would have liked to, i have been exersizing soooo much and its not made that much diff to my weight, im gutted!! still got 7 weeks to go so fingers crossed something might change between now and then!



yeh i will have all our lovely wedding pix to look at instead. Just feel gutted all the little notes and pix and clippets i've collected in the last 20mths has gone. Plus the welcome letter etc which i still needed to print off so have to try and re write it all and remember it all and the reception guest list etc everything has gone :o


Oh isnt it disheartening when you work out and it doesn't seem to do anything. i've started doing some yoga and i will up the anti a bit this week too. Hopefully like you say i've got 5 weeks so might make some difference ;o/


I do like the shellac on my nails as they look and feel like acrylics but are my natural nail i'm just picky and a couple of the tips she hasn't painted right to the sides, I will point it out next time though and hopefully she'll do them lovely next time x


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