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Your tiara is beautiful x

Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post

ha ha, sounds like we have all had a binge week, lol.


Ooo exciting getting a parcel i love it when the postman comes with pressies and not just bloody bills hee hee ;o)


I'm having a tiara and it really set off the dress nicely today. I got mine from Glitzysecrets.com. Great site and they have pearl tiaras. Mine is a side one...


this is mine and this is the site, might be worth a look...?





Amurka - So sorry to hear about your dad - does your uncle realise you want him to give you away??? I'm hoping my son Joshua will give me away.... But at the lovely age of 14 he doesn't think it is cool.... Teenagers are not my favourite age at the mo.... If any of you have them then you will understand what I mean LOL

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Hi Kerry,


Congratulations on setting the date.


I'm also worried about setting the right atmosphere.  we only have 4 guests coming & I'm really struggling with making sure they have as great a time as we plan to.  Its hard though, our wedding's booked for 4pm & after trying to work out all the timings etc, I think it will all be over be 7.30 latest.  What do we do with them then?  I'm not too comfortable with going to a bar in wedding clothes but feel it might be rude to simply send them on their way for the evening.


Have you thought about music etc, we're having a 2 hour meal / reception but I'm not sure how to 'keep them entertained'.


How are the rest of your plans coming along? 

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Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post

Wicked thanx, and do you wear trainers?


My dress fitting today YYYYYYYYYIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE woot.gifjust a tad excited lol

ARGH.................... SO SO pleased for you, gald it all went ok :-) xx


Originally Posted by herbie76 View Post

Hi Michelle, yes wear trainers as its alot of bouncing around so feet need to be comfy, and dont wear thick joggers as you get very hot!!! Let us know how you get on!


Good luck with the dress fitting todaysmile123.gif


Last week I had such a crap week,  had a fall out with my sons BF mum who are coming to mexico with us. My sons BF has been constantley putting him down lately (he is one of these boys who has to be the best at everything and doesnt like being beaten) and thursday they had Cross Country race which they were both in. My son was already feeling down due to BF constant little digs aboout test results from school, then on the final lap of their race my son went to overtake him and he shoved him on the bend (I let this go)

then it got to running down the tunnel to the finishing line and my son was in front and his BF grabbed his top and pulled him back. My son just burst into tears and got him self into a right state stuggling to breath (his asthmatic), I raced over to sort my son out and said to his mate that he was out of order. He then went to his mum and told her i told him to get lost, she went made saying he fell it was an accident. Like hell it was everyone saw except her that he grabbed him and pulled him back (even the teachers said he grabbed him). So now my sons not talking to BF as later it didnt stop there BF kept messaging him on facebook telling him everyone hated him, nasty boy! Now i dont know what to do as im not backing down on this one i dont like bullies!

Thats my rant over!


Question for those having AHR, are you having chair covers & bows on your chairs or just leaving them plain. I would like them as it makes it more wedding like but OH says its a waste of money. Arrrhhh men sorry another rant!


I went to a wedding fayre with mum at the weekend and we found out about a place called 'The Wedding Village' near me. They have Bridal Nights where you and your bridesmaids can go (1st thursday of every month) and have free hair and makeup trials, so i have booked us in for 3rd March. Why pay when we can get it done free.

I dont blame you for not backing down, i dont have kids so i cant say i fully understand, but by eck... i can only imagine what you must be feeling.... i hope it all works out lovely xx


Im leaving the chairs plain for AHR... as your future hubby says its just an added expence!!


WOW... wish we had something like that near me, going to cost me a fortune to get hair trials :-( My sis a hairdresser too... but she lives miles and miles away... hopefully when she comes to my dress fitting in March she will do a few styles for me to take pics of :-)


Originally Posted by amurka View Post

Oh Michelle how exciting, you will see your dress today again!!! yay!!! :) Are you going alone or taking somebody with you??! :)) Take some picture for us, would love to see how it looks on you :D Have tons of fun and maybe a glass of wine to celebrate afterwords!:D...i soooo cant wait to try on my dress again!!!! :)


Nicy - you doing fitness on kinect as well!!...I have been doing it last Saturday as well, how annoying is that 30min on it burned 70cal!!!!...i could swear it felt more like burning 1000cal...:/ do you have zumba on it as well, is it any good?? I only have fitness and dancing, but zumba sound like a lot of fun, so might give it a try :))


I don't know what is happening but me and Oliver were on a food bender as well for the last week lol :D burger & chips, chinese, McD's and Nandos yesterday...LOL...will try to stick to my diet this week, will see how it goes lol :D..

Yes, i have the Zumba but havent tried it yet... will let you know x

Originally Posted by soon2beMrsG View Post 


Nicyx mind my ignorance as I'm totally newly engaged but ... what is an AHR (I'm assuming its a reception?)



Natalie... AHR = At Home Reception :-) x so yes you were right x

Originally Posted by waybuloo View Post

Good luck with dress fitting Michelle I am sure you will look GORGEOUS, your dress is amazing :)


Mine is also today..............can't wait.....eeeeekkkkk!!!! so excited!!!!  Just can't believe it is all coming round so quiick!!!!


Must be something in the water this week with all of us eating for England....lol....can't believe have been so good since January & then the week before my dress fitting I eat everything!!!! :(


Where is the Bridal Village?  Thats excellent that you get free hair trials & make up....I am paying £50 per style for my hair trials!!!!  But our friends daughter is a make up artist & coming to Mexico so that is a little bonus!!


How did it go? How did it go? x :-)

Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post

ha ha, sounds like we have all had a binge week, lol.


Ooo exciting getting a parcel i love it when the postman comes with pressies and not just bloody bills hee hee ;o)


I'm having a tiara and it really set off the dress nicely today. I got mine from Glitzysecrets.com. Great site and they have pearl tiaras. Mine is a side one...


this is mine and this is the site, might be worth a look...?





I Love this side tiara its beautiful x


I weighed myself today and after all that hard work on my cabbage soup diet i have only been a pig the last few days and put 3 of the 7 i lost straight back on :-(



My invites tried to be delivered today for my AHR.... (cheated got ready made ones from ebay... bit p'd off at myself for not making em but really CBA) they have to be picked up from post office tomorrow... so i will write them romorrow to send on wed xxx

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Originally Posted by marleydog View Post

Hi Kerry,


Congratulations on setting the date.


I'm also worried about setting the right atmosphere.  we only have 4 guests coming & I'm really struggling with making sure they have as great a time as we plan to.  Its hard though, our wedding's booked for 4pm & after trying to work out all the timings etc, I think it will all be over be 7.30 latest.  What do we do with them then?  I'm not too comfortable with going to a bar in wedding clothes but feel it might be rude to simply send them on their way for the evening.


Have you thought about music etc, we're having a 2 hour meal / reception but I'm not sure how to 'keep them entertained'.


How are the rest of your plans coming along? 

We asked for 4pm but got given 1pm :-( (i'll deal with it) Like you we have a small group coming with us (7 inc us 2) and we will be done by 1.30pm and reception diner not til 6.45 ish.... i WILL stay in my dress though, go to lobby bar etc... im sure time will fly by..... (fingers x'd) then we'll be p***ed by time we have reception diner.... whoops!!!! x



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Thanks for the compliments on the tiara. It really went well with my dress so i was very pleased. Can't wait for my hair trials on saturday i WILL post pix!!!! lol. (i'll just have to delete them off the camera.


Yep my son Harrison is 13 nearly 14 when we get married and although he has the teenage attitude at the mo he is really looking forward to giving me away. He's an emotional little sole he'll prob cry, bless him.


I think the time between the ceremony and reception etc will fly by. Dont forget you'll have a toast after the actual ceremony and then your pix etc. People can go back to their rooms to freshen up etc. I'm sure it will all work out fine. We haven't got a proper wedding day plan. We know our ceremony time and thats it at the mo. Not even sure what time our meal is as my WC has gone AWOL. But i'm not gonna stress (yet) and just hopefully it will all flow nicely. :o) that's the plan anyway lol...

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wow trying your wedding dresses on i bet that was so exciting! i wil have to wait till around may/june time for mine to arrive.


definatly a binge wk by the sounds of it! ive had indian chinese, maccies, lollyices etc been away. but bk on my plan as of today want to loose another 7-10lb take me to just under 9st.


i havent bought shoes or tiara yet ill wait till my dress is ready then buy them b4 trying my dress. got a couple more months yet.


regarding ppl coming to the wedding, we have everyone that matters coming, although my sis her husband an kids were nt at 1st but they r now.


still deciding on were to have our AHR prob just one of the local labour clubs quite nice decorated.


my fiance stephen has finally decided he wants to wear a suit, lightweight of course take jacket of after the ceromony, we get married at 4.30 so hopefully its nt to hot.. im just glad i finally got a decision from him!!!


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Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post


Hi Ladies,


I think you're right, the time will just fly by & before we know it we'll be looking at the photos.   I don't know why I'm flapping about wearing the wedding dress to go to bars etc, I think i keep forgetting there will be sooo many weddings taking place.  It might be that I'm not 100% convinced about my dress.  Have decided to have a look to see if there are others out there that I will feel 100% great in.


Michelle, that sounds so lovely to have your son give you away.  Like you, we dont have a wedding day plan, only the ceremony time.  I've emailed our WC but still waiting for her to reply. 


Will keep you updated as to the dress & whether I find something else.



We asked for 4pm but got given 1pm :-( (i'll deal with it) Like you we have a small group coming with us (7 inc us 2) and we will be done by 1.30pm and reception diner not til 6.45 ish.... i WILL stay in my dress though, go to lobby bar etc... im sure time will fly by..... (fingers x'd) then we'll be p***ed by time we have reception diner.... whoops!!!! x





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Aaah Michelle your Harrison sounds so sweet....I think it is lovely he is giving you away, how proud are you going to be walking down the aisle with him!!!! :)


Glad to hear your dress fitting went well mine did too & I still am so in love with my dress, needs taking in everywhere as well so was chuffed that the workout dvds must be working!!....my shoes were bloody killing me too after standing there for an hour!! (but again no pain no gain!!) just wanted to ask you Michelle at the alterations place they gave me my next fitting 2nd April which is 9 weeks before we go & they said after this fitting I wouldn't be able to lose anymore weight.....I did query it in the shop as in the last 9 weeks I will hope to lose a few pounds but they said they get really busy in May?  Just wondered when your next fitting is?....my shoes were bloody killing me too....but again no pain no gain (I'll probably be in my flip flops by 7pm!!....lol) & same as you didn't take any photos as just didn't want to risk anyone seeing....


Welcome all newbies if haven't welcomed you before :)


On the DJ thing we have hired a DJ to come in to our resort from Cancun.....DJ Bijan......he has been really great to work with, we have emailed him a list of songs we definitely want played & then he will play a mixture.

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Originally Posted by waybuloo View Post


Aaah Michelle your Harrison sounds so sweet....I think it is lovely he is giving you away, how proud are you going to be walking down the aisle with him!!!! :)


Glad to hear your dress fitting went well mine did too & I still am so in love with my dress, needs taking in everywhere as well so was chuffed that the workout dvds must be working!!....my shoes were bloody killing me too after standing there for an hour!! (but again no pain no gain!!) just wanted to ask you Michelle at the alterations place they gave me my next fitting 2nd April which is 9 weeks before we go & they said after this fitting I wouldn't be able to lose anymore weight.....I did query it in the shop as in the last 9 weeks I will hope to lose a few pounds but they said they get really busy in May?  Just wondered when your next fitting is?....my shoes were bloody killing me too....but again no pain no gain (I'll probably be in my flip flops by 7pm!!....lol) & same as you didn't take any photos as just didn't want to risk anyone seeing....


Welcome all newbies if haven't welcomed you before :)


On the DJ thing we have hired a DJ to come in to our resort from Cancun.....DJ Bijan......he has been really great to work with, we have emailed him a list of songs we definitely want played & then he will play a mixture.



Oh so glad it went well for you. My dress is a 10 and a little big on the bust but because of the detailing i'm not having it taken in. It fits perfect on my waist and hips so i'm please with that. The alterations i'm having is the train cut off. Almost all of it infact. They gasped when i said 'cut it off' but once it was pinned they all were amazed how much nicer it looked. See bride knows best. ha ha...


My next fitting is 4th April then i'm booked in to collect it on 21st May. To be fair i'm not planning on loosing much more ontop just concentrate on my butt and thunder thighs. Lots of lunges for me. I do hope i lose at least another half a stone before we go in 3months but dont think the dress will need altering anymore. We didn't really discuss it to be honest. She said to me if it needs more adjusting we'll see on 4th April.


I'd rather it be a little loose than tight. Especially after a week of AI eating and drinking before the wedding ha ha.


Dont worry to much. If they have to alter it they will HAVE to fit you in! A girl called Michelle did my alterations. Really lovely girl :o)

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