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Originally Posted by waybuloo View Post


Good luck with dress fitting Michelle I am sure you will look GORGEOUS, your dress is amazing :)


Mine is also today..............can't wait.....eeeeekkkkk!!!! so excited!!!!  Just can't believe it is all coming round so quiick!!!!


Must be something in the water this week with all of us eating for England....lol....can't believe have been so good since January & then the week before my dress fitting I eat everything!!!! :(


Where is the Bridal Village?  Thats excellent that you get free hair trials & make up....I am paying £50 per style for my hair trials!!!!  But our friends daughter is a make up artist & coming to Mexico so that is a little bonus!!



 The Wedding Village is in Rayleigh Essex. I know thats what I thought why pay, get something for free for once

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Thank you so much you guys for the welcome!  @JosieToms My colors are Blue too!! (Blue and chocolate).  This forum is looking to be very helpful indeed. @Kiwimel I think I saw a La Perla in Richmond (where Mr. G is from) and they should be able to do the DD bustiers.  I'm not too familiar with the lingerie people here in London but that one I know.  Is it quite hard dealing with the distance because I'm feeling like I'm going to be a little late in the game with the fun dress finding and fittings aspect of the whole wedding (Mom and best friends all in NY).  I feel like kind of a loser going to Pronovias here in London by myself so I was wondering if you had to deal with these sort of issues.  Nicyx mind my ignorance as I'm totally newly engaged but ... what is an AHR (I'm assuming its a reception?) @ Michelle 2011 some people have asked why Jamaica but most of my friends know as my family is Jamaican its not too much of a push.  My friend got married in Antigua and she never went there before.  and I totally agree with you that the place did have to have meaning to the couple. 

I did ask my hubby-to-be if he wanted it here in London and direct quote "are you daft? We need to be somewhere warm?"  That was fine by me.  He nor his family have ever been to the Caribbean and I can't wait to plan a really lovely weekend event that introduces them to a little bit to the island and makes them feel how thankful we are that everyone came so far to travel just for us.  We've decided to make it a weekend them where we incorporate the rehearsal dinner into a Thank you dinner for all of our guests on a cattamaran/boat bbq (cruise to a small key and have a little private bbq on the key) the day before the wedding, then the wedding, then a hang over bbq at our villa with us leaving the next day for our honeymoon but plan some excursions for the people who remain and want to explore. That's the skeletal plan so far but if I have any ideas I will share.  Also, if you do find those craft shops let me know.  I found some online but have yet to visit them. When I went to register @ John Lewis I heard that there is a pretty good crafts department there.  And there is a lovely little place on the Turnham Green High Street that I didn't get the name of but I will check it out when I'm there on the weekend. 


Happy marrying ladies! 

All my best,



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Originally Posted by herbie76 View Post






Hi Michelle, yes wear trainers as its alot of bouncing around so feet need to be comfy, and dont wear thick joggers as you get very hot!!! Let us know how you get on!


Good luck with the dress fitting todaysmile123.gif


Last week I had such a crap week,  had a fall out with my sons BF mum who are coming to mexico with us. My sons BF has been constantley putting him down lately (he is one of these boys who has to be the best at everything and doesnt like being beaten) and thursday they had Cross Country race which they were both in. My son was already feeling down due to BF constant little digs aboout test results from school, then on the final lap of their race my son went to overtake him and he shoved him on the bend (I let this go)

then it got to running down the tunnel to the finishing line and my son was in front and his BF grabbed his top and pulled him back. My son just burst into tears and got him self into a right state stuggling to breath (his asthmatic), I raced over to sort my son out and said to his mate that he was out of order. He then went to his mum and told her i told him to get lost, she went made saying he fell it was an accident. Like hell it was everyone saw except her that he grabbed him and pulled him back (even the teachers said he grabbed him). So now my sons not talking to BF as later it didnt stop there BF kept messaging him on facebook telling him everyone hated him, nasty boy! Now i dont know what to do as im not backing down on this one i dont like bullies!

Thats my rant over!


Question for those having AHR, are you having chair covers & bows on your chairs or just leaving them plain. I would like them as it makes it more wedding like but OH says its a waste of money. Arrrhhh men sorry another rant!


I went to a wedding fayre with mum at the weekend and we found out about a place called 'The Wedding Village' near me. They have Bridal Nights where you and your bridesmaids can go (1st thursday of every month) and have free hair and makeup trials, so i have booked us in for 3rd March. Why pay when we can get it done free.



OMG kids can be so evil can't they. That boy needs to get over himself and apologise to your son. What a nasty little boy he sounds. Reading that i felt like crying for him. I would stand my ground to. Must be so awkward with them going with you though. I really hope it gets sorted out. Does his mother know about the nasty things on FB. I would tell her and say if it continues you will remove him from your sons friends list. He will give him a complex if he's not careful. God really gets to me. I bet you are so angry! Deep breaths, deep breaths...


That is execellent about the wedding village. I wish i had one near me...:o( we are having our hair trials this saturday (so starting Zumba next sat). My BM's mobile hairdresser is doing them. She is very good at updo's. Its £20 each so will only be £60 for us three, my sister is in America so will have her's when she comes back with her own hairdresser...



Originally Posted by waybuloo View Post


Good luck with dress fitting Michelle I am sure you will look GORGEOUS, your dress is amazing :)


Mine is also today..............can't wait.....eeeeekkkkk!!!! so excited!!!!  Just can't believe it is all coming round so quiick!!!!


Must be something in the water this week with all of us eating for England....lol....can't believe have been so good since January & then the week before my dress fitting I eat everything!!!! :(


Where is the Bridal Village?  Thats excellent that you get free hair trials & make up....I am paying £50 per style for my hair trials!!!!  But our friends daughter is a make up artist & coming to Mexico so that is a little bonus!!


 Thanks everyone for the good luck wishes. The dress is still as amazing as i remembered and putting it on with the shoes (that killed me today by the way) and the tiara etc it all fell into place. No alterations need to the body but i'm having most of the train cut off. But it looks so much better without it so i'm happy about that. One of my BM's and my mum came. BM was beeming she LOVED it. She text me after to say thanx for letting her come and i looked stunning. So sweet of her. Mum took pix on her phone but dont know if i'll be able to upload. Didn't want any on my camera or phone incase FI see them..


Lisa how did your fitting go?


I am at home with a terrible back ache. It is killing me i'm sitting with a hot water bottle on it. No exercise for me for a couple of days. Its so sore i could have cried in the shop standing in my dress while they pinned it.. booo you back!!!!


DJ question - we're not having one we are just going to go into the piano bar after our evening meal.


Sash question - No we prob wont have them at our AHR, can totally see why you would want them though will look more weddingy!


Mel - Bloody families ah? You just cant please them. Really annoys me ppl make such a fuss about others weddings. As Nicy has said i wouldn't dream of telling anyone how to have their wedding. Its terrible :o(


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Thanx for your comments made me feel a bit better and at least I know that it isn't just us having these problems xxx


Michelle - You must be so excited seeing everything coming together :-)))))


Herbie76 - You must be furious!!!!! I agree with Michelle especially regarding facebook print the page off and show it to the other mother x


We are not decorating our AHR venue as it has just had a lovely refurbishment all modern and in red and cream so I don't need to decorate the room thank god I am fed up of paying out deposits for things at the mo!!!!


Dj - We are going to go to one of the bars after our meal and then onto the onsite disco x

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Originally Posted by kiwimel View Post

Good morning girlies!


How was your weekend?  OOOOOh Michelle you will be trying on your dress this very second!  Im so excited for you!  Also - I just wanted to chip in about getting asked WHY mexico?  And about family being mad as we have had exactly the same problems with Chris' family.  All my friends and fmaily from NZ have been fine and very excited about going on holiday, keeping it small and intimate, and getting married abroad.


Chris family on the other hand, have been horrendous - threatening not to come, throwing temper tantrums and basically just generally giving me so much grief that I rang Gretna Green registry office one day to see how quickly we could get married!  I just wanted it over and done with!  They have all calme ddown a bit now and are all looking forward to the holidayy but trying to explain that if we were doing things "traditionally" they would all be going to New Zealand was really hard!  They just cant seem to understand why I wouldnt want to get married here?  Is it just me or is it really not that difficult?  I tried to compromise by going half way ..... ish.


Anyways, Im just so excited - I was heading down the A3 on the bus on Friday night after work DREAMING of salty frozen Margaritas.


I didnt realise a few of you hadnt been to Mexico before?  This will be my 3rd trip so i am MORE then happy to help with any questions you might have re the airport, area, sightseeing (I've done most things down there), food, booze, resorts etc.  I havent been to MP before where we are getting married but I have a rough idea what most of the resorts are like :)  Ask away!



Have any of you booked your music for the evening?  I am in th process of negotiating with a DJ at present but Chris and I are so so so fussy about music we want to do our own.  All we need is the speakers/ipod plug/microphone and some lights.  Is it rude to ask what you guys have been quoted for this?  I want to get a round about idea of what to tell him my budget is as they have quoted us $980 for it which seems steep seeing as there is no actual DJ!


How exciting about your AHR Nicy!  What a fab thing to come home too! 



Good luck with the dresses girls!


Mel xxx

Mel I think many of us here know how you feel about your Fi's family being all funny about destination wedding...but hope it at least helps you feel better that you are not alone...

Just last night I have been in tears after conversation with my uncle about our wedding...I asked him what does he plans to do about booking, cos times goes very quickly and will he be booking with all of us (thought Caribbean Warehouse) or fly from Lithuania(where he lives).... Anyway, he told me that he cant plan a year ahead and that he will figure something out closer to the actual wedding day...

Please girls tell me if i am wrong, but I was really hoping that he will do more to make sure that he is coming to our wedding, as he is the only men in our family (unfortunately after my dad had passed away:(..) and I was really looking forward for him give me away at the actual wedding...but now I am just left unsure at all if he will come... :((

So last night me and my FI got very upset about it all...cos same thing happened to him with his mum, she said that she doesn't know yet if she will come...both of our families are not that big so i guess we just hoped that ppl will be more enthusiastic about our big day... :(((


anyway, sorry girls for the rant...


Michelle I am so super happy that you had a lovely day seeing your dress again!!!:)) If you will be able to post pictures please do, but either way I am sure you look beautiful :D....Your MIL sounds just like mine, she will do things like that just cos she know it winds you up!!! arghhh... what is wrong with them MIL's!!!


waybuloo - tell us when you are back how your fitting went today too and post us some pictures as well if you have taken any!!! :))) Gosh ladies i am so excited for you that your big day is sooo soon :)



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Originally Posted by amurka View Post






Mel I think many of us here know how you feel about your Fi's family being all funny about destination wedding...but hope it at least helps you feel better that you are not alone...

Just last night I have been in tears after conversation with my uncle about our wedding...I asked him what does he plans to do about booking, cos times goes very quickly and will he be booking with all of us (thought Caribbean Warehouse) or fly from Lithuania(where he lives).... Anyway, he told me that he cant plan a year ahead and that he will figure something out closer to the actual wedding day...

Please girls tell me if i am wrong, but I was really hoping that he will do more to make sure that he is coming to our wedding, as he is the only men in our family (unfortunately after my dad had passed away:(..) and I was really looking forward for him give me away at the actual wedding...but now I am just left unsure at all if he will come... :((

So last night me and my FI got very upset about it all...cos same thing happened to him with his mum, she said that she doesn't know yet if she will come...both of our families are not that big so i guess we just hoped that ppl will be more enthusiastic about our big day... :(((


anyway, sorry girls for the rant...


Michelle I am so super happy that you had a lovely day seeing your dress again!!!:)) If you will be able to post pictures please do, but either way I am sure you look beautiful :D....Your MIL sounds just like mine, she will do things like that just cos she know it winds you up!!! arghhh... what is wrong with them MIL's!!!


waybuloo - tell us when you are back how your fitting went today too and post us some pictures as well if you have taken any!!! :))) Gosh ladies i am so excited for you that your big day is sooo soon :)





Aww you poor thing. Sorry to hear your dad has passed away :o(... does your uncle know you wish for him to give you away or was you waiting for him to book before you ask him? Totally understand you being upset. You really do need to know if he is coming or not otherwise you will have to make other arrangements for giving you away. How about your mum? My dad is not coming so my son Harrison is giving me away. Failing that i think i would of asked my mum.


You rant away that is what we are here for. We are the bridal support group :o) sometimes its easier talking on here than it is to actual family or friends and none of us will judge you! We're all in the same boat and all had some sort of upset so totally understand what you are going through.


Chin up hun xxx

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Its important to remember its your wedding. It may sound harsh but if people can't make the effort then they will not be missed!!!


The people that care will make the effort.


You always have one in thefamily that cause arguments. But its not about them.


Hope it works out.

Originally Posted by samcalv1 View Post

Josie - Loved reading your review sounds like you had a wonderful day and your photos are FAB :-))))))))) xx Thanx for all the tips


Michelle - I just think that some people are just jealous when someone decides to do something a bit different n I think that they probably would have liked to have done it xxx


Welcome Ashley and congrats on your engagement xx


I am having huge problems at the moment with my future SIL she is arguing with everyone including her mum (my future MIL) over our wedding and my MIL is sticking up for us over her, SIL doesn't see why she should pay to come with us and why we HAVE to go to Mexico why can't we do it over here.... Calv n I have been together for over 12yrs we have 2 children together and all we want to do is have a lovely family holiday and have a quiet wedding just us n our immediate family (and some friends if they want to come) and then have a party when we come home.... We have given her 15 months notice to save to come with us but it isn't good enough for her. At the moment she isn't speaking to her own mum who only wants her to go to her brothers wedding it's just crazy!! And now I am feeling guilty because it was my idea to go away and I feel like I have started a massive family rift :-((((( Thats my Sunday rant LOL


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hey michelle, i'm so pleased you still loved your dress! i was also too frightened to get a pic incase kev saw it! so sorry but I can't show you mine either.

got home today to a note through the door to say a parcel had been delivered but sent to the post office for collection. hopefully its the invitations for the night time party & the brochures!! :)


just got in from zumba, i have eaten so badly over the past 4 days (homemade quiche, pies, flapjacks etc at work on thursday for someones birthday, italians on sat and indians yesterday!!) back on the diet today ha ha


what are you all having in your hair? i am on the look out for a double row pearl and diamante tiara x

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Originally Posted by *lyndsey* View Post


hey michelle, i'm so pleased you still loved your dress! i was also too frightened to get a pic incase kev saw it! so sorry but I can't show you mine either.

got home today to a note through the door to say a parcel had been delivered but sent to the post office for collection. hopefully its the invitations for the night time party & the brochures!! :)


just got in from zumba, i have eaten so badly over the past 4 days (homemade quiche, pies, flapjacks etc at work on thursday for someones birthday, italians on sat and indians yesterday!!) back on the diet today ha ha


what are you all having in your hair? i am on the look out for a double row pearl and diamante tiara x



ha ha, sounds like we have all had a binge week, lol.


Ooo exciting getting a parcel i love it when the postman comes with pressies and not just bloody bills hee hee ;o)


I'm having a tiara and it really set off the dress nicely today. I got mine from Glitzysecrets.com. Great site and they have pearl tiaras. Mine is a side one...


this is mine and this is the site, might be worth a look...?





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