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roo... i love reading your posts they crack me up :-)


Josie... I love reading your review!!


Did you have any sort of Mexican theme at your AHR?


Im going to do a beach themed cake, beach themed guestbook and the balloons will be in the aqua and white of my wedding colours :-) We want a slide show for the pix, but need to look into this...


I found out yesterday about our AHR that the day we have now chose id the final of the Scottish cup final.... Great, instead of having the room from 12.00pm on the Sat we now have it from 5.30pm as they are always busy as you can imagine on match days and the girls said if Celtic & or Rangers are not in the final then we could prob have the room from earlier as they wouldnt be as busy and they could put the punters in the smaller room, but the likely hood of Rangers & or Celtic not being in the final is next to nothing as they ALWAYS are.... I dont know why im so paniky about it as i know it wont affect the AHR and kick off is st 3PM and she will have the room cleared by 5.30pm but i like everything to be 100% organised well in advance... i will have to make sure everything is ready at my house ready to take over at 5,30.... i will be ready (hair & make up) for this time too... go over set up room then just put my dress on at like 6.50 and go back over for 7 :-) Phew, feel knackered just thinking about it!!! :-)

and to top it off i think im working that day so im hoping a lovely collegue will swap with me, but i aint holding my breath as that what they are like at my place!!!! I dont usually get home til 2PM when i work at sat coz of bus and train times but my mum will be up here so i will get her to meet me at work to bring me back in the car which is like 20 mins down the motorway.. fingers crossed i will be home for 12.45!!!

My sis can then do my hair then we can crack on with the food etc etc!!!!


Sorry i think i just needed to get that all of my chest!!!! Whoops x


We are definatly wearing our wedding outfits to the AHR, was talking to my mum last weekend and she was saying her and dad will wear their outfits too which is nice :-)


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Josie - Loved reading your review sounds like you had a wonderful day and your photos are FAB :-))))))))) xx Thanx for all the tips


Michelle - I just think that some people are just jealous when someone decides to do something a bit different n I think that they probably would have liked to have done it xxx


Welcome Ashley and congrats on your engagement xx


I am having huge problems at the moment with my future SIL she is arguing with everyone including her mum (my future MIL) over our wedding and my MIL is sticking up for us over her, SIL doesn't see why she should pay to come with us and why we HAVE to go to Mexico why can't we do it over here.... Calv n I have been together for over 12yrs we have 2 children together and all we want to do is have a lovely family holiday and have a quiet wedding just us n our immediate family (and some friends if they want to come) and then have a party when we come home.... We have given her 15 months notice to save to come with us but it isn't good enough for her. At the moment she isn't speaking to her own mum who only wants her to go to her brothers wedding it's just crazy!! And now I am feeling guilty because it was my idea to go away and I feel like I have started a massive family rift :-((((( Thats my Sunday rant LOL


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I agree, you HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO do want YOU want on your day... you will not be able to please everyone. Tell them its Coral!! If that's what you want. My sister wasnt to happy about wearing pink but tough! I am a pink freak and i wouldn't change that for her.... I think all of us on here have had some sort of upset with our plans and you have to just think of your day and what you want and stick to it. Sod everyone else. This is one of those times when you get to call the shots and be selfish and have exactly what you want...as for the preggers BM you could buy her a floaty loose dress and then it will fall over her growing bump ;o) x


Sam i feel for you. I feel i have started a family rift too but all we've done is plan our wedding the way we want it. You will always upset someone. Your future SIL is being selfish and childish. Dont let it get to you. There is always someone that wants to cause a drama and it hurts when its a family member but you have nothing to feel bad about. My dad isn't coming to my wedding because he wont do the long flight! I was upset but over it now. I wouldn't change my plans to suit him and you shouldn't to please SIL. Its nice your MIL is sticking up for you over it. Just shows SIL is in the wrong. Chin up chick things will work themselves out :o) x


OMG Nicy you cant go to work that day your be knackered hun.... can you not throw a sicky if they wont swap shifts with you? I think i would otherwise i'd be stressing all day. I can't wait to see all your pix :o) we cant get in our room till 4pm but we dont need to really as not gonna decorate it, have to use their caterers so it'll only be to set up the cake really.... x


We are sitting here trying to teach Scarlett how to use Harrisons DSi (he never uses it) as the other little girls coming to Mexico with us have them and they are taking them on the plane so thought it another way to entertain her for a bit. Plus dvd player, colouring etc etc...


I think i'm gonna attempt to take her to the cinema this week to see Tangled. She's never been before and not sure its she's still a bit young but gonna brave it and see how it goes. She might get a bit restless but i'm sure it will be an adventure for her...


Good god i've just had a mcdonalds and have my dress fitting tomorrow. What is wrong with me. Better go for a run and burn it off ............(NOT) lol x

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Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post

I agree, you HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO do want YOU want on your day... you will not be able to please everyone. Tell them its Coral!! If that's what you want. My sister wasnt to happy about wearing pink but tough! I am a pink freak and i wouldn't change that for her.... I think all of us on here have had some sort of upset with our plans and you have to just think of your day and what you want and stick to it. Sod everyone else. This is one of those times when you get to call the shots and be selfish and have exactly what you want...as for the preggers BM you could buy her a floaty loose dress and then it will fall over her growing bump ;o) x


Sam i feel for you. I feel i have started a family rift too but all we've done is plan our wedding the way we want it. You will always upset someone. Your future SIL is being selfish and childish. Dont let it get to you. There is always someone that wants to cause a drama and it hurts when its a family member but you have nothing to feel bad about. My dad isn't coming to my wedding because he wont do the long flight! I was upset but over it now. I wouldn't change my plans to suit him and you shouldn't to please SIL. Its nice your MIL is sticking up for you over it. Just shows SIL is in the wrong. Chin up chick things will work themselves out :o) x


OMG Nicy you cant go to work that day your be knackered hun.... can you not throw a sicky if they wont swap shifts with you? I think i would otherwise i'd be stressing all day. I can't wait to see all your pix :o) we cant get in our room till 4pm but we dont need to really as not gonna decorate it, have to use their caterers so it'll only be to set up the cake really.... x


We are sitting here trying to teach Scarlett how to use Harrisons DSi (he never uses it) as the other little girls coming to Mexico with us have them and they are taking them on the plane so thought it another way to entertain her for a bit. Plus dvd player, colouring etc etc...


I think i'm gonna attempt to take her to the cinema this week to see Tangled. She's never been before and not sure its she's still a bit young but gonna brave it and see how it goes. She might get a bit restless but i'm sure it will be an adventure for her...


Good god i've just had a mcdonalds and have my dress fitting tomorrow. What is wrong with me. Better go for a run and burn it off ............(NOT) lol x

Michelle, i have sat last night and this morn and ate nowt but crap... cream egg, galaxy, we ordered take away (pizza N chips) and after all that torture on the cabbage soup... OH well cant go back now but i will do a wee bit of zumba and fitness on the kinect later!!! LOL :-)


Im so excited for you and your dress fitting..... cant believe its here already!! Whoo :-)


I wouldnt be able to call in sick as my work collegues have been invited to the do... i have hope in 2 of the girls i work with swapping fingers x'd x


Were not doing much more decorating other than balloons and table cloths as we need something as its not a fancy room its just a room at the FC so needs something!! LOL... im sure I be ok... keeping busy will (hopefully) take my mind off things x


Like you we have upset a few people alng the way but we and they just have to deal with it.... firstly, it upset me (and her) that my sis and her fam couldnt make it and also upset us that Stephens parents wont come as they have a dog (WTF!!!!!) and his dad wont sit on the plane.... and some family upset as they cant afford to come..... but at the end of the day its our wedding and if we changed one single thing then i know we wouldnt be doing for the right reasons and i want our wedding day to be about us..... as it should be!!


Luckily now we are having an AHR (didnt think we were going to for a while due to money) so those who cant make it for one reason or another can come (and not forgetting i can wear dress again...LOL)


Great idea about the DSi, you could maybe get some sort of princess game for it (if they do one). That is great though especially if Harrison isnt going to use it... the more thing you have for Scarlett to do the better :-) We have told Karen (stephens sis) we will have Amélie for a bit if they want to give them a break on the plane.... ive never had first hand experience of taking children away but i can only imagine what its like and go off what my mum says!! LOL x


Weddings definatly bring the best and the worst out in people... i just dont understand some people... i would never in a million years try to tell someone who, what, where, when, why & how about their wedding day.... after all its their day..... URGH!!!! some people!!!! xxx

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Originally Posted by samcalv1 View Post

Josie - Loved reading your review sounds like you had a wonderful day and your photos are FAB :-))))))))) xx Thanx for all the tips


Michelle - I just think that some people are just jealous when someone decides to do something a bit different n I think that they probably would have liked to have done it xxx


Welcome Ashley and congrats on your engagement xx


I am having huge problems at the moment with my future SIL she is arguing with everyone including her mum (my future MIL) over our wedding and my MIL is sticking up for us over her, SIL doesn't see why she should pay to come with us and why we HAVE to go to Mexico why can't we do it over here.... Calv n I have been together for over 12yrs we have 2 children together and all we want to do is have a lovely family holiday and have a quiet wedding just us n our immediate family (and some friends if they want to come) and then have a party when we come home.... We have given her 15 months notice to save to come with us but it isn't good enough for her. At the moment she isn't speaking to her own mum who only wants her to go to her brothers wedding it's just crazy!! And now I am feeling guilty because it was my idea to go away and I feel like I have started a massive family rift :-((((( Thats my Sunday rant LOL


Sorry ive just copied and pasted what i put in the above post to here as this was meant for you too... familys are difficult at times x


Like you we have upset a few people along the way but we and they just have to deal with it.... firstly, it upset me (and her) that my sis and her fam couldnt make it (due to cost) and also upset us that Stephens parents wont come as they have a dog (WTF!!!!!) and his dad wont sit on the plane.... and some other family upset as they cant afford to come..... but at the end of the day its our wedding and if we changed one single thing then i know we wouldnt be doing for the right reasons and i want our wedding day to be about us..... as it should be!!

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Ive seen these in Clinton cards, they are great


Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post

@ CHAR........


I have just been looking at the planning threads and look at this the girl did..... Reminded me of you... I dont know if you could do this for your invites? (If you havent done them already) and i dont know the cost but WOW.... how good are these :






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Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post


@ CHAR........


I have just been looking at the planning threads and look at this the girl did..... Reminded me of you... I dont know if you could do this for your invites? (If you havent done them already) and i dont know the cost but WOW.... how good are these :







OMG i love them!! How cute are they! I'd poop myself if something flew out of a card at me but i would really like it ha ha ;o)


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Oh better not ring in sick then hay! lol I'm sure it will be fine if the girls dont swap they are a bit mean as its your wedding day #2. I think all brides should have a AHR just for the one reason of wearing their dress again hee hee, im gonna wear mine at every opportunity ha ha... cleaning, fancy dress, morrisons... yep i'm gonna be the freak bride, they'll all be saying 'here she comes again' lol x


I'm friend Donna gave out our tops for the mexico hen yesterday they are so cute. But they are white and pink and VERY similar to what i did for us to travel in. I thought she was doing black ones, but never mind they look great and we'll have fun in them. So nice of her to do it. MIL still hasn't thank'd me or Donna for her top.... WITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enough said amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Donna's found a Zumba class on a saturday morning so we are gonna go and try it out. Really looking forward to it. For the girls that go, what do you wear and is it hard? lol

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