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Originally Posted by janapana View Post

Ok here is my mini review of just the wedding bit, more from a personal point of view than a hotel review.


It pissed it down on our wedding day, torrential rain, and i woke up in a foul mood! We were having a great holiday but there is always stress where my son is concerned and i wouldn´t say that we were having the most romantic time! So anyway, i woke up with a major case of cold feet, not so much that i wasn´t going to get married, just that i was wishing i didn´t have to do it that day, or that holiday. Seriously I spent probably the next two hours crying my eyes out, i hated my dress,hated my jewellery, my skin was COVERED in spots, face and chest, i felt fat and flabby, two of my best friends werent´there. I was a fucking nervous wreck (excuse the language!)  Antony went into panic mode thinking i didn´t want to get married, not the best way to start your wedding  day!


I went off to the renova spa, they were great in there and i totally calmed down, i had hair makeup and nails done by fabiola. the nails and hair were excellent, the makeup was a bit drag queen ish, but she covered all my spots up so you couldn´t see them at all, so good i forgot all about them, which was a miracle. When i got back to the room i took off a bit of the makeup, so ants didn´t think he was marrying a him-shim. I´m still glad i had her do my makeup, cos she did it heaps better than i could of.


I got a call off the wedding coordinator saying she´d moved the ceremony from the gardens to the chapel in the palace across the road so i was well pleased with that. All was looking good.


When i got back to the room my flowers had arrived, cream roses with irises in them. We´d agreed on purple flowers and the irises were definitely blue, plus they were all fluffy and stood out funny like feathers, so i whipped them all out and just went with the roses.


The wc picked me up and then frogmarched me through the resort (which was quite nice cos everyone was cheering!), then accross the road to the palace and then before i knew it i was walking into the chapel. I would have really appreciated a coupe of minutes to myself to stop sweating from the walk, dab myself down and check my hair and makeup cos on the photos my hair is a mess and i´m all sweaty!


Then i walk in to find jacob in antony´s arms with no intention of getting down. The first part of the ceremony was ok like that except jakey was on the photography side so you couldn´t see much of ants, then when it came time to put jacob down so we could hold hands and say our vows, the lot went up. Ants sister took jacob, who spent the next 5 mins throwing a tantrum. totally distracting and so loud i haven´t got a clue what the judge said and in the process chucked the starfish that the rings were tied to. On the dvd you can hear the "ping" as my wedding ring hits the floor. When the judge asked for the rings, ants sister said "there´s two there, we´ve lost one. we´ll have to look for it later" MARVELLOUS. JUST MARVELLOUS. so we used my e-ring. i did not kick off cos i´ve been brought up nicely, but someone a bit more stressy would probably have hit the roof. (it´s a good job that i cried so much that morning and it was all out of my system)


The ring was found about 5 min later.


I can´t really blame ants family for this (although it wouldn´t have happened if jacob was sitting with my parents). I´d decided not to be bridezilla, and let ants take care of things, and cos his parents don´t see much of our kids he let them have jacob. -big mistake. huge.


Anway moving on. the photographer was good, except maybe for a bit of attention to detail, stuff like there´s her rucksack on the grass in one of the photos, but i can photoshop that out. There is room for haggling on the price too.


The cocktail hour was back at our hotel,(the tequila) and ants disappeared for a bit of that cos jacob was kicking off so bad, so there are a lot of photos of me with our guests! The dinner was nice, and antony´s speech was excellent, I got SHITFACED!!!!!!


We used a white board for the guestbook, that was one of the best ideas i´ve ever stolen. Everyone loved it. Ants mum and dad bought us an actual guest book too, i told them about the white board and said what we´d do is leave blank pages between each guest so we could stick in the corresponding photos..... When i got the guest book back they´d got everyone to write at the beginning, 15 pages of writing 40 blank pages...... sigh. Not that important really i guess.




For me, i was just glad to get through the day in one piece. I think if we´d done it outside, jacob would have not been so much trouble, but you can´t do anything about the weather. I haven´t said a bad word to antony about his family fucking up our day, because i just imagine how bad i would feel in their place.


This seems like quite a negative review, it was actually a lot of fun, we all laughed a hell of a lot and it was defintiely memorable.  Honestly? i wish i´d waited until my son was older and not such a little shit, i should have known better. I love him to pieces but he is two. what can you do? I also wish i´d stuck to my diet and exercise plan better, because to my eye i look fat and my arms look terrible on the photos.


We had a fab time on the holiday, but i wouldn´t say my wedding day was my favourite day, i preferred the days when we were all just chilling out on the beach together! We´re all planning on going away again together next year.


God i hope i haven´t put any of you lot off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG Jo..... You poor thing, as roo has said "NO" hint whatsoever of the chaos you endured!!! You definatly are one calm cookie :-) Good on you!!! I dont think i would have been able to keep the control like you.... I definalty intend to take your advise ond "TAKE CONTROL" tanks for that.

Was your wedding at the Riu Palace Riviera Maya or the Riu Palace Mexico?

Im with the others on the "not saying anything to Ant" as like you i would have to put myself in their shoes!!!

Definatly no ingo wings showing chick, then all we see in ourselves is the "bad" but trust me.... None to see.... just beauty :-)


TOTALLY TOTALLY love how you tell us the details, no beating around the bush... I love it... open, honest and very frank... BRILLIANT :-) xox


Thanks very much x

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Originally Posted by waybuloo View Post

Girls I know I have said this many times before but 'THANK GOD FOR YOU LOT'!!  I have just got in to work feeling really miserable about the wedding....more on that in a minute.....& then I read all your posts, I have laughed out loud & nearly cried as well!!  Makes me feel like I'm not the only mentle case around!!


Ok, Jo, firstly your wedding photos are amazing, the one of you on the stairs looking up at your children brought a tear to my eye so sweet, I know they have the devil in them, I am already trying to prepare for my 3 year old ruining the day, but in the photos they look in angelic!!  Your review has had me laughing out loud 'him shim'.....hahahahaha  I don't know how you coped with all the dramas but I don't suppose you have much choice do you once your in the sitution, at least all turned out great in the end & getting shitface is definitely my plan!! xx


Roo - hysterical!!!!....hahahaha.....wailing like an iranian woman!!!!  nearly bloody wet myself, guys in my office are asking what I'm laughing at!!!!  &  a RAT!!!!....WTF??.....lol sounds like a sketch out of a carry on film......nibbled bits of diamonte.......am so laughing!!!!


Michelle - On Friday I was going to post almost the same thing, outwardly I am telling everyone how excited I am but really I am not at the minute.   A bit similar to your situation, as you know we don't talk to his witch, sorry mum, at all however he has started saying that he thinks his mum of all people should be at the wedding!!!! WTF.....In reality he is right, every mum should be there, but that is if they aren't effin Satan!!!!  I know it should be his decision but in short I have told him that if she goes I don't!!!!  She has done far too much for me to forgive her, including upset 'our' daughter.  He feels that too but after having a huge row about it all with him saying 'its alright for you its not your mum' to which I nearly left home as said 'don't ever f***in compare my mum to yours'.....we are now just not talking about it.  So now what? Like you I don't want to bring it up again to have another row!!  I can't back down on this as will not go if she is back on the scene but don't want him to marry me with regrets.  I went bridesmaid dress shopping on Saturday with my mum, couldn't tell her what had been going on, so had to pretend everything was ok, really thinking 'this could all be a big waste of money!!!!'.....bloody mother in laws...& the supid old bag would be loving all this, us arguing over her...ggrrrrrrrrr I actually HATE her!!!!  & breathe...............


Oh Michelle the place I got the box from is www.lifememoriesbox.co.uk but did from ebay.....at this rate though you can have my box.....lol.....as I have been typing this he has just sent me a text saying 'I really love you even though you have been moody'....me f***in moody????  God sometimes I wonder how we ever got together we are so different!!!!


Rant over, think I need to go back & read Jo's & Roo's posts again to make me laugh again!! :)

Really feel for you ladies with the awful MIL :( Wish i could say something to help.... x


Thanks for posting the link to Michelles question... Bargain, the ones i found were like £40!!!


Im with you.... on thanking the girls on here ALWAYS cheer me up too x



Originally Posted by herbie76 View Post

Jo and Nicyx I've requested you as friends on Facebook. X

Gochya :-) x

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Girls my mil is a nutter a sweet kind needy childlike woman who looks like a man hehe i do love her honest BUT we lived all 16 of us in the villa for the whole week.I lost itin the first 5 mins of arriving at the house cos Paul sorted out the bedrooms but then had to take it back cos it meant someone didnt have a bed for the week.All we could hear was"

i wanted that room i liked that room Eddie i really wanted that room."

Paul was stressing so i shouted as i was going down the stairs

"oh have it it just means someone else cant have a bed this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep she was upset as was eddie cos i shouted at her BUT Paul gave them its your holiday but our wedding chat and all was forgiven.

To be honest there were enough of us that apart from breakfast time when i sat and drank tea i was able to not get streesed by them both.

Im sure if the mil does come you can ignore her in a huge resort.We managed it very well in hindsight and lived in the same villa.

Girls you will be fine xxx


Did anyone check my i do letters for the nibbles hehehe!!!!

I think they considered the rat almost as a friend/pet.

Have a good day today girls xxx




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Thanx girls, i really hope it is just as Jo says and everything is magnified because of the 'big occassion'. I'm sure i'll feel like a weights lifted after the wedding. Its just horrible she takes the shine off it for me. I have up and down days and the last week it's just been down.


Dont get me wrong i'm not a heartless cow. I have been with FI for 8.5yrs and got along with her for the most part. Its only the last yr we haven't talked at all and there is a terrible atmosphere around us. Thats why i keep my distance. I stay away not only cos she is nasty to me (behind FI's back) but because its not nice for him or the children to be around. So i dont go round he goes on his own.


I have good reason to dislike her. I've bit my lip for yr's. She is a very sly manipulative and patronising woman. FI turns back into a little boy when he's around her. But she is a control freak and thats what has caused this. I stood up to her and said NO and now i'm the black sheep. She is used to getting her own way and she doesn't like me cos i dont mind telling her NO.


I've had to put up with loads. The day i first met her she didn't stop talking about FI's ex. How she was like one of her own etc etc...she even invited her and her parents to our engagement party!!! She ordered the flowers for my cake without even asking. She caused a row the week Scarlett was born. She invited a load of ppl around when we asked her not to... she refers to the wedding day as her and FI's day!!!!! The list goes on and i've never said a bad word to her....she's on another planet!!! but the stick that broke the camels back was when she came into my house screaming and shouting at me infront of my daughter calling me a trouble maker etc... She caused alot of upset in the planning of the wedding and she has come between me and FI. That is when i thought enough is enough. I'm better off out of it!! Now i am the black sheep and have nothing to do with his family. I'm OK with that but there is still hurt between me and FI. It is his mum after all. I even invited her wedding dress shopping!!!! But she decided to ruin our relationship the week b4 so that never happened!!


As i say i just hope it gets better and is all dramatised because of the wedding. I will breath a sigh of relief after Mexico. I'll need lots of will power out there with her for 2weeks....


Oh well i'm off to the hair dressers today to cheer myself up. Sorry for the rant. I'll go before i turn it into the MIL from hell thread and bore you all to death, lol...


Thanx for all your support girls xx

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Originally Posted by waybuloo View Post


Girls I know I have said this many times before but 'THANK GOD FOR YOU LOT'!!  I have just got in to work feeling really miserable about the wedding....more on that in a minute.....& then I read all your posts, I have laughed out loud & nearly cried as well!!  Makes me feel like I'm not the only mentle case around!!


Ok, Jo, firstly your wedding photos are amazing, the one of you on the stairs looking up at your children brought a tear to my eye so sweet, I know they have the devil in them, I am already trying to prepare for my 3 year old ruining the day, but in the photos they look in angelic!!  Your review has had me laughing out loud 'him shim'.....hahahahaha  I don't know how you coped with all the dramas but I don't suppose you have much choice do you once your in the sitution, at least all turned out great in the end & getting shitface is definitely my plan!! xx


Roo - hysterical!!!!....hahahaha.....wailing like an iranian woman!!!!  nearly bloody wet myself, guys in my office are asking what I'm laughing at!!!!  &  a RAT!!!!....WTF??.....lol sounds like a sketch out of a carry on film......nibbled bits of diamonte.......am so laughing!!!!


Michelle - On Friday I was going to post almost the same thing, outwardly I am telling everyone how excited I am but really I am not at the minute.   A bit similar to your situation, as you know we don't talk to his witch, sorry mum, at all however he has started saying that he thinks his mum of all people should be at the wedding!!!! WTF.....In reality he is right, every mum should be there, but that is if they aren't effin Satan!!!!  I know it should be his decision but in short I have told him that if she goes I don't!!!!  She has done far too much for me to forgive her, including upset 'our' daughter.  He feels that too but after having a huge row about it all with him saying 'its alright for you its not your mum' to which I nearly left home as said 'don't ever f***in compare my mum to yours'.....we are now just not talking about it.  So now what? Like you I don't want to bring it up again to have another row!!  I can't back down on this as will not go if she is back on the scene but don't want him to marry me with regrets.  I went bridesmaid dress shopping on Saturday with my mum, couldn't tell her what had been going on, so had to pretend everything was ok, really thinking 'this could all be a big waste of money!!!!'.....bloody mother in laws...& the supid old bag would be loving all this, us arguing over her...ggrrrrrrrrr I actually HATE her!!!!  & breathe...............


Oh Michelle the place I got the box from is www.lifememoriesbox.co.uk but did from ebay.....at this rate though you can have my box.....lol.....as I have been typing this he has just sent me a text saying 'I really love you even though you have been moody'....me f***in moody????  God sometimes I wonder how we ever got together we are so different!!!!


Rant over, think I need to go back & read Jo's & Roo's posts again to make me laugh again!! :)


Oh i really feel for you chick!!  I feel the same. But i dont care what she thinks of me or how nasty she is i will never forgive her for coming between me and FI at such a special time in our lives.. Its so hurtful and the woman has shown no remorse. She thinks she has the right and has done no wrong!!


I'm hoping it all goes OK. We will have to grin and bear it. It is horrid and not ideal for us i know. I wish my MIL weren't coming to our wedding and i think she has a total cheek coming on my hen too seeing as we cant stand each other... but there will be enough ppl at yours and my wedding to make them less important!! I intend to spend my time with my mum, sis and great friends and hopefully that will overshadow the witch being there!!


Pretending everything is ok when its not is also a battle... i hear ya on that one x


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OMG she sounds right a cow and a bit mental who would invite an ex to your engagement party ..... I admire your control. You've done more to amend things than I would, if she was my mil I wouldn't have invited her to my hen or to come wedding dress shopping, I know you have to make an effort for FI's sake but this is a two way thing she should also make an effort and if she won't then tough cos you have your family to think of and you don't want the children to see all this..


And def don't let her upset your day or your enjoyment of planning of your day..... So Chill and Enjoy xxx


Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post

Thanx girls, i really hope it is just as Jo says and everything is magnified because of the 'big occassion'. I'm sure i'll feel like a weights lifted after the wedding. Its just horrible she takes the shine off it for me. I have up and down days and the last week it's just been down.


Dont get me wrong i'm not a heartless cow. I have been with FI for 8.5yrs and got along with her for the most part. Its only the last yr we haven't talked at all and there is a terrible atmosphere around us. Thats why i keep my distance. I stay away not only cos she is nasty to me (behind FI's back) but because its not nice for him or the children to be around. So i dont go round he goes on his own.


I have good reason to dislike her. I've bit my lip for yr's. She is a very sly manipulative and patronising woman. FI turns back into a little boy when he's around her. But she is a control freak and thats what has caused this. I stood up to her and said NO and now i'm the black sheep. She is used to getting her own way and she doesn't like me cos i dont mind telling her NO.


I've had to put up with loads. The day i first met her she didn't stop talking about FI's ex. How she was like one of her own etc etc...she even invited her and her parents to our engagement party!!! She ordered the flowers for my cake without even asking. She caused a row the week Scarlett was born. She invited a load of ppl around when we asked her not to... she refers to the wedding day as her and FI's day!!!!! The list goes on and i've never said a bad word to her....she's on another planet!!! but the stick that broke the camels back was when she came into my house screaming and shouting at me infront of my daughter calling me a trouble maker etc... She caused alot of upset in the planning of the wedding and she has come between me and FI. That is when i thought enough is enough. I'm better off out of it!! Now i am the black sheep and have nothing to do with his family. I'm OK with that but there is still hurt between me and FI. It is his mum after all. I even invited her wedding dress shopping!!!! But she decided to ruin our relationship the week b4 so that never happened!!


As i say i just hope it gets better and is all dramatised because of the wedding. I will breath a sigh of relief after Mexico. I'll need lots of will power out there with her for 2weeks....


Oh well i'm off to the hair dressers today to cheer myself up. Sorry for the rant. I'll go before i turn it into the MIL from hell thread and bore you all to death, lol...


Thanx for all your support girls xx

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Thanks. She is but i've put up with it in the past for FI's sake. But since she last had a go i didn't stand for it and since then we haven't spoke or if we have its not been very nice. So i avoid her at all costs. She's never said sorry or tried to sort it out. So you know what, i dont need ppl in my life like that to complicate it. FI needs a wake up call where mummy is concerned. I am just keeping away from her.


She is very spiteful, it all has to be about her. She will turn any situation around so its about her. She's making a big deal over her oopppss sorry i mean MY wedding day.. FI's sister is gay. Not a girlie gay. Jeans and tshirt is all i've seen her in in 8.5yrs. Nothing wrong with that as far as i'm concerned. Mother from Hell made her keep it quiet and not come out for yr's. FI's sister was a wreak but had to stay quiet cos of mummys reputation. Finally it all comes out and MIL breaks down. All she ever wanted was a girlie girl to go shopping with etc etc.... So for our wedding day she's made her get the girlies dress i've ever seen. And you know why? So its something she can focus on rather than me!!! She wants to forget i'm there and make a big fuss and palavar over FI's sister in a DRESS!!! It annoys the life out of me. I dunno how she gets her own way with them. Its like they are brain washed.


When i had Scarlett she 'thanked' me for having her for HER!!! now i can do all the girlie things with Scarlett!! I'm like EEERRR hello i'm HER MOTHER.... honestly i could go on all day with things that witch of a woman has done.


To the unkown she comes across as a caring woman but under it all she is playing a silly, silly game!


Some days its easy some its hard... i'm sure as the kids get older things will be easier too :o)


See there i go again. Told you i'd bore ya! lol

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Hi Ladies,


Michelle so sorry you are having all this stress ontop of wedding stress. I hope it all works out for the best in the end.

As i've said before i'm very lucky my MIL is not coming, she emailed my FI to let him know that she couldn't afford it even though we were paying stupid.gif. I haven't seen or spoke to her since we have been making wedding plans. Whenever I have seen her before all she has done is slag off the other DIL's, she has tried to stop both jays other brothers from getting married. (causing arguements, making prank annomynous phone calls to their partners just before their weddings) she is a bit physco. I am pleased that she is not coming as she is a 60yr old women who dresses like Shirley off of Eastenders (mutton dressed as lamb), so i would have dreaded to think what she would have worn.embarrest.gifEnough about her, it is her loss!


I am having a nightmare getting hold of WC, I need her to confirm where we are having our reception as she booked the wrong place and she has not replied to any of my emails for 2weeks now, its starting to stress me out now. I have booked my DJ and have finally decided on a photographer. We have chosen off site DJ but onsite photographer.                                                                    I am trying to get hold of some Raffia fans (buri fans) to put on the chairs for our guest for during the ceremony, but am really struggling to find a supplier in the uk does anyone know of anywhere?

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