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Originally Posted by roo66 View Post


Louise welcome home Mrs!!!!!

Im glad everything was fantasic were now putting the thumb screws on for piccies lol

Im shopping today not yesterday i thought i was off but wasnt so im going to check out both purfumes.

Ive just had an email from vista the last of my things have been dispatched.

Did i tell you all i ordered car bumper stickers with Just Married and a car door magnet with the same.as freebes

Today is the last day shopping tiara holiday underwear,new sandals and a visit to the mac counter.


I still need to find moustoches for the photo table umm im gunna hand that one over to Paul(ebay shopping i think)





Did you smel the perfumes :-) Yay!!! everything dispached... exciting :-) Love the car stuff you have ordered, neither of us drive so we wouldnt benefit from that but if we did :-)


Have you got your Tiara etc? x


Originally Posted by kiwimel View Post


Hi girls - wow I've missed a load!  I am EXTREMELY excited to hear the infamous Woodsylou is back!  You girls have spoken about her often and recommeded I chat with her as I am marrying at the Moon Palace to so will need to pick her brains LOADS!


Poor Michelle2011 -  I feel so so bad for you.  Please dont let this mean lady dampen your spirits and your excitement about the wedding.  Its meant to be fun and it sounds like she is right getting in the way. I really hope hubby to be will see where you are coming from and do something about it.  So typically blokey though isnt it? 


Nicyx - what a bargain you got for your perfume!  You must be stoked!  I will definitely be sure to have a whiff next time I walk past the perfume counter.  I havent even thought about wedidng perfumes????  Is this something that you buy just for the day?  I'm so clueles LOL.  Fab about the weight too!


Roo66 - You must be getting married soon if it is your last day shoppng?  How exciting! 


Well I had an invoice email come through today to say my Save the Dates have been dispatched.  YAY!  That is my very first thing I will receive that sets it all in concrete!  Cant wait.  I think next on my list will be sorting out the wedding website - especially seeing as we included it on the STD!  I really need to crack on with that.  I've used weddingpath - has anyone else?


Right.  Best do some work.  I've only just got in as my personal trainer sent me off to the doctors today for a blood test as he is worried that my weight isnt changing.  It makes me giggle - I dont mind going to see my normal doctor for things like that because hes SO SO SO cute!  I know I shouldnt say that as I adore my fiance and think he is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me but imagine if I had to go for something embarrasing!  LOL 


Have a nice day girls!



Mel xxx




Hey Mel.... LOL.... Make me laugh!!!!


I havent wore "G" before but just really like the smell.... Im not going to wear it ever before the ceremony as you know when smell remind you of things? Well, when ever i wear the perfume (after the wedding, whenever, where ever) Then it will alway remind me of our wedding day!!! Haha :-) Soppy sod really!!!! x


Originally Posted by janapana View Post


Welcome home Louise! Can't wait to hear all the details and see the pics.


roo, hope your mum is ok, happy shopping! are you going to do a planning thread?


Michelle, take no shit!


Nicy, the package was Jacobs shoes and a toothbrush that I left at my friends this weekend. rubbish, got all excited for nothing  :(


Got a couple of brooches (sp?) to put on mine and Mia's flowers, and just bought clothes yesterday, not that i need more clothes but cannot resist a bargain. But at least one of the dresses i got i can take to mexico!


Awwwwww, B.O.R.I.N.G!!!!!! :-) hehe x

Oooooo, but you got the flowers for Mia etc, thats definatly not boring & neither is buying clothes :-) x




Originally Posted by char79uk View Post


Hi Ladies


Been having a browse on the forum and came accross this lady that designs handmade starfish jewellery, i'm not sure if she delivers to the UK but her email address is on the website.  Some of the jewellery is just beautiful.


this is the link to the website





oooh i've also just seen this website too, not sure if you ladies are having a ring bearer, but this is a website for alternatives other than a pillow, they can also custom make.





Thanks will have a look at these now x




Originally Posted by char79uk View Post


I just had a thought and please excuse me if i am being very dumb, but in England we would have a rehearsal for the ceremony, but I don't know if we have that in Mexico...if not how do we know the process (having never been married before) and the order of things and supposing we want to say our own vows, how does the officant know this and how do they know when to play the music etc.


Sorry if i'm being entirely dumb here, but i'm slightly confused smile35.gif


To be honest, i think you WC will go through it all with you the day you meet to arrange flowers etc, I know we meet our WC the day after we land and from what i can gather we dont have a rehearsal as such, but she just goes through the who what where and when??? :-) xox


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I have started to look at the favours for our guests as I feel I need to get a bit more organised..........for the women I have got them all a silver bookmark as a keepsake -  I didnt want to get something with our names plastered all over them as I knew they would be thrown in the back of drawer so I got a variety of these bookmarks, some are starfish, some dolphins and other love hearts..xx  I thought they were quite cute.

bookmark 1.jpg

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Originally Posted by josietoms View Post


I have started to look at the favours for our guests as I feel I need to get a bit more organised..........for the women I have got them all a silver bookmark as a keepsake -  I didnt want to get something with our names plastered all over them as I knew they would be thrown in the back of drawer so I got a variety of these bookmarks, some are starfish, some dolphins and other love hearts..xx  I thought they were quite cute.

bookmark 1.jpg



They´re great Josie, think it´s a good idea about not having your names all over them, if we can fit it in luggage we´re going to do thermal travel mugs as gifts ( but give them straight away so they can get use from them.) but i´m either going to do a removeable sticker on them, so they´ll use them afterwards, or a general mexico 2011 one. biggest problem will be getting them in the suitcase and still being able to pack any clothes. is anyone else stressing about luggage allowance?

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Josie what a great idea. They are fab :-)


I will do a few "tacky" things with names eg, playing cards, shot glasses etc but just for fun for whilst were in Mexico...... Im also going to get




Which i will use as names for the table and its a little frame for guests to take home too?

Do you think this is a good idea?


Joanna, I was worried about luggage to start with but now im just looking at this as a once in a life time thing, and im going to go to the airport with it in mind that we will prob get charged for something.... Im not happy about it but i spent so much time worrying about this it was starting to drive me crazy..... Hopefully we wont get charged but if we do, then we do!!! If it wasnt the wedding there is no way, i would make sure we were just on or under weight!! Haha, I HATE paying for something when i dont need to!!! :-) xox

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Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post


Josie what a great idea. They are fab :-)


I will do a few "tacky" things with names eg, playing cards, shot glasses etc but just for fun for whilst were in Mexico...... Im also going to get




Which i will use as names for the table and its a little frame for guests to take home too?

Do you think this is a good idea?


Joanna, I was worried about luggage to start with but now im just looking at this as a once in a life time thing, and im going to go to the airport with it in mind that we will prob get charged for something.... Im not happy about it but i spent so much time worrying about this it was starting to drive me crazy..... Hopefully we wont get charged but if we do, then we do!!! If it wasnt the wedding there is no way, i would make sure we were just on or under weight!! Haha, I HATE paying for something when i dont need to!!! :-) xox


Nicy i LOVE those photo frames..... i may steal that idea and make it my own!


I think you´re right about the luggage thing, for me i´d take 5 suitcases and just pay for it. however OH would definitely not agree and i can do without him bitching about how much luggage we´ve got! who am i kidding, we always argue when we pack to go on holiday because i take so much stuff!


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ha ha you girls crack me up! Of course we can look but dont touch! hee hee... nothing wrong with a bit of eye candy ah ;o)


Josie i love those bookmarks what a great idea they are so nice. Nicy those frames are lovely another great idea. I havent even thought of name holders/place cards. I'm having trouble finding cheap things for the OOT bags...hhhmmm.....


well girls for those of you like me that are trying to get your hair in top condition for our weddings i read in a magazine the other day that one of the celebs use Vitapointe leave in conditioner. It's £1.99 yes £1.99!!! in boots and i tell ya it's lush! It is really nice and not sticky etc you only use a small amount and it smells lovely. Really seems to be helping. Just thought i'd share! Cos we're worth it!! lol x

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Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post


Oh and fingers x'd another friend is joining us in Mexico. She will be coming on her own as no partner and has to pay a supplement but she really wants to come bless her. Hopefully she'll book at the end of the month. Then i think it will be it for us. A nice total of 22! whoop! x


That´s excellent news. It surprises you who goes and who doesn´t. My two best friends can´t make it, for a variety of non-existent reasons, yet two of my customers from the bar are coming. Evidently i invited the whole bar on world cup night!

Still... the more the merrier eh?


I´m going to stick vitapointe on my list for my october trip back to uk, my hair looks like straw.

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Originally Posted by char79uk View Post






Welcome back Lousie, we missed you!!!


Hope you had a fabulous wedding, I can't wait to read your review and see all of your pictures.




Thanks Honey! will do the review next week! i've already started it, it's going to be fooking huge!!




Originally Posted by michelle2011 View Post



YYYYYAAAAAHHHHHH Louise your home it feels like you've been gone a month!!!! How was it? Pix, Review....? Can't wait to hear all about it x


more or less, i was gone 3 weeks!!! review on it's way, i'll post a few pics and a summary in a mo! :)




Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post


YAY.... Welcome back Louise, so so pleased to hear it was amazing CANT wait for your review and pics :-) Glad you had good weather too :-) xo ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) xox





Thanks honeypie! :)



Originally Posted by roo66 View Post


Louise welcome home Mrs!!!!!

Im glad everything was fantasic were now putting the thumb screws on for piccies lol



I still need to find moustoches for the photo table umm im gunna hand that one over to Paul(ebay shopping i think)


haha! I'm on it!


as for mouchtaches, go to a fancy dress shop! you can get about 10 for about £2.99! we have some for our AHR this Sunday as we have a photo studio set up! fab!




Originally Posted by kiwimel View Post


Hi girls - wow I've missed a load!  I am EXTREMELY excited to hear the infamous Woodsylou is back!  You girls have spoken about her often and recommeded I chat with her as I am marrying at the Moon Palace to so will need to pick her brains LOADS!



Hi Mel, ask away! email me if you want [email protected] (my married name! oooh!) you will LOVE the MP! love it!




Originally Posted by janapana View Post


Welcome home Louise! Can't wait to hear all the details and see the pics.



thanks hon!




Originally Posted by char79uk View Post


I just had a thought and please excuse me if i am being very dumb, but in England we would have a rehearsal for the ceremony, but I don't know if we have that in Mexico...if not how do we know the process (having never been married before) and the order of things and supposing we want to say our own vows, how does the officant know this and how do they know when to play the music etc.


Sorry if i'm being entirely dumb here, but i'm slightly confused smile35.gif


you go through it all with your WC a few days before the wedding. if you have vows you want let her know before hand. i can go into more detail but im a wee bit busy at the mo, but i'll talk you through it :)




Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post


Josie what a great idea. They are fab :-)


I will do a few "tacky" things with names eg, playing cards, shot glasses etc but just for fun for whilst were in Mexico...... Im also going to get




Which i will use as names for the table and its a little frame for guests to take home too?

Do you think this is a good idea?


Joanna, I was worried about luggage to start with but now im just looking at this as a once in a life time thing, and im going to go to the airport with it in mind that we will prob get charged for something.... Im not happy about it but i spent so much time worrying about this it was starting to drive me crazy..... Hopefully we wont get charged but if we do, then we do!!! If it wasnt the wedding there is no way, i would make sure we were just on or under weight!! Haha, I HATE paying for something when i dont need to!!! :-) xox



so cute! anyone that's thinking of personalised shot glasses .... DO IT!! in the end i bought shot glasses out there and they cost me about £50 for 35 and they were just plain 'cancun' ones! if you have the luggage space, and you can pack them so they won't break, do it!!!


here's a couple


I now pronounce you, husband and wife!



the whole crew



me, my husband (aww) and my brother and his wife on the rooftop bar (where we had drinks, and our first dance)



cigar time!




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