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IS Puerto Vallarta safe for travelling?

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Hello ladies,

Just wondering if its safe to travel to PV or other nearby areas? I've been hearing about all the crimes and kidnappings lately and its making me a little nervous. Any recent brides/travelers have any experiences (good/bad) they'd like to share? Has anyone been there recently that can comment?



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I was in PV two years ago and will be going back for my wedding this Thursday and i can honestly tell you that we have never had any problems or encountered any bad expiriences while there. Of course, you should always take the usual precautions when you are on vacation. We would walk back to out hotel at like 2 or 3 in the morning with no worries. I think what you are hearing about is in more rural areas of Mex.

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I went to PV twice last year. One time we stayed at a hotel in the hotel zone the second time at a private house in the residential section of Old Town. We felt perfectly safe in both locations and walked all over PV. There are tourist police that are assigned specifically to help tourist in the tourist areas. They will help with directions and crossing the street. Just as any other place anywhere in the world, as long as you aren't doing anything to put yourself in a dangerous position (buying/doing drugs, walking alone in the middle of the night, flashing large amounts of money, etc) you will be fine. The violence in Mexico is mostly focused on the border towns and drug routes. They really value the tourist industry there and protect it from this violence. We leave on Sunday for PV with a group of 45 friends and family. I wouldn't bring them there if I didn't feel it was safe.

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I just got back from Puerto Vallarta on Friday. I have been about 20 times because my husband's family lives there. I don't usually stay at resorts, live as a local would and have always felt very safe. In my opinion, Puerto Vallarta is a very safe town compared to other areas of Mexico. Police ensure the area is very safe given it is a tourist area. Unfortunately certain other areas such as alcapulco have been facing crime problems. I just posted my wedding review on Puerto Vallarta in case you are interested.

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PV is VERY safe. All of the issues are happening in the border towns and there have been some issues in Acapulco. Remember Mexico is a BIG place, no kidnappings or serious crime in happening in PV. I had my wedding there on April 9th. 69 people flew in from all over and everyone had a blast. My friends and family left the resort a few times to go into town and explore. It's very very safe and I cant wait to go back. I was a little worried when I started planning my wedding over a year ago but having been there twice I can honestly say you have nothing to be worried about.

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We go to PV EVERY single year and I feel much safer there than in NJ. It's like a person from Canada saying they won't visit the US because of all the crime that's happening in Detroit...well Detroit is just one city in a whole different state. You can't banish the rest of the country for one area that is being run down with thugs.


Needless to say, PV is VERY safe. It is our favorite destination spot and last year during the whole swine flu was GREAT! Everything is still at a pretty good discount.


We are actually returning in 3 weeks and I can't wait!

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Well, we just hosted the Amazing Race Contestants, held the World Muy Thai Championships, had the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders do their Swimsuit Calender Photo-shoot here, and the Russian Ballet is coming to town .... so, I think we're safe enough. Although I won't go so far as to say no serious crime happens (we do have our share of murders and some drug problems) but it's definitely not the norm.

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Thanks so much ladies for the honest and helpful response! This has definitely helped to alleviate any fears my guests had. I didn't think we'd have any problems, but you know that once 1 or 2 people make comments than you need to find out the info and nip it in the bud! I'm so excited to go to PV and can't wait! smile03.gif

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  • 5 months later...

I have been to Puerto Vallarta several times and have never seen any problems.  Could anyone who has been there recently say if there has been any change.  My friends and family are concerned about going to my wedding which isn't until the end of 2011.  I am somewhat worried that things may change for the worse by then.  Thanks for any input.

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