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uh oh, back fat!?

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so i got some pics from my FSIL in law yesterday from my first dress fitting. i made a terrible discovery as i looked at them... i have back fat that spills over the top of my dress! oh no!


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(pardon the goofy expression on my face and the pins in my dress - this was at my first fitting)


i'm a size 2 (5'4" and about 112 lbs), so i don't need to lose weight, but i obviously need to tone up a bit! i leave for mexico in two weeks - hardly enough time to combat this with exercise.


so... what do i do? my veil is a short birdcage veil so i don't have anything that will cover this up. any suggestions!?!

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ok i'm not sure of the name of the machine...maybe a lat pull down? But at the gym there is a machine that you sit on and there is a bar that you pull down to your chest level and as you pull you try to push your shoulder blades together. You back muscles are very large and should tone up very quickly.

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I've been doing the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred DVD...Its fantastic!!! You can get it just about anywhere that sells workout dvds. I've been doing it for a week now & can notice a change in the tone of my body. I'm like you, 5"1-100 pounds but just needed to tone up. Its a challenge but worth it. I totally think you'd notice a difference with it in 2 weeks.


Hope this helps!!


P.S> I LOVE your dress! Its so pretty :)

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oh and I would more call your "back fat"..back skin! If you are worried about it in pictures, just practice your posture in the mirror to minimize it. You look like you have extremely good posture, maybe try not rolling your shoulders back as far....

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oh, how i wish i could!


i have four readings and three papers due for my class on saturday - there will be no time for exercise until after saturday. that gives me a week and half before mexico (during which i'll be crazy busy at work and probably putting in some long hours next week to prepare for taking two weeks off) - do you ladies think it could actually make a difference in such a short time? we have an eliptical and a weight bench at home, then there's the gym membership i haven't used in close to a year (but make faithful monthly payments, ugh!). so i have access to great equipment, just NO TIME!

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Ok, YOU look amazing in your dress, I see no "fat" so it really isn't as bad as you think it is but I do understand how you feel. My suggestion is try to do simple dumb bell, resistance band or just body weight exercises that help you tone your back, ie lat row's , reverse fly's etc. If you have exercise TV there are tons of upper body toning 10-20min work outs that are amazing. If you try to go the gym way be very careful when trying to tone up your back as these muscles increase extremely easily and make zipping up the dress a living heck! Hth

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