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Jet Blue Wedding Attire Policy

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I leave for my destination wedding tomorrow. I fly Jet Blue. The Jet Blue website states it does not have closets to store wedding gowns. I verified this with a Jet Blue rep. My perfectly pressed gown will have to be stowed in an overhead bin. Considering the fact that most travelers prefer to bring their oversized carryons on the plane I am a bit frazzled. Wish me luck!



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I had to do the same thing with my airline. It'll all work out don't worry. Hopefully there are a few of you traveling on this flight that you can overtake an overhead bin with friends and family. It does get knocked around at take off and landing but there is not much you can do. Get it re-steamed at the resort. I had to. Congrats and have a great wedding!

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Hi Marie... you and I will be having our wedding the same day!!

but I will be arriving Puerto Vallarta on thursday, next week... is it too late?? I hope not...

So, I guess you are going to have plenty of time to get your dress re-steamed.

Good luck and congrats!


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Hi Marie- I am a jetblue flight attendant and everyone is correct on the no closets. However just put up a lot of carryon luggage and lay your dress across the top. Try to be one of the first ppl on the plane (sometimes if you ask nicely and explain that you are really worried and would like to get your luggage and dress in an overhead bin they will let you preboard.) Good Luck with your wedding!

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Yes unfortunately this is true. The only good thing though is that if you get good flight attendants they will actually place your wedding attire alone in the overhead bin. My MIL was going to have a flip out with a dude that was about to put luggage on her dress! LMAO thankfully the FA hooked her up with a bin all to herself, FI and the GM's.... Good luck!

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