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Help! Recent articles on Cabo safety???

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Hi ladies,


I am so frustrated! A few people who said yes they were coming to our wedding, are now changing their minds because of the safety issues in Mexico. Apparently someone they worked with was escorted from the airport to where they were staying by armed guards. I am quite sure this was NOT Cabo, but regardless, I am looking for RECENT articles on safety, so that I can add them to my website for reassurance.


I've done a bit of searching and came up with a couple from 2009.


Here they are:

Los Cabos Safety - A Safe Bet: Los Cabos Remains Safe Travel Destination

Smart Travel Dos and Don'ts - Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur


If anyone has anything else, or their own personal comments to add about Cabo that I can put directly on my website, I would totally appreciate it!



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Hi Angela. Cabo is one of the very few areas in Mexico that has been virtually untouched by all the violance going on down south of the border. Many people think of Mexico as a "general" area and automatically link it to the corruption and violence going on. Which is quite understandable, because I would probably feel the same way if I have never visted any part of a country were all you hear about are drugs, corruption and violence. But if it makes you feel any better, my FI and I visit Cabo at least twice a year...our most recent visit was in January this year and as always, we felt right at home. We have never come accross any shady situations during or visits and most of the time we even rent a car while we are there and drive around and get around very safetly! Even their Taxi system is extremely safe! I would have no problem or hesitation taking a taxi from dwn twn Cabo to the San Jose area. Cabo is an entirely different world from the areas that are infested with the drugs and violence. The ONLY problem we ever come accross are those ANNOYING timeshare people as you walk out of the airporT!!!!!


I hope your relatives reconsider, and give Cabo a chance! Good Luck :o)

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I am having this same issue with my FI's sister in law. She is absolutely refusing to bring the kids to the wedding because we are having it in Los Cabos. She keeps saying she won't risk taking them to Mexico and nothing can change her mind. It is so riddiculous, especially because she has no problem with her or FI's brother coming. I asked her would you refuse to go to Florida because of murders in Chicago. She says its not the same thing but it is. Anyways, I've just given up with her. Its really too bad though because all the other nieces and nephews are going to be in the wedding and her girls really want to go too but can't. I've learned that some people you just can't reason with on some issues.

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That's crappy Angela! I have never ever felt unsafe in Cabo, even when taking taxi's. They are totally dependent on tourism so there aren't many people who would screw up their reputation by committing acts of violence. If you have people that are afraid, they can just not leave the resort. There is no place safer than Dreams! :)

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I felt COMPLETELY safe. I took taxis, left the resort with our photographer and not once did I feel threatened. My relatives and family all did the same and also felt safe (until one family took a SMALL boat out into the water and thought their lives would end lol) I hope that your family realizes that Cabo is indeed one of if not THE safest area of Mexico for a wedding. Good luck!

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