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ROR Included decor?

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I can't seem to find this info anywhere. I know some brides bring their own stuff to decorate.

I just want to get a sense of what the decor is that they provide for you as far as the table set up for dinner and the beach gazebo (i.e., rose petals, flowers for table and cake, candles etc). I have seen several pictures, but not sure if they provided the decor if you ladies brought them yourselves. Can you help me out, so I know what I should bring?

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i think it really depends on the particular resort and what they provide. i know that things like rose petals are definitely extra at my resort but a luminary candle is included for the tables at the reception. a lot of brides bring their own things because the regular stuff tends to be all white (i'm bringing some of my own things to add a pop of color) and the "extras" tend to be quite pricey.


my best advice would be to check with the planner at your resort. is there a thread for brides at your particular resort? the one for my resort has been absolutely invaluable. good luck and happy planning!

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I haven't gotten married at the ROR yet but I have been on the forum for a while now and have come across a few discussions about this.

You get some flowers at the ceremony but I've never heard of them decorating the dinner area/reception area. They might provide some typical tea lights, like they use throughout the restaurant area. The cake is plain. I think if you are looking for any added details you have to bring your own or pay for them when you get down there. I would consider it a clean slate and you can decorate it depending on how simple or elaborate as you see fit. Good Luck!

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Sweetluna is right.


The only thing included I believe is some type of flower arrangement that people use at the ceremony site and sometimes bring to the dinner etc.


Im bringing all my stuff down...packing it in peoples luggage.....for example, I found these cute white lanterns on web site i ordered...so Im bringing about a dozen down, we ll use them at dinner and on the beach at night with candle lights in them, I also picked up brown little candle holder things i got a pier one (color for wedding) and sea shells for the tables.......things like that...also bringing bubbles, and fans for the ceremony.........they 'll then move your stuff from dinner down to your reception....if the 2 are seperate..

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  • 2 weeks later...

All they gave us (and I went with the free package) was flowers and some tulle at the garden gazebo and white table linens at the reception. If you search my review I have some pics of the gazebo there but otherwise I brought the table numbers, candles and starfish.


My review : kristin*kris*ROR Review


or pro pics : Password Protected Gallery

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