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Married Chicas - what is your new name???

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 I am not changing my name and never really planned to. I considered it for a tiny second, but professionally it would not make sense and I don't want to go by one name at work and one name for everything else so just easier not to change it.


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I'll be taking my FI's last name. I love my family and am proud of the name and all that, but it is a pain to spell/pronounce and I'm tired of people getting it wrong for 27 years! I'll be a Howard, and that is just soooo much easier. Plus, I love that we'll be the 'Howards' I think it's really cute :) lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am taking my husband's last name.  We both come from traditional families, and it seems the way to go for me!  I am keeping my middle name the same.  I have a "boy's" name for my maiden name so I hope I will have sons that I can pass that name on to.


Most of my married friends have changed their last name, and 1 kept her maiden name.  I recently met one couple who had both of their names hyphenated, and the wife told me it was a long process, especially with her husband changing his.

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I really can't decide and I have been married for 5 months! We still haven't gotten our official marriage certificate so I haven't had to do anything yet. As a woman who was raised to be strong and independent I never thought I would change my name. But I do like the idea of having the same name as my children (I know some moms who have had trouble traveling with their kids when they kept their maiden name). And it seems that most people still assume women take their husbands name, so I wonder if its easier than explaining things constantly. I am not a fan of hyphens as that would be quite a long name for me. I guess I will just wait and see how I feel when we get the official paperwork!

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  • 10 months later...

I struggled with this as well, I thought I might want to hyphenate, but as the date gets closer, I really want to just take his name.  My name is Jessica McClain, and his last name is Wessel.  I just think there are too many S's in Jessica Wessel, but oh well :)  Like some of the other ladies have said, I want the same last name as my future children.

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  • 5 months later...

Well after several arguments with my FI on this very topic I finally decided that I'll take his last name but will make my middle name into my maiden name.  I guess it works out okay since I never had a middle name anyway.  But somehow I just cant imagine having his last name which is Polish.  I'm Dominican, and don't look the least bit Polish.  And...I'm dreading the thought of my parents and relatives butchering what will be my new last name!  They can barely speak English...I can only imagine how they'll pronounce it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you mind if I ask why you don't want to go by two names? Mainly because that's what I was going to do, so I'd like to hear another woman's perspective on it. I was planning on keeping my last name legally and professionally because I'm already published under my last name, but then use his last name with family and friends. 

Originally Posted by *Lo* View Post

 I am not changing my name and never really planned to. I considered it for a tiny second, but professionally it would not make sense and I don't want to go by one name at work and one name for everything else so just easier not to change it.



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I'm not changing my last name.  In our culture (Chinese but I think other Asian cultures do this too) it's just not a tradition for women to change their last names when they get married.  And even going by the American tradition, I don't think I'd change my name.  I'm pretty independent.

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I'm not sure what I want to do about changing my name. I really like my last name, it's very unique and it flows very well with my first name. Sadly, I really don't like my fiance's last name at all. It's so short and plain. But, his family is pretty traditional and I don't want to hurt their feelings and I don't think they would take it very well because I don't even share a last name with my own family (my mom remarried so I'm the only person in the family I'm in contact with to have my name) so I can't say I want to keep my family's name.


But, if I keep my name and we decide to have children (which is highly unlikely but always a possibility I suppose) then they will have his last name, and I'm not sure how I feel about being the odd one out there.

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