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Are there any brides out there with short hair completely disappointed with any options they've seen so far?!?!?!

I have one of those razor bobs....real short in back and about an inch past my chin in front and cannot find anything that i like.

Considering extensions for the week, but im afraid i wont feel like me then.

if you've found something please share.....im getting so mad that i cut my hair that i may just shave it an opt for a wig!!!

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i used to have a pixie cut, and i have been debating going back to it for wedding day.


most brides grow their hair long for their wedding, but i think i am going to chop it all off! (it is currently most of the way down my back)..


i feel more like myself when i am pixie-fied...but i understand the frustration in not seeing a lot of short hair brides!

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I have the same kind of hairstyle (short in the bank, long in the front with a sidebang). This is my rough idea of what we're doing wtih my hair for the wedding. My hair is really fine so i'm going to have to hairspray it to the max, but it should stay :)


The orange flower is really going to be a pretty silvery flower/hair piece but it gives a rough idea. I'm going again tomorrow to have my hairdresser test it out properly so I can take another picture if you like.


Click the image to open in full size.

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Are you really against extensions. I have the same hairstyle as you and wore extensions on my wedding day and loved them. My hair is also really curly and frizzy in humidity so I was worried about my hair but with the extensions it lasted all day and felt natural....nobody could even tell. I DEFINITELY recommend them as long as you get good ones...they cost around $250.00

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hey girls, thanks!


im not opposed to hair extensions...ive just never had them before, and i am "hair impaired" so i guess im worried i would mess them up or something in the days before....that might sound dumb, but are they as "durable" as your own hair when you brush it and pull it back and stuff? also, how long do they last? do you think id be able to have them in and looking great for like the whole month of August so that i look somewhat the same in mexico and at the AHR??


also "PaulsGirl" i have the same exact cut as you (and baby fine hair too) so if you have pics with different angles id love to see!!!

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If you go with the clip on extensions, you just wear them for the wedding. Have your stylist at home help you pick them out so you get the right color then have them style them for you like you want for the wedding. They really are super easy to put in/ take out and you don't have to worry about the damage from permanent extensions.

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