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Changed Wedding Date


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So we changed our wedding date. Nothing dramatic about it. We decided to do it later in the summer (instead of winter) and around my birthday. So our new date is 8/21/2011, which is the day before my birthday. Do you guys think that is corny? You know having a birthday wedding?



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Nope. Not corny....could be corny if you themed your whole wedding around it though!

Makes a nice time of year for you in the future considering birthday/anniversary will be on top of eachother....kinda like christmas twice a year!

I know probably 80% of my guests dont have a clue when my birthday is anyway!

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I don't think so, our wedding is the day before my fiance's birthday. The morning of his birthday we are throwing a birthday brunch. Since it will be Sunday and most of our guests are leaving its a nice way for us to say good bye and thank them for coming and celebrating his birthday all at the same time. We both came up with the idea. Are you going to do anything to celebrate your birthday apart from your wedding? I don't think its corny at all.....but then again I am biased ;-)

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Thanks ladies. The wedding will definitely not be themed around my birthday. I think that we will mention it though because even though I usually like to ignore my birthday my family kind of make a big deal out of it because my oldest sister (the first child) and my self (the last and youngest child) have the same birthday. My mom likes to say she opened and closed the book on the same day. So I was thinking that we would just mention the birthday thing maybe at the end of the night but that would be it for the birthday thing.

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