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I messed up! Bad!!!! Idk what to do!!!!


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Can anyone help me?!?!


Here is the story:


I booked my familys (Mom, Sister, and Niece) trip through my TA.

BUT I made a mistake on my neice's name!

I assumed she had our family last name FORGETTING that she has her father's last name. (He & my sis divorced when she was a baby so it slipped my mind)


My TA can't change the ticket, called Reservations Customer Service at Continental and they say I have to take her up there with all her documents...


SECOND PROBLEM! We haven't even applied for her passport yet because her lazy father can't make time to sign the form!!!!



I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish I knew someone who worked for Continental who can help me explain to a supervisor that I just need to correct her last name. It sounds simple and I totally understand security since 9/11 BUT her first name and DOB are the same!!! And when she flies out, her passport WILL match her ticket if they can just help me correct it.


I CAN NOT afford to buy her a whole new ticket.


she is my only niece... it was an honest mistake.

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Have you tried to call the airline directly? When my mom was booking our airline tickets she was in a rush and messed up and put my name on my sister's ticket. She just called the airline and they cancelled the ticket and then she repurchased it with the right name. We're not flying out of the country though, so I'm not sure if that makes the difference or what. Hope you can get it figured out!

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Yah you could try the airline but this happened wtih me too.. my gf booked me a ticket to go down and see her at the end of the month and used my old last name not my new last name.. I have my married last name on my new passport so she called continental to ask them to change it and they refused, they said there is nothing they can do. Luckily for me i have my marriage certificate with both my last names though.

Ask them about canceling and repurchasing hte ticket. The only problem will be they will charge you any difference in the price and also charge you a fee for changing it.

It will all work out!!! Things always do!!

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I called their reservations desk and even spoke with a supervisor ( I was calm and kind the entire time... I am at their mercy!) but they wouldn't help me. I know its POSSIBLE because a co-worker of mine had the same problem last year with a married/maiden name incident and they changed it for her.

I talked to my boss and he is going to call for me because he is an Elite Cont. member, so hopefully he has some pull with them.

please pray for me guys.


My only second option... would be to legally change her name. The wedding is in 9wks and Idk if there will be enough time.

Im so depressed right now. I feel awful that I made this mistake

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Hang in there hopefully your boss will be able to make some headway for you! There mustbe something that they can do for you. Your not trying to cancel outright just change something as simple as a name. You could alwyas just try calling back again and when going through customer service hope that you get someone else willing to help you out?? Think good thoughts though...things will work out for you!!

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They misspelled my FI's last name (wrong first letter) and the TA/online co was able to call and change the name, we weren't able to sit together on part of the flight but we made it there together. Check with your TA and see what she/he can do.

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You should keep calling. Sometimes the person that you get just isn't that helpful and someone else is. I had to change my mother's name on a ticket (I messed up - put her middle name as her first, and with these new TSA rules that is a big boo boo). So I called the person that I got was very nice. I emailed her copies of my mothers passport and ID with her correct name and she fixed it for me. You should definitely call back.


About the passport problem, there is a way you can get her passport without both parents having to go to the Post Office. Here is the link to the State Department website that tells you about the certification that you have to get. Pretty much her dad is going to have to fill out a form (it is a certification saying that he gives his permission) that has to be notarized and then her mom will have to take it in with the Passport application.


Special Requirements for Children Under Age 16


I hope this helps.

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MY BOSS FIXED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




thx guys for keeping my spirits up :)


my little family is going to Mexico!!!


It's only us four girls; my Mom, Sister, Niece, and myself. Now, my fiancee will be added. But for the most part, it's always been us four girls.


omgosh I am SO FREAKIN RELIEVED!!!!!!!!!


he said they wanted to charge us $800!!!! I would have DIED!



And we will all live happily ever after~

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