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How did you meet your FI / DH?


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We met in front of a food truck 3 1/2 years ago. I wanted to buy a chicken wing, but they were charging $1.00 for a little drumette. He came over to introduce himself and asked me out to dinner. Two days later, we had our 1st date at a sushi restaurant.

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We met about 9 years ago on a dating website but never actually had a first date at that time.  We just talked a lot on MSN about our miserable relationships and stupid significant others.  We both had that connection to each other but time was never on our side. We continued talking on and off for 4 years and then lost contact as I went back to university and never had much time. In my final semester of university I had been studying for a mid-term exam and decided to log into MSN just by chance that someone was on.  It just so happened I saw him log in shortly after.  He was then living about 3 hours away.  With mid-terms happening and spring break coming up we decided that I would travel to see him (I had friends living in the same city). I stayed with my friend and him and I went on our first date 6 years after we started talking online.  It was so natural and comfortable that we both said from that point that this was the last relationship we were having. We just knew.  My mom always said I would know when it was the right one and I always doubted her.  Clearly I need to listen to my mother more often.

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Love all the stories!


My FI and I met in high school. We've been dating since we were 16 years old, and we're both 25 now. We went to college together and are now doing long distance as I'm in graduate school. We will be getting married after I finally graduate in 2015!

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@@EllDee Such a sweet story. I always asked people how they knew when they got married how did they know and everyone of them said you will just know. And I never understood, I dated lots of people, but I never had that feeling of this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with until my fiancé and I got together. And that's when I realized you really do just know when its the right person.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love reading everyone else's stories!


Met my FI on Match.com. I had been using the site for a few years and reactivated my account on New Year's day because I was about to turn 30... time for new beginnings and all that. My FI (whose birthday is a month after mine) was also about to turn 30 and also had a "time for new beginnings" moment, so he joined Match as well. I noticed him immediately because he was new on the site! One week after my birthday we had our first date and it was by far the best date we had ever had; a week after that, we were officially dating and the rest is history!

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Oh I love this! We met on a dating website too! Quest. Almost 13 years ago! We had both been separated over a year. The funny thing is the first comment he made, lol he made me mad and I fired back a real angry message! It turns out he has a picture of me from a year before we met! We were both at a Nascar race in Michigan (we're in Canada so it makes it even weirder) and he took a pic of the section where I was. If you enlarge the photo I'm in it! We chatted for 3 weeks before I would give in and go on a first date. After talking the whole night, it ends up we went to rival high schools and he split from his ex 3 days after I split with my ex, only we didn't know it. The second date was 3 days after the first, and we've literally been together ever since.  We've been through some really rough times together, especially with health stuff. We're both older and have been trying to blend 4 kids together into a family. It hasn't all been easy. But we have 7 beautiful grandchildren and we've made it through the tough stuff. In the beginning I kept asking him where he had been all my life and he said that if we had met 20 years before it probably wouldn't have worked. We both needed to go through everything we had been through to get to where we were. Now we hopefully have just one more hurdle to get over, and maybe life will give us a break for a little while and we can celebrate our vow renewal next year!

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What an awesome thread! We met on a dating website four and a half years ago. Our first date was a disaster! My first impression was really good and the conversation was great, but he kept commenting on how the people at the table next to us were having more fun than we were. And when we went to leave he shook my hand! Awkward! I really liked him, but didn't expect to ever hear from him again. Much to my surprise, he asked me out again a week later and the rest is history!

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We were in the same course at college, but we both were in different relationships at the time... In our last year of school we were both single and he asked me out for a coffee date and the rest is history :)



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It was the first day I was feeling good after finishing chemo, my kids were staying with their dad so dressed myself up, put on some makeup and took myself to Starbucks for a cup of coffee. This giant (6'7'') gorgeous man walks right up to me and introduced himself with his fabulous Australian accent. I was hooked and we have been together ever since, getting married in April 2015 :)

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