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May 2011 Brides!


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Welcome Jas!!  We're date twins :)


There's lots of us!!

Originally Posted by jas101080 View Post

This thread is great...it's the first time i see it. I am getting married at Dreams Cancun Resort and Spa on May 7, 2011! I am really starting get worried about these flights. So far I have about 40people booked so far but a lot were waiting till after the holidays. I hope they can find cheap flight or else my list of guest will drop. Glad I found this thread you girls keep me focused! Thanks!!wink.gif

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happy new year ladies! can you believe it's 2011????

hope everyone's planning is going smoothly!


i've been going crazy planning my pre-wedding AHR, doing the invites for it (in 3 languages), purchasing a chinese gown for it, worrying about the new booze laws for it....worrying about the food for it...uuugghhh....


then there's the actual wedding, have to get my gown fitted, waiting for bridesmaid dresses to arrive, waiting for chair sashes to arrive, waiting for sand frame to arrive, gotta seal the frame when it arrives, looking for a cheap ttd dress, worrying about location to do the ttd, wanting to do some diy luminaires, need to find shoes and a necklace, flight prices are creeping up and 1/2 the ppl with rooms booked haven't booked flights.... vent vent venthissyfit.gif



thanks ladies .... just been one of those "freak out" days  

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Sounds like you've been busy Rosie!  It will all work itself out.  Just take deep breaths!!!  I am right there with you though, on the worrying.  I don't really have any support system so I'm doing everything on my own.  FI works a lot, one bridesmaid works like 70 hours a week with two jobs, one is in another state and my mom and I have completely different tastes.


I was a bad girl last night and killed some time by going and trying on more dresses, even though I already have mine.  I like my dress, but I don't love it.  Luckily for me, I am just too frugal to try and sell the first and pay twice as much for another.  And the fact that all the dresses in the bridal stores are 3 times too big for me, and I can't really tell what it would look like helps as well. 


So, I guess I'm sticking with my original and hopefully my seamstress can make it more of a dream dress for me.  We shall see.  I plan on tonight and tomorrow to be "wedding get stuff done" days.  I have done a ton of research but now I have to actually get stuff done. 

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No worrying allowed for the May 2011 brides. Deep breath ladies ... It will work itself out. Just stay focused and take one step at a time cheesy.gif


I had a freak-out moment yesterday when our room block got filled (went over by 3 rooms) and I haven't even sent my invitations out yet! And our wedding is getting way bigger than what we had planned.


BUT, I had to remind myself that many brides have been where I am right now and they all went on and had a fabulous wedding after all.


Smile :) It's Friday ... And we will have our big day in less than 5 months and it will be amazing.





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I feel the same way you are all feeling!! I´m starting t0 get a bit nervous. Thanks for the advice on calling AA for the 5% discount on our flights. I have also checked the studiosuits web for the BM outfits, although there is nothing that I really loveeeeee! Still lurking.


The idea of  the catamaran day sounds great, I´m going to check that out; I had planned a tour to Chichen Itza for 50 people to entertain those who arrive  a couple of days before the wedding.


We have 60 people booked so far and counting!  

Good luck and happy planning! 


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thanks ladies! it's so nice to know that i'm not insane and "stressing myself out" because you all know the feeling and the pressures.

it's nice coming from friends and family, but some times when i tell them i want to make this or that for the wedding, i might as well have told them i'm trying to grow a tail!


deep breaths is right! here we go ladies..........  embarrassed.gif


on another note, i receive a little preview for e-photos!  ...... a bit self concious since it was snowing the morning of and was raining throughout so my hair got damp and my face looks pale.....





Happy Friday ladies!

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Well one was pregnant and she swore she will fit into the dress by the time the date cam around but i don't think she is going to and i don't want to be rude and tell her that she has to lose weight to fit into the dress. i 'm getting soo worried cause it's 5 months and it's fast approaching.

Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Hmm, toughy Vic.  Are they too big, too small?  How many don't fit?  What color are they? 

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