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Originally Posted by JanineA View Post
LadyTrunck I've seen your posts a few times but just had to stop and tell you the bunnies always make me smile! Too cute!
Thanks! I love them too! It's so funny how the smallest things will make people smile- and I do every time I post and see themwink.gif
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As a guy I can tell you that I told my FI right off the bat that if she wanted to change her ring she could. I wanted to make sure she had something she like to wear. When I say that, I mean the ring not the diamond.


You need to understand (and I went through it) men want the best for you and want to make sure you are happy with what you have, something you can show off to all your friends. That being said, rings are EXPENSIVE, we do the best with what we can afford. I'm sure he would have liked to get you a better diamond but then he wouldn't have been able to afford the diamonds on the side or the band he got. I wouldn't be hurt if she wanted to change the style but I would be upset if she wanted to change the diamond. I took 6 months to pick out the best diamond I could afford. It is not easy to plop down $6000.00 when there is so much more you could use that money for. However, we do it, and our happy to do it because we love you and want to spend the rest of our lives with you. If my FI came to me and told me what you are about to tell your FI I would feel cheap. That cut and clarity is all he could afford and if it were me I would feel like less of a man.


DO NOT change it behind his back either if you are going to change it.


As someone else stated the ring is more about what it means and not how shiny the diamond is. Quite frankly I think what your saying is very materialistic. If your gonna change it wait a few years and just enjoy what the person who loved you gave you. Men go through a lot of trouble to find the perfect ring FOR YOU, and unless we mention it, telling us you want to change something is pretty degrading.


Your FI may be different but I'm just telling you how I would feel.

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I asked my fiance ... He said he rather I asked / told him I was unhappy about it. Given he said that while moaning crankly because he secretly thought i was hinting about my ring....which I wasnt! ...men


An upgrade also makes for a great 1 - 5 year wedding aniversy gift! and he might have more time to save money then.

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MD2002... Thank you for posting that! I was about to come on here and tell everyone that they needn't keep talking about mens "feelings." I am surrounded by men who act like they have none. I just figured you could tell him you wanted to upgrade, and he would either say "sure" or "can't afford it." Guys and girls are tricky species to each other, and I truly believe we have no real idea how the other works.


I was going to say, "sure," go ahead and upgrade, but definitely not behind his back. But, now after reading your post, I have mixed feelings. I want to tell you to go for it, because you have to wear it for the rest of your life and it is an investment on the rest of your life, but if your guy is like MD2002, is it worth it to sacrifice his hard work and sweat in earning the money and picking out that specific ring, worrying all the time if you would like it? On the other hand, there is my future brother in law who couldn't stop bragging that he spend under $700 for his wife's e-ring and her ring. I don't even think he put effort into, might have even gotten it at walmart. Man, it's a toughy! I hope it works out for you in whatever you choose. I love my ring, but we picked it out together.

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Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust View Post
MD2002... Thank you for posting that! I was about to come on here and tell everyone that they needn't keep talking about mens "feelings." I am surrounded by men who act like they have none. I just figured you could tell him you wanted to upgrade, and he would either say "sure" or "can't afford it." Guys and girls are tricky species to each other, and I truly believe we have no real idea how the other works.

I was going to say, "sure," go ahead and upgrade, but definitely not behind his back. But, now after reading your post, I have mixed feelings. I want to tell you to go for it, because you have to wear it for the rest of your life and it is an investment on the rest of your life, but if your guy is like MD2002, is it worth it to sacrifice his hard work and sweat in earning the money and picking out that specific ring, worrying all the time if you would like it? On the other hand, there is my future brother in law who couldn't stop bragging that he spend under $700 for his wife's e-ring and her ring. I don't even think he put effort into, might have even gotten it at walmart. Man, it's a toughy! I hope it works out for you in whatever you choose. I love my ring, but we picked it out together.
Glad to help! I think I'm the only man on here :)
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