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Brides with Kids/Stepkids

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Originally Posted by steponmyknee View Post
My fiance has 2 boys, so we're having them in the ceremony as groomsmen/ring bearers. They're also going to escort my mother to her seat.
My FI also has 2 boys and we are doing the same thing. The eldest (13) will be the best man and the youngest (cool.gif will be the ring bearer.
Assuming we stay for a 2nd week (which we're hoping to do) we'll be sending them home with family.

In regards to keeping them involved, I'm asking their opinions on colour combinations and cake and such. They are actually pretty good at this stuff!

Also, because the oldest will be classified as an adult he has to stay in a different room - on paper. Just try to find persons that are travelling as just couple/or single. on paper put the kid(s) in that room then switch back.

Cheers and happy planning
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I think regardless of what "job" you give them, the kids will enjoy it as both you and your FI will. We don't have any kids of our own yet but have 6 nieces/nephews between the two of us. So we are including all of them as flower girls and ring bearers :)

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It seems like many people incorporate the children into the ceremony by having them take part in the sand ceremony.


I have a daughter who will be 16 when we get married. My fiance has been a big part of her life and considers himself her father. She will be my maid of honor and after we exchange our rings, we plan to give her a right-hand ring as well. my e-ring is yellow sapphire, so hers will have yellow sapphire in it as well. I will wear three rings to symbolize our family - e-ring and two bands, one for each my daughter and fiance. He wants her to have a piece of jewelry that connect her to us in the same way our rings connect us to each other.

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We are having a small bridal party... my brother as my Man of Honor (instead of Maid of Honor), his brother as the Best Man, my 8-year old daughter and 11-year old goddaughter as junior bridesmaids. The little ones are happy enough with their dresses and being part of the ceremony. :-)

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My daughter will be 12 when my FI and I get married next April. We choose Beaches Turks & Caicos. While my daughter will not be staying in the room with us (she will stay in my parents room) they do have several options for families.


We were going to do the sand ceremony but are going to hold off on that and do it at our AHR instead. Mainly because Beaches charges $100 for their kit (they will charge you $50 if you buy and bring your own kit). Besides, I don't want it to get messed up on the way back home either. so, we decided to do a Medallion Ceremony with my daughter. We will present her with a necklace of 3-rings to symbolize our new family. I originally saw this on line somewhere, but we are going to purchase a better quality at a jewelry store instead of the one online.

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I love all the ideas! We decided to give each of our daughters a James Avery charm bracelet with a special sand dollar charm to remind them of the special day. We'll do a reading and presentation after we exchange rings. I wanted to do rings, but our girls (1, 4, 7, 9) are a little young and will outgrow them by the time they could keep up with them. I'll keep the bracelets for them while they're young and add charms for other special occasions, too.


Big question: I have one son who's five. Any ideas on what I could give him that would be special and keepsake worthy like the girls' charm bracelets? I just don't see him wearing jewelry and I can't think of anything special for him...

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