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Weird If I Walk Myself Down the Aisle?

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Originally Posted by rosieposie View Post
aww thanks again ladies hug2.gif

a coworker overheard my conversation about this with a (close) coworker and said "it's such a shame your father doesn't want to walk you down the aisle. That doesn't make for a very good start to a marriage".

i was so shocked i didn't know what to say. she made me want to run to the washroom and cry....but maybe i'm just being too sensitive.....crybaby2.gif

we're already having a chinese tea ceremony beforehand - the part our parents really want us to have, so the western ceremony doesn't mean much to them, it's for us.

much better now. yup. its what i want, who cares what ppl might say, as long as we're happy.
That stinks that your coworker said that to you! Next time tell her to mind her business! LOL

Over the next year you may face some bumps in the road in terms of planning & ideas you have & people trying to tell you what you should & should not do. I think that as long as you keep this as your motto "yup. its what i want, who cares what ppl might say, as long as we're happy" you'll be fine!!!
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Originally Posted by rosieposie View Post
aww thanks again ladies hug2.gif

a coworker overheard my conversation about this with a (close) coworker and said "it's such a shame your father doesn't want to walk you down the aisle. That doesn't make for a very good start to a marriage".

i was so shocked i didn't know what to say. she made me want to run to the washroom and cry....but maybe i'm just being too sensitive.....crybaby2.gif

we're already having a chinese tea ceremony beforehand - the part our parents really want us to have, so the western ceremony doesn't mean much to them, it's for us.

much better now. yup. its what i want, who cares what ppl might say, as long as we're happy.
Oh, what a meanie! Don't mind her, what does she know?!?
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Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO View Post
That stinks that your coworker said that to you! Next time tell her to mind her business! LOL

Over the next year you may face some bumps in the road in terms of planning & ideas you have & people trying to tell you what you should & should not do. I think that as long as you keep this as your motto "yup. its what i want, who cares what ppl might say, as long as we're happy" you'll be fine!!!
Best advice EVER!

Not weird at all, btw. My dad and I aren't that close but I still wanted him to walk me down the isle. He didn't "give me away" tho, I don't believe in that kind of stuff... I'm not a piece of property that can be given away to begin with.
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What a stupid thing for your coworker to say! Everyone wants a wedding that is unique and personal to them and their lives--this is your chance to do that!


My mom will be walking me down the aisle, since she raised me mostly on her own. No one will be "giving me away."


There are lots of wedding traditions, but I think you should only worry about keeping the traditions that make sense for your wedding. The wedding is a celebration of the bond you and your fiance share, and the life you'll be making together. Your coworker's opinions just won't make a bit of difference in that life. =)

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