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The night before.....???

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I love reading all the responses on here! I really think "traditions" are just that, things kept in fashion throughout the ages. BUT, i don't think it's so much a necessity. The way I see it, a DW is already against most tradition, so why not do something else out of the box? I think some resorts do offer the groom a room the night before to sleep alone & get ready in the next morning- but you'd have to check the resort. I think we'll stay together the night before and then he can leave first thing in the morning ;) I don't think it ruins any surprises, b/c it's not like he is with you the entire day of the wedding watching you prep. I think this is a personal choice, some brides may want to have that tradition & stick with it. So go with what you want, not what someone else tells you they think is expected. It's your day, so make it YOUR day ;) Good luck to you!!!

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Originally Posted by JennyBenz View Post

I love reading all the responses on here! I really think "traditions" are just that, things kept in fashion throughout the ages. BUT, i don't think it's so much a necessity. The way I see it, a DW is already against most tradition, so why not do something else out of the box? I think some resorts do offer the groom a room the night before to sleep alone & get ready in the next morning- but you'd have to check the resort. I think we'll stay together the night before and then he can leave first thing in the morning ;) I don't think it ruins any surprises, b/c it's not like he is with you the entire day of the wedding watching you prep. I think this is a personal choice, some brides may want to have that tradition & stick with it. So go with what you want, not what someone else tells you they think is expected. It's your day, so make it YOUR day ;) Good luck to you!!!


I agree completely!  I think we have decided to do what you're doing.  Also, some people have told me that pictures are best done before the wedding ceremony for the bride and groom and then group pics and everything after.  What are people's experiences?  I don't really want my groom to see me before the wedding, in my gown, but I'm not sure there will be enough time for pictures after the ceremony! we'll be getting married at 4:00

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That will be great! Best of Luck

Originally Posted by TheWolferts View Post

We are taking our honeymoon about a month after our wedding in Jamaica. Since we will be apart in between our wedding and honeymoon, I am hoping that everything still seems very "newlyweds" when we go on our HM.








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I think this is another option we'll be doing as well [pix before ceremony].  I know many couples, DW and not, that have started doing pix before the ceremony and loved it! It allows you more time to mingle after the ceremony and gives you time to enjoy the "celebration" part of your special day- without being rushed around. My cousin who had married here in NY did pix before and it was really sweet how the photographer had the bride & groom meet for the first time on their wedding day. He had the groom stand in front of a mirror and the bride walked up behind him and was told when to open his eyes. It was beautiful, I only happened to catch a peek of this b/c it was next door to the bridal suite! So it's intimate and you have your special moment together before you get to do it again in front of your guests. So I think either way it will be special to you. Either way you decide it will work out =)


Originally Posted by cindy2013 View Post



I agree completely!  I think we have decided to do what you're doing.  Also, some people have told me that pictures are best done before the wedding ceremony for the bride and groom and then group pics and everything after.  What are people's experiences?  I don't really want my groom to see me before the wedding, in my gown, but I'm not sure there will be enough time for pictures after the ceremony! we'll be getting married at 4:00

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I say go with whatever you both want to! If you wanna be traditional....then great, butif you wanna spend the night together the night before too-then also great. Its up to you. You friends cant "make" you spend it apart. Im totally staying the night before with my groom.Honestly, I cant picture going to sleep the night before our wedding without him there by my side..Id never get one wink of sleep. AND We're only in jamaica for 7 nights, Im hardly spending one of them without him!!! And this way-if we re both nervous, we can be nervous together....lol......we plan on spending the night before with friends..then heading back to our room soaking in the outdoor whirlpool thats on our balcony....drink a glass of wine or 2....and relax...head to bed together knowing tomorrow is our big day. We'll go to breakfast together that next morning....then both be on our way-he ll get ready with the guys, and Ill spend the day with the girls...and see him at the ceremony at 4! I think at the end of the day, its whatever makes you both happy......
I think you said it perfectly marie! Its all about what makes you happy as a couple. I am with you, and don't think I would make it through the night before the big day without my man beside me. Then again we are not big on tradition, and know that is something very important to some. To each their own :) I think we will split up and do breakfast with our respective sides of our bridal party + our parents and meet up again as i walk down the isle.
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I hadn't thought about separate rooms for the night before!  I think it's fine, he just needs to get up early because all the girls and hair and makeup are coming at 10am! lol  We're also doing pictures before the ceremony since we're doing a sunset ceremony we want some pictures outside in the daylight.

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Originally Posted by MoniqueJ View Post


I hadn't thought about separate rooms for the night before!  I think it's fine, he just needs to get up early because all the girls and hair and makeup are coming at 10am! lol  We're also doing pictures before the ceremony since we're doing a sunset ceremony we want some pictures outside in the daylight.



I think you're one of the first girls I've seen on here who is doing their photos before the ceremony. I have been trying to find some ladies who have done it this way to see how it turned out, but have so far had no luck. Can I pry a little bit, and ask how the time line for your big day will go?  My FI and I are thinking we would really like to do our photos earlier in the day (prior to our ceremony) so that we can enjoy our cocktail hour (between ceremony and reception) to the fullest with our guests.  We would still do a few post-ceremony shots with family and the group, but the bulk of the bridal party shots would be done earlier in the day. How is your photographer charging you for this type of set up? Will you still only pay for the hours that he/she is shooting, or will they charge more of a "full day rate" since it's spread over a longer period of time?

Any insight is appreciated...I'm having a hard time making these types of choices lol




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Originally Posted by JennyBenz View Post


I think this is another option we'll be doing as well [pix before ceremony].  I know many couples, DW and not, that have started doing pix before the ceremony and loved it! It allows you more time to mingle after the ceremony and gives you time to enjoy the "celebration" part of your special day- without being rushed around. My cousin who had married here in NY did pix before and it was really sweet how the photographer had the bride & groom meet for the first time on their wedding day. He had the groom stand in front of a mirror and the bride walked up behind him and was told when to open his eyes. It was beautiful, I only happened to catch a peek of this b/c it was next door to the bridal suite! So it's intimate and you have your special moment together before you get to do it again in front of your guests. So I think either way it will be special to you. Either way you decide it will work out =)



Woops, didn't see this post.

Thanks for the story JennyBenz...such a cute way to make the moment special!!

Good to know others have done it this way and not been disapointed.  Makes me feel a lot better about doing photos before the ceremony


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We are doing photos before the wedding, because we also want some daylight photos and to not have so many todo after the reception. Not sure of the timeline yet though. Our photographer charges per hr rather he is shooting or not. So we are going to have to do a full 8 hr day of photos I believe. I want getting ready photos, bridal party and family before, after shots at sunrise, and part of the reception.

Originally Posted by katman View Post



I think you're one of the first girls I've seen on here who is doing their photos before the ceremony. I have been trying to find some ladies who have done it this way to see how it turned out, but have so far had no luck. Can I pry a little bit, and ask how the time line for your big day will go?  My FI and I are thinking we would really like to do our photos earlier in the day (prior to our ceremony) so that we can enjoy our cocktail hour (between ceremony and reception) to the fullest with our guests.  We would still do a few post-ceremony shots with family and the group, but the bulk of the bridal party shots would be done earlier in the day. How is your photographer charging you for this type of set up? Will you still only pay for the hours that he/she is shooting, or will they charge more of a "full day rate" since it's spread over a longer period of time?

Any insight is appreciated...I'm having a hard time making these types of choices lol




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