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Me too!  I'm going to try hard to get her to give a little.  After doing the numbers this weekend, it's not going to be cheaper going a la carte. 


BTW - Hi Everyone, I'm also new to the forum and attended the call on Saturday.  So happy to have you ladies to chat with about all this planning :)

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Agreed, I was disappointed by the no swapping or no discount statements. It makes sense from their perspective, but it would be nice for us!! I have emailed Daniela asking for the a la carte price lists, but if anyone has them and would be willing to send me a copy, could you please PM me?


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First, welcome to all of the new brides!!


Second, as a freelance translator it is my duty to inform you that Google translate is not reliable at all (even though it should normally catch words like DJ). :)


Third, I will definitely push for swapping. It can't hurt. Obviously they are trying to avoid it and would never say that it is possible on a webinar, because it makes their work harder, but you can always try. The worst that can happen is that they will say no.


82turtles, do you have the wedding book? The a la carte price list is in it. If you don't have it, PM me with your email address and I will send it to you.

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I upgraded to the devine menu it was $5 per guest

Originally Posted by primavera View Post

If you choose the Eternity package, can you only choose dishes from the Eternity menu or is there an option to upgrade some of the dishes to something from the Divine package? I do not like the soup choices on the Eternity menu and not that the fish entree has bacon. Kind of defeats my purpose of offering fish to non-meat eaters.


Amie, I put fish or meat options on our website, if you have a website maybe you can give your guests an update on there.

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Does anyone know if the officiant for a symbolic ceremony is male or female? we have written our wedding script and vows that we want the offciant to read and we do not want them to use anything they have written.....has anyone asked about this?


Also any Idea how much fabric I would need for the canopy?? I am bringing my own to drape it with.......



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Welcome new brides...so exciting to have new people on the thread!

Amie, I have no idea how much fabric is needed but if you find out can you let us all know.

I sent an email to Ana a few days ago...the first since I got switched from Pilar...and haven't heard back yet.  But Pilar promised a little swap so I hope Ana honors that!

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