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During the webinair Pilar confirmed that you can select entrees from the Devine or Eternite menu (and there is no extra fee is you already have the Devine package, if not you simply pay the "upgrade" fee per meal).  She did say she would require advance notice on how many of each entree items ie how many beef, how many tuna, etc.  I am not sure how much advance notice is required tho?

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I am also having guests select entrees on our website -- but I am still trying to figure out when to open that option up?  FI thinks we should do it now but I am concerned that people may RSVP yes and select their menu but end up changing their mind (about going or about their menu selection) between now and February 2013....when are you ladies giving guests the option for entree choices?? 

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Hey Mlite! The entree options will be  available when I publish my site in June and I'm not getting married until May 2013. My expectation is that my invited guests will have enough courtesy to seriously think about their decision to attend my wedding when submitting their RSVP and not flip-flop about their decision (fingers crossed). Granted, things happen, and I get that. However, I think that by having the RSVP available at the same time as the entree selection will actually eliminate the possiblity of people forgetting to make a selection later.  

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Originally Posted by ChocoTaco7568 View Post


Hey Mlite! The entree options will be  available when I publish my site in June and I'm not getting married until May 2013. My expectation is that my invited guests will have enough courtesy to seriously think about their decision to attend my wedding when submitting their RSVP and not flip-flop about their decision (fingers crossed). Granted, things happen, and I get that. However, I think that by having the RSVP available at the same time as the entree selection will actually eliminate the possiblity of people forgetting to make a selection later.  

Thanks for sharing -- I can definitely see the advantage of doing it in one go, especially for some older relatives who may only go on the website once because they aren't very computer savy (or addicted to facebook, pinterest etc ;)

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I am getting married in 2 weeks at the Now Jade. I had put the menu options on both our website and RSVP cards. From my experience not a single person RSVP on our website but that could be different depending on the guests I guess. The description of the meal is in the wedding package where it describes your choices. This is what I put....


Come fly with us!
Please respond by the Fifth of February
                                                                                                      July 14
_____ Accept with pleasure     _____ Decline with regret     _____ Celebration BBQ    


Please initial the entrée choice for each guest attending
_____ Beef Fillet and Shrimp
  _____ Yellow Tail Tuna Steak
        _____ Penne Pasta with Vegetables
* Please let us know of any food allergies

Please book your rooms with our travel agent Wendy Hicks no later than February Fifth.
For more wedding details please visit: www.BillandUmi.ourwedding.com



Hope this helps!

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I just got married May 6th at the Now Jade and this is what I was allowed to substitute out.


I changed the live music at ceremony for 2 hours of DJ time.


I got an outside photographer for the wedding and could not trade the package photography for anything. So I used the photography in the package at the reherasal for family pictures. They ended up giving me a total of 33 pictures with no extra charge.


I brought my own flowers so I traded my bouqet for an extra centerpiece at the reception. 


What I got from all my converstaions with Pilar is that they can change things out if they are related to one another.




I gave my guest the choice of food as well but forgot to ask on the invite. I ended up emailing everyone or calling to see what they wanted it and it was fine. I had 34 people.


I was supposed to have the Mahi Mahi and Beef  but they were out of Mahi Mahi so they gave all guest who ordered fish the option of Tuna, Swordfish or Grouper. It was handled excellently. BTW the favorite was the Tuna steak.....it was all the talk the next day.

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Thanks so much for all these responses ladies!  I think I'm going to include them on my invitations because so far, even though some of my guests are checking out my wedding website, not all are.  At least with the invitiation I can guarentee that all guests are going to read the options on the RSVP card when they receive the invitaiton in the mail.


Another question to throw out there...  about how much time ahead of your wedding date will you be requirings guests to RSVP?


I'm getting married April 26,2013.  My travel agent was suggesting that the RSVP date should be July 31, which is the first deadline for guests to place a deposit on their rooms.  Does that seem to early? 


Is there a suggested guideline about when guests should RSVP before the wedding date?

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Originally Posted by Caroline1118 View Post


Thanks so much for all these responses ladies!  I think I'm going to include them on my invitations because so far, even though some of my guests are checking out my wedding website, not all are.  At least with the invitiation I can guarentee that all guests are going to read the options on the RSVP card when they receive the invitaiton in the mail.


Another question to throw out there...  about how much time ahead of your wedding date will you be requirings guests to RSVP?


I'm getting married April 26,2013.  My travel agent was suggesting that the RSVP date should be July 31, which is the first deadline for guests to place a deposit on their rooms.  Does that seem to early? 


Is there a suggested guideline about when guests should RSVP before the wedding date?

In my opinion, July seems way too early to request an RSVP for an april 2013 wedding.  My RSVP date is 2 weeks prior to the deadline for canceling any unbooked rooms in my reserved room block without penalty.  This works out to be 14 weeks prior to my wedding date which I think is adequae time for my guests to decide and plan financially and It gives me enough time to coordinate the final details... decor, pre travel packages etc.

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Originally Posted by Caroline1118 View Post


Thanks so much for all these responses ladies!  I think I'm going to include them on my invitations because so far, even though some of my guests are checking out my wedding website, not all are.  At least with the invitiation I can guarentee that all guests are going to read the options on the RSVP card when they receive the invitaiton in the mail.


Another question to throw out there...  about how much time ahead of your wedding date will you be requirings guests to RSVP?


I'm getting married April 26,2013.  My travel agent was suggesting that the RSVP date should be July 31, which is the first deadline for guests to place a deposit on their rooms.  Does that seem to early? 


Is there a suggested guideline about when guests should RSVP before the wedding date?


It really depends on your contract. I went with Wright Travels and they ask for $100 deposit to book a room and then the remaining balance is due 60 days prior to your departure date which seems fare. I didn't want people waiting to book at the last minute so I had them RSVP to me 4 months in advance so that I had an idea of how many people we would have at our wedding....and trust me this was a BIG help! Because so many things depended on this number! I did my own decorations for the table, the seating chart, favors, welcome bags....the list goes on. Just things to be aware of.

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Originally Posted by Caroline1118 View Post


Thanks so much for all these responses ladies!  I think I'm going to include them on my invitations because so far, even though some of my guests are checking out my wedding website, not all are.  At least with the invitiation I can guarentee that all guests are going to read the options on the RSVP card when they receive the invitaiton in the mail.


Another question to throw out there...  about how much time ahead of your wedding date will you be requirings guests to RSVP?


I'm getting married April 26,2013.  My travel agent was suggesting that the RSVP date should be July 31, which is the first deadline for guests to place a deposit on their rooms.  Does that seem to early? 


Is there a suggested guideline about when guests should RSVP before the wedding date?

We are getting married in February 2013 and our deposits are due to the TA by end of July 2012...that was part of the deal I got when booking...guests can still book after that date but we can't guarantee the price will remain the same as what we reserved.  For our deal final payment is due at the end of September.

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