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Hi,we went to registries here and they gave out a list of Justices of the peace and we called one close to us.she came over to our house and in 10 minutes we had the legal papers signed and stamped.

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I was confused about this as well, but the "booklet" is just the pdf from the website.  I know that when you get there, your coordinator will give you options for linens, chairs, and other decor, but you don't see any of that until you meet with them. 

Originally Posted by KerriCornell View Post

Also, just wondering if anyone has the wedding booklet the coordinators send you? 

If anyone has it could you send it to me?  [email protected]


Thank you sooo much!!!!



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Hey Ladies,


I'm back from my wedding and have finally found some time to write a review! Overall it was an entirely fantastic week with a few minor hiccups.


We arrived on Monday with 20 of our group and began the check in process. Once we asked the concierge to call Pilar so we could say hello they realized that we were supposed to be taken to the preferred side for check in. They had accidentally taken our mothers who were sharing a room instead of us. It was sorted out quickly (although our moms would have been happy to stay on the preferred side, I'm sure). Our room was great, really spacious, and the view was...okay.

Tuesday we had our meeting with Pilar where she went over everything in detail. We brought a lot of our own decor and she took notes to make sure it was going to be just what we wanted. We toured all the locations, went over the menu, flowers and timeline, plus planned our dinner, massage, breakfast and rehearsal.

Wednesday our rehearsal was quick and easy and was followed by a dinner. I think I would have preferred the Carnival buffet but I guess it was closed that night so we had the buffet in the theatre followed by a show.



Thursday morning I got up and did yoga at the cabana and then went for breakfast. My hair appointment was at 1 pm with Angel, who is absolutely amazing. I had a hair trial with him on Tuesday instead of getting make up done, so Thursday was easy and stress free. I opted to have a friend do my make up only because she is professional and she knows what I like, but I'm sure Angel would have been great. There was a little stress when my dress hadn't arrived back in my room by 3 when the wedding was supposed to be at 4. Someone called for it and it was finally returned to my room at about 3:30.

The ceremony was beautiful. We had a symbolic ceremony and it was all done in English. It would've been nice if we'd had a chance to meet with the officiant beforehand, but it went smoothly regardless.

While most of the guests went to cocktail hour at the Mix bar we had photos taken on the grass and the beach. We used both the resort photographer and our own. We had a lovely Mexican Trio playing guitar and singing during cocktail hour and had more than enough food without ordering extra. (Includes food for 25 and we had 32).

The reception was great, but I wish we'd had it a little longer. It was scheduled for 7-10 and by the time speeches, cake cutting and champagne were done it was almost time to go. To be honest, it's a bit of a blur now, but the food was enjoyed by all, they did a fantastic job decorating and the service was great. The only small hitch was that they got our cake wrong... We had ordered lemon with raspberry and got some sort of mocha instead. It was still tasty, just not what we expected. After the reception we continued the party in the lobby bar with the live band and had a great time.



This place is beautiful and very clean. We were all located in different buildings and it's bit of hike from one side to the other, but it just inspires you not to forget things in your room ;) The staff is absolutely fantastic and make you feel incredibly special. There are lots of activities everyday so for those that want a bit more than pool and each you can always find something to do. Yoga, soccer, tennis, spanish lessons, water or beach volleyball, etc.



I think it's pretty much what you might expect. We only saw the one show, a dance show of various styles. It was pretty cheesy but fun all the same. The live music in the lobby was great the nights they had bands. They advertise having movies on the beach on the website  but we never saw this happen. The theme nights were the same as the shows, cheesy but fun.



Food was pretty good, but maybe not as great as I expected. Spice (the asian restaurant) was very tasty and the Tepanayaki (SP?) was awesome to watch.

Capers (Italian) was also good but didn't blow my mind. I'm a huge Italian fan though so my expectations were probably really high.

We didn't do Cin CIn or Mercure (meditarranean, french) as there were no vegetarian options. Apparently Tamarindo was really good to, I didn't have a chance to try it. The buffet was always decent, (breakfast omelette guy was great!) and Castaways was great for snacks.



Minor things that by no means affected our vacation or wedding but just were iritations:

1- We planned our private dinner on the beach for Friday night. We had pre-selected our menu and time with Pilar on tues. Friday night it poured rain so we re-scheduled for Saturday. When we showed up at concierge they had no knowledge of our dinner. After a 45 minute wait they finally got it sorted out and found our menu. We still got it, just had to wait. (A note to any vegetarians out there - do NOT get the vegetable stew with lettuce wraps. It's terrible and flavourless).

2- We had scheduled our champagne breakfast for Sunday at 10, I guess Pilar wrote the wrong date down because it never came. We waited for about 30 minutes then called and they had no record of it. We ran to the buffet to catch breakfast there. We couldn't reschedule because we were leaving the next morning. Apparently they thought it was supposed to be the day before.

3 - Photos. I know you are supposed to get an album with 30 photos but it sort of felt like they tried to trick us when we went to look at them. He told us to go through and select all of our favourites. So we did. All 180 of them. After that he told us to narrow it down to 24 they would make into an album or choose 30 they would put on a dvd. If we wanted more than that it would be $15 per picture. I just wish he'd been specific from the beginning. They did offer us all the pictures for $250 after that, which is not so bad a deal.


Overall, it was a great success, all of our guests had an incredible time and I wouldn't do it differently if I had the chance. You'll all be very happy with your choice, just make sure you double check your appointments and avoid the veggie lettuce wraps ;)

I'm happy to answer any questions you have or send you pics!












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