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Hey everyone's been really slacking with the posts :)   Lisa/Amy/Hanna, I know your weddings are all right before mine....how are you ladies doing?  Nervous or completely ready??  I definitely feel like I have more things to do than time to do it in, but I'm still super excited and just want to be in Mexico already!


Lindsay I am definitely bringing my dress on the plane with me but i havent really thought about where it's gonns go.  I guess at the worst, I can just keep it on my lap.

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Hi Erin,


Sorry I have been busy perparing for our wedding. There is so many little things to do. We finally got our wedding contract today from Pilar. I have been asking for this for the past few weeks. We need to make a few changes to the contract. We are having Alex to come and talk about the tours during our welcome dinner. I am super excited and can't wait to leave.


I was going to bring welcome gifts, be decide not to last mins, we didn't want to bring so much stuff down. We are bring all the centre pieces and purchasing the flowers from the resort.





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Hi Stacey - I just made all of the hair/makeup appointments for the day of the wedding and a trial the Thursday before.  Ana sent me one email address for Angel Rojas at the spa. [email protected] 

I received a response within a day with the confirmations.  From the times given of the appointments, it looks as though there's one person doing hair and one doing makeup, giving each appointment about an hour and a half.  Not sure if I had a choice of who does what. 


You are getting married the day after me if I remember correctly...I'm July 2nd.      

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OK, ladies, I am worried! I sent things down to the resort on Tuesday and it was supposed to be there today. However, when I tracked it, there was a clearance delay! Does this mean that something in the package is stopping it from going on to the resort?! I am really worried it is not going to get there! Help!


I leave for my wedding in 6 days!





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I have been a bit mia since I am trying to get the little last minute things done but so far so good. I am getting super excited to get there!!!! I started packing all my wedding stuff and oh boy I already have 3 suit cases and 2 carry ons and that is JUST wedding stuff! I am flying from Canada with Air Transat and they don't have closets so overhead bin it is or an empty seat if possible!

My whole first day at the resort is booked with appointment with all the vendors, it's crazy!!!! i sent in my planning form two weeks ago. I have my hair and makeup appointment at 11:30am and my wedding is scheduled for 3:00pm. I bumped it up to have more daylight for pics.

Hanna, i hope you have found a dress by now!

All the best ladies and I am so excited for all of you. Hanna I will see you there!

Originally Posted by SKing24 View Post

Hey everyone's been really slacking with the posts :)   Lisa/Amy/Hanna, I know your weddings are all right before mine....how are you ladies doing?  Nervous or completely ready??  I definitely feel like I have more things to do than time to do it in, but I'm still super excited and just want to be in Mexico already!


Lindsay I am definitely bringing my dress on the plane with me but i havent really thought about where it's gonns go.  I guess at the worst, I can just keep it on my lap.


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I sent my things fedex to the resort and now they can't find my package. Do you think it is safe to say I am never going to see it again? This if the only thing that has gone wrong for me but it is a very MAJOR thing to go wrong! I am worried I am not going to have welcome bags for anyone now! AH! I am still working with fedex to figure everything out but what are your thought?! I need advice!




Jessica Phillips

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Jessie, that sucks! I feel so bad for you. Try and stay positive and keep pushing Fedex. I would think the package was insured and they would have to refund you! If you end up not getting the package in time, if you have time I would just run into playa to get your guests a little something from mexico. There are plenty of shops in playa del carmen on 5th avenue. I know it is not ideal but at least you will have something for them and you can file a claim with fedex when you return. Don't stress and make sure you take your dress with you lol I am sending good vibes your way :)

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H imy name is Adrienne,  I am in the planning process of our destination wedding and it seems I am having the same problem with destinationwedding.com TA because she just seems like she doesn't want to work with me. Did you just ask for another TA within destinationwedding.com or did you fire them completely? Thanks!

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