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Welcome packages(letters) presentation

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I am wondering how you girls have presented the Welcome packages(letters) did you put it in a duo-tang? just staple it? ribbon? clear folder....mine is only like 4 pages..feels weird to put it in a duo tang...but feels cheap and effortless to just stable it and put it in the welcome bag like that.....

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I haven't done mine yet, but I plan on hole punching two holes in the top and stringing raffia through it along with a personalized ribbon. On the bow of the ribbon and raffie, will be a starfish charm (since that's the main theme of the wedding). I'm not mailing out my letters and packages, but handing them out personally since the people that will be going are so close to us that we see them all the time. They'll be in nautical looking gift bags with the luggage tags and a few other assorted gifts.

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Originally Posted by MDLady View Post
I haven't thought this far ahead but hole punch with ribbon sounds perfectly easy and pretty! Do I need to bring a hole puncher to the island as well? LOL. Sheeeesh.
Maybe you could just hole punch them all before you go? The more time goes on, the happier and happier I get that I get 2 bags of luggage (up to 50 lbs) checked for free. FI says I can use at least one of his bags.. so I get 3 huge bags to take! HEAVEN!
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