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what to do??


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Well, you have a year and a half to flood her with beautiful pictures, talk about how much it would mean to her son if she would come (even if only for an extended weekend), tell her how much safer it is to travel in a large group. I wouldn't give up quite yet!

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I would just wait awhile until she comes around. Yes it is scary to think that Canadian citizens were murdered down there, but hopefully as time goes by she will put this farther into her memory and be willing to go. I would also show her lots of pics and try to make her feel as involved as possible so that she will want to go. Good luck!

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I'd be willing to bet that more Canadians are murdered in Canada every year than in Mexico.


Sorry, That sounded a little sarcastic, but honestly. She doesn't even have to leave the resort if she doesn't want to. So really she'd be in Mexico hanging out w/ a bunch of other Candians anyway! :-)


Yeah, I'd say take a little more time and see if you can't win her over!

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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
Canadian couple murdered in Mexico

The murder suspects are candian women.
We have followed this story as it was a couple from Ontario and the news kept it in the lime light. The women accused are only being accused by the Mexican governement and the Canadain investigation team has eliminated them as even a possiblility. They believe it was a worker who was harrassing the couple earlier that day then disappeared that night. Who knows what really happened but the fact that they were murdered in there rooms doesn't help my cause.

We may do a legal ceremony here before hand and then a walk down the eisle and vows down there without her.
Florida isn't a bad idea, except we did fall in love with Mexico. I haven't seen many weekend trips from Canada. It doesn't work the same here. I guess it could though. Here people pay one price for the whole package (flight, transfers, room food beverages...AI).
I'll talk to the FI and see what he thinks.
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My MIL is not coming to our wedding. She will not get on a plane if it were to save her life. We thought we could get her to change her mind. We are down to 3 1/2 months and everyone booked, but her. I am pretty sure we are going to do the legal wedding here(mainly to avoid the extra work). If we do, we will have both sets of parents come with (not telling anyone else). This way technically she(MIL) is still apart of her first born and only son getting married.

Maybe you would consider doing the same if she won't change her mind.

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