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Getting married in 4 weeks at the Hilton Rose Hall!

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Hi...I have a question for past brides of the Hilton Rose Hall. Did you receive any type of program or itinerary for the ceremony? When I spoke to Yolandi last, I asked about it and she mentioned that there will be an itinerary given to me, but I wasn't sure if the same itinerary would be given to my guests also or should I be creating one for them? Also, did any of you have a welcome party..I kind of wanted to get all guests together sometime before the wedding day, but really do not want to spend too much money doing it. So, I was thinking of putting a little note into their welcome bags, letting them know to meet us by the pool at a certain time. Would this be corny? Any advise would be great!! Thanks!

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I'm not getting married at rose hall. But I think that most places you have to create your own program for your ceremony. Your wc probably was just talking about a general iternary that lets you know whats going to happen but if you want a program with your bridal party and order of the ceremony, and etc. thats something you create yourself. And for your welcome dinner what you could do if this is a AI resort is just have everyone meet at one of the restuarants (see if you can reserve for your group) if they say know and the group is too big you can always try to get some tables reserved at the buffet by having the some members of the group go down eraly when they open and get tables. Hope this helps a little bit.

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Thanks Sax Lady! Now that I think of it, I believe the WC was just talking about the actual itinary, so I will have to create a Program...ughh...one more thing to do. As for the Welcome party, I think having some of the bridal party save some tables at the buffet would probably work out best for us. So, I may just do that! Again, thanks for the advise.

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Thats correct they do not do a program, you will have to do your own I met Yolandi in Jamaica she is a very nice planner very frank will tell you what works. Have a wonderfulday if you are using the hotels photographer Gary is the best I viewed their work while i stayed there. Grande garden is their florist cannot say enough about how great they are ..They R the best!!!

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~Jcruizin76: How was Rose Hall's response to your wedding planning? I began a dialogue with Charlene about 3 weeks ago and she has failed to follow-up or respond. The first person that responded to my e-mail inquiry just said no we don't have X date available and nothing more. She didn't suggest alternative dates or anything. I think it is really rude (and believe me I'm very cognizant that they may be busy). I am starting to think outside of their hotel. Can you tell me about your experience with them either on this post or in a PM.

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Hi GoingBridal...at first they were very slow in responding, I had sent in a Proposal online and they never responded, so I called the Resort and messages were taken, it did take a while for someone to finally contact me about setting up the date and time of the wedding. Also, the first WC I had assigned to me was very into the Jamaican timing (very laid back)...she was very slow at responding to any of my questions or concerns. But, fortunately for me she left the company and I was reassigned to Yolandi, whom is great. She has responded back to me in a timely manner and has called me on several occassions asking questions. So, I can say overall it has been a good experience, not great but good. I'm just hoping the wedding turns out great, but I'll know in about 3 weeks and I will definitely report! Good luck!!

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goingbridal - I've been working with Charlene for months and over all it's been really pleasant! I had one miss communication but nothing too bad, and it was easy to clear up. I think she was out of town last week, i'd give her another try. It's really been very easy and a good experience for me. Good Luck!


Jcruzin76 - Good Luck and Congrats! I think your welcome is perfect, I'm thinking of doing the same thing on the first night!

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