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The Kennel lost my parents' dog!!!


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I hope they find your parents dog. It is so hard when this happens & so stressful because they are a member of your family. Before we got our italian greyhound from my future brother-in-law they had her in a kennel in FL & had a similar situation happen but here we found out someone took her in & treated her as their own. Personally I think the kennel sold her since she's pure bred and a beautiful dog but my future BIL had to take them to court to get the dog back. Now we have her but I can't imaging putting my dogs in a kennel especially after that happened so I pay friends/family to take care of our 2 when we go away. Long story short...knock on doors too, you may find him in someones home.

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Oh my goodness...I'm so sorry your family is going through this. My dogs are my kids and if this happened to either one of them, you would seriously have to tie me down to keep me from going ape**** on the kennel owners.


I'm sending all my doggie mojo up north that Bailey comes home safe and sound. Get lots of extra cookies ready to spoil her when she comes home!

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Oh no, this is the worst thing ever!!! I almost can't believe it. We board our dog all the time and I would be very ticked off if they let children walk the dogs. That's quite irresponsible, wow!!!


I really hope Bailey turns up safe and sound. Fingers crossed for you!!!!!!

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I tried to avoid this thread because I knew from just the preview of the title it was going to horrify me! This is so awful!


I'm not AS upset as I thought I would be, since it does sound like the loss was a genuine accident and they are really trying their best to find him. I only hope they do and he comes home safe and sound!

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It makes me so upset that the kennel was so irresponsible to let a kid walk the dog! I also don't understand at all why they would remove a collar with his ID info. I really hope they find the dog soon. Our animals are like our children. We had one that escaped from our yard a couple of years ago, and I cried for days until someone found him.

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