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Need advice on living situation!!

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OK...here's the story.....

Of course after getting married we want to have our own place. So we found a house to rent for $1700/month. Thats alot for rent, we could have a mortgage for the much, but since my FI just got laid off, we dont want to purchase anything. His dad offered for us to live with him for 6 months (not a bad situation at all, we all get along) and then we could live at my parents empty house while they are in AZ for the winter (6 months). All for FREE!! We could save all year and have a nice down payment for a house and see what happens with FI job situation. So, what do you all think?? We want our own place so bad and to start our new life, but to be able to save so much money is priceless!! Any advice would be great...need to decide in the next 2 weeks!

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Honestly, I think saving for the year would be a great option. Get everything together, give your Fi time to find a job without stress. And then purchase a house.

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If you have the chance of living for free and saving take it!!! Especially if you all get along. Its so hard to save for a house once you start renting. There is always things that come up. Even if your FI goes back to work its still a struggle. If you can save for a downpayment I would for sure. That way your rent is actually going to your own place and not paying someone elses mortgage.


We did it all backwards. We moved out had kids now getting married.... A house is so far in the future. I hate paying rent! lol

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Definitely live for free...just make sure you actually put away that $$ you are saving! DH and I lived for free for 2 yrs & ended up just spending more!! lol You can get your bank to automatically withdraw money from your account each month & put it in another account (ie, savings) Then it's like you are paying rent...just forget about that $$ once it's out of your main account.


Good luck!

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Definitely take your time to save for a downpayment. We are actually getting married and buying a house together at the same time and it's soo expensive.


One word of caution - the fact that you all get along - be careful because you don't live together now. I would be extremely careful when living with family to not ruin the relationship. It is very common that friendships or relationships with family gets ruined when living together. I would just make sure that you are EXTRA considerate, always help out, and be the best guest possible. Otherwise it has a chance of putting a damper on that great relationship.

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