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Anyone NOT Taking FI Name?

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I was told the same thing. I still may change my name but it seems like such a hassle! Plus we will be leaving the country for about a year after our wedding and it seems like there won't be enough time to get my passport changed before. I know if I don't do it right away I probably won't change it.


I may just put my last name as my middle name so I can share the same last name as my kids. Good luck in your decision.

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i've always joked about keeping my name even though i'd always thought i'd change it, but now that it's getting closer i really have been going back and forth with this.


first, it's been MY NAME for 27 years!!!! and second my name is very spanish and his last name is very NOT! so it sounds weird.

and if i hyphenate it, it's just way too long.

and this might be weird, but i don't want to change my signature...all of the letters in my name are pretty and curvy (Carolina Gonzalez) and now i'll have a big straight T to dea with!!


so not too sure about the Carolina Tompkins thing....god it even looks weird!!

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Originally Posted by wendyjd View Post
Glad to see this thread pop up. I am NOT changing my name. My FI is fine with it. I was previously married and hyphenated with a LONG last name, which for some reason confused people and was still a huge pain to change (twice!).

Its funny even though we aren't married about half of our neighbors call me by his last name already. It doesn't upset me but it seems funny that both names (first and last) are on the homeowners assn info I rarely get called by MY last name and my FI NEVER gets called by my last name.
haha same here!! everyone in the building calls me mrs. tompkins and NO ONE ever calls him by my last name.

so after my last post i remembered that i had a hoodie embroidered with "mrs. tompkins" for our trip to cancun...too late to change my mind?!? wink.gif
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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
But we did come up with two compromises. While FI doesn't like the idea, I will likely be converting my last name to a second middle name. Then we both get our way. The second compromise - we name one of our kids Riley. So it's not quite the same as carrying on with the family name but it will at least keep it going in some form. I know others who have done the same thing and it worked to make everyone involved happy.

And I have to admit the one good thing about changing my last name is that in computer code language (boring I know!) an apostrophe is more commonly used than it used to be, so with "O'Reilly" I am constantly running into errors in various computer systems, emails and tons of stuff online! So in that sense, it will definitely be less headaches once I change!
Originally Posted by wendyjd View Post
Glad to see this thread pop up. I am NOT changing my name. My FI is fine with it. I was previously married and hyphenated with a LONG last name, which for some reason confused people and was still a huge pain to change (twice!).
Its funny even though we aren't married about half of our neighbors call me by his last name already. It doesn't upset me but it seems funny that both names (first and last) are on the homeowners assn info I rarely get called by MY last name and my FI NEVER gets called by my last name.
Originally Posted by EmmaGaussoin View Post
I was told the same thing. I still may change my name but it seems like such a hassle! Plus we will be leaving the country for about a year after our wedding and it seems like there won't be enough time to get my passport changed before. I know if I don't do it right away I probably won't change it.

I may just put my last name as my middle name so I can share the same last name as my kids. Good luck in your decision.
When I got married the first time - 13 years ago - I was in my 20s and I changed my name - it didn't seem like a big deal to do - when I got divorced 3 years later and changed it back it seemed like a huge pain in the butt!

Now that I've been in my career for a very long time, everyone knows me by my last name and many people call me by my last name because there are so many Michele's, but I like the tradition of being Mr. & Mrs and I thought I would change it. FI doesn't really care - and he actually has had some problems with his last name because he and his biological father (he wasn't raised by this man) have the same last name and FI has had his bank account "accidentally" levied...he has considered changing his name to his step-father's name as that's who raised him and it would avoid confusion. his step-dad's last name is easy (Grover) while his real last name is confusing to spell and pronounce...
I mentioned to him last night that I would use my last name as my middle name and his as my last name....He thinks it sounds strange together and he likes my real middle name but told me to do what I want.
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  • 3 weeks later...

So glad to hear that their are plenty other's out their on the fence about this. I had a minor freak out the other day when we came home from our dw and told dh that I didn't want to take his name.... he's okay with it... but I've decided to use my maiden name as my middle name and then take his last name. Good comprimise I think.

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Originally Posted by PrincssScorpion7 View Post
No I am not taking his name and neither am I hyphenating it. I will continue to have the same last name.
Thats what I am doing.

The first time I got married I changed my name. Then about 5 years ago I went back to my maiden name. I am not changing it again. I am tired of changing passport, drivers license etc! lol
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