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Hangover kit question

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Hello all,


I'm planning on doing OOT bags for my wedding and would love to include a hangover kit as well but I have a question that I would love an honest answer to. If you were a guest would you be offended or grossed out if the bride gave you a hangover kit with homemade packaged medicine in it? To explain a little more I think that the travel size packaged OTC medicine is so cute but kind of cashy so I thought to save some money I could buy large bottles of medicine and package and label them myself in small small ziploc baggies but I don't know how people will feel about that.

Any thoughts?

Thank you

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I wouldn't be bothered about it as a guest. Here are my thoughts. Everyone going to your wedding is close to you, so I wouldn't think they would be overly bothered by you potentially touching the meds. That being said, I would think as long as you package them in some sort of sealed cute packaging you should be fine! If you know any of them might be bothered, then treat them as an exception and get them the expensive tiny packets.

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Personally, I wouldn't do the individually packaged meds. Maybe it's the nurse in me, but even though they are OTC meds, I would want everything in original packaging with the name of med and dosage information. Also, I just had a thought--you might have a problem with the airline (if they find it) and having medication in non-original packing...they have no proof that what you're bringing isn't a harmful or illegal drug. Just my $0.02 :)

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