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April 2011 Brides


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greys - your dress is beautiful!


Tisha - I think your rings look good together, and I'm sure it'll make a big difference when they're recoloured


Meggers - holy, score on the shopping!  God, I wish i was close to the border!


Lua - sorry to hear about your fight, but good that you made up - I hate going to bed made, too...  How was your girls weekend???

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Awww Laura that sucks!! Geez it seems like a lot of us are dealing with some pre wedding tension. If it makes you feel any better it is 100% normal. Between the financial strain and the stress we're all under, we can end up taking it out on the people closest to us...especially our spouses to be!!!

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Our girls weekend was really great!!! It was a bit cold up there, but BOY was the food GOOD!!!! essentially mostly all we did was eat and it was awesome. Nice hanging with my SIL's :) here give me a sec and i'll get some pics

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Tisha, That was why I had to give up my e-ring to have my wedding band custom made so that it would fit snug. What material are your rings made from? They will match if they replate the e-ring, but will they wear evenly in the future? I wouldn't want to have them replated every year.


Meggers, great shopping!


Laura, big hugs! It is tough to stay calm when we are all under so much stress. I'm glad you made up before bed, I never let FI go to sleep angry either and I make sure we always kiss good night.

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Oh and a tip for your eyes... before you go to bed put two teaspoons in the freezer. First thing when you get up hold them against your eyes for as long as you can or until they aren't cold anymore. Repeat if you need to. All of the tragedy in my life has taught me two things... that I can survive anything... and the spoon trick!!

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Mocha, they're both white gold, one is 18k and the other is 14k so I have no idea how they will fare in the future.  :(  I am just going to have to keep my fingers crossed that it all works out.  We can't afford any changes right now. 


I've paid for my entire families trip to Mexico at this point, 6 people!  Ahhh, talk about stressful! 

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thank you for the spoon trick!!! i may even try that when i get home tonight.



ok --- pics from the girls weekend!


here's where we stayed:



this is the view from a lookout they had looking over top of the main house onto the still very frozen Lake Simcoe



And, one of my fav pics of the weekend - me and my mom freezing our butts off down at the lake!!


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