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April 2011 Brides


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Brandy - I like the first pair of shoes!


I went shopping last night after work with my mom and bought a dress! :) .. something unlike anything I have (omg i'm branching out! LOL)


It's from H&M and I plan on wearing it for supper this weekend, then one night in Jamaica. :)  Cost me $0!!! ... thanks to an xmas gift card I hadn't used yet

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Originally Posted by tris View Post


I got in a "car accident" today (basically I backed into a hydro pole that was in the middle of someones freaking drive way)... FI is in Calgary (like 12 hours away) all weekend, so I have no transportation and my weekend is going to filled with dealing with this... really I didn't need this right now. UGHHHH!!! Not to mention I started my freaking period a week early and work is miserable...


So my wedding checklist for the weekend is as follows:

-not freak out

eek! sorry to hear this tris!! *big hugs to you* glad you didn't get hurt though



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Oh no Tris, sorry to hear that, those poles jump out of no where sometimes LOL!!


Laura, LOVE that dress, very pretty!!!!


Thanks ladies for the shoe input, the first and last pair came from DSW and the middle/white pair obviously came from bebe ;) love their stuff!!!!



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Laura, love that dress!  H&M has such great stuff!


Brandy, I like them all (how's that for no help?!?)!  Which are the most comfortable?  If I had to chose one pair, I'd go with #1.  Your white dress is adorable, BTW.


Tris, that sucks about your car situation!  I hope your weekend gets better.  Your weekend "to do" list cracked me up:)  Hang in there.


Victoria, great pics!!

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Originally Posted by lesee View Post

Hey girls


I've been struggling to find a makeup look and I stumbled on this site and it's giving me some ideas.....thought I'd pass it on. Some of the looks are not suitable for a DW but ideas are ideas :)


 Great link!  Thanks!  I also have used Kandee Johnson's videos on You Tube.  She gives some great tutorials that are pretty easy.  She's a big MAC fan.

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Aren't they just the BEST????? We adore our little guy and just love him to pieces!!!! He is such a perfect little angel and loves to cuddle all the time and is afraid of his own bark so he is so quiet and he listens so well. We wanted to get another dog but we know any dog we get won't compare to our little Baxter!!!


Ok I know I sound like a crazy dog lady....

Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Awe, Meggers, we have a Boston too!!  He is my world!!!!!  :o



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Check that


Drink a BOTTLE of wine

Originally Posted by kiwibride View Post



I am so sorry to hear that, hope you are ok.  My advice pour yourself a glass of wine invite a friend over and watch a good chick flick!!



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Tris, I hope you are okay. Sorry you have to deal with that now with all the other stuff you are trying to get done.


Laura, That dress is cute. I wish there was an H&M here, I guess I will have to wait until I get home. FI is going to freak when I start buying so much stuff.


I'm going to try to rest a little this weekend. Starting on Monday I start working 12 hour shifts everyday, so I need some sleep before that.

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Wow you ladies were busy while I was drinking green beer! (yay to the bd shoot being over!)


Tris- Yikes!! Sorry to hear about the added stress. As a cop wifey I spend a lot of time at home without FI and I think you should do this: Pop in your iPod, crank your favorite tunes, put on your favorite underwear or pj's and have a little around the house solo dance party. If you do it when FI is there, he'll think you're nuts but trust me when I tell you it heals all things!!!


Brandy - I am breaking the mold and saying shoes #3... they look higher and for me, the higher the better!


Laura- That dress is really cute! Nothing like a wedding to get you to step outside the comfort zone! Very feminine and flirty.. I like. Also with the music, I think you might be overthinking it a bit! It's a DW, glitches are bound to happen so if you plan it down to the second you will end up stressin'... just let that music roll baby! There should be someone there to stop it for you when you reach the front.




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