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April 2011 Brides


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Just finished my BD shoot... it was fun and exciting. I was a little nervous but I think it went well.  I can't wait to see the results! We did a few different outfits and poses. It was pretty relaxed. I used the same photographer that will be doing our wedding, so I can't wait to see how they turn out. We even did a few shots with my veil and flowers.

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So after all this BD talk i have decided to do one! I worked out a deal with photographer friend of mine who is wanting to get in more BD photography so we're going to trade services that way I wont have to worry about budgeting it in! Im super nervous but totally exciting and FI is going to DIE when he sees them because it is so unlike me to do something like this.... but i have a hard time being sexy.. i feel totally awkward and weird so im a little nervous about that part. Cant wait to see you pics mocha!

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Originally Posted by bryanandchar View Post


Thank-you so much for all of the advice ladies, sometimes you just need an outside perspective to make things clear. And sometimes it just helps to say something, I didn't want to talk to my family about how I was feeling for obvious reasons!

Anyways, thanks so much!!

Hi Char, even though I'm a little late to get in on this particular discussion, I thought I would add my two cents since my father was diagnosed with cancer just after I got engaged.  I have to say that my family didn't want to hear ANYTHING about the wedding and wanted all their focus to be on dad (he was going back and forth on a bunch of different treatment options) Basically, I let them dictate and take the lead when it came to discussing wedding plans, ie if they asked, I was happy to share, if they didn't, I didn't.  Your half-sis seems much more into it to begin with so I don't think it would hurt to ask her how she feels.  And I would even go so far as to ask if she would want you to change the wedding date, it sounds like she'll tell you not to, but the fact that you would even consider doing it would probably make her feel extremely special.  BTW, my father had surgery last summer and has been recovering from it for the past several months, but he is cancer free, so that is the most important thing. 


Now, however, my sister is in the midst of getting divorced (with two young children), so I definitely cannot share wedding plans with her.  She wasn't planning on coming to begin with, but now she definitely won't be there.  But if she does ask about the wedding, I do tell her, but I never bring it up.


On a happier note, my wedding band is supposed to arrive today, I'm eagerly awaiting the FedEx truck so I can get out of the house and head to work.  Yay!


As far as the BD shoot goes, I've decided to do one as well.  Since a friend of mine is our wedding photographer and we didn't use her for the engagement shoot (I set it up before I knew she was going to shoot our wedding) she wants to do the BD shoot for me.  I'm hoping to loose a few more pounds before I do it, but in the mean time I'm already brainstorming wardrobe ideas.  Since my FI is a huge Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant fan, I know one pic will have at least one of their jerseys.  I was hoping to find a Laker Girls costume, but for some reason I can only find Dallas Cowboys! That may be a shout out to you Brandy ;) and your skills!


Down to double digits now...getting sooo excited!!


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I would love to do a BD shoot as well. Any ladies in Maryland have a good photographer? I'm happy to report that I have already lost 10 pounds (mostly that packed on during Nov/Dec). I only have about 7 more pounds to get to my goal weight. I was remeasured by the lady at the bridal shop and I've lost 2 inches from my waist and the same on my hips. Good thing the bust didn't change :) With all of that being said, I think I have the confidence again to do the BD shoot. I would love to see pictures and steal ideas.


My date to have our group paid is 2/1. Right around the corner! Then, I can use the great ideas I've seen on here for OOT bags and goodies.


Oh and I think we have our ceremony script. If you need one, check out the Share your Ceremony Script thread on here. Absolutely amazing ideas! I especially love the engagement ring dedication. I've always wondered what to do with the engagement ring after the wedding ring is on. Most brides secretly move it to the correct hand after the ceremony.


Now on to the music selections. Can't wait to have fun with that!!

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