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April 2011 Brides


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Thanks Brandy and no worries, I did let it bother me a bit in the beginning but got over it REAL quick! Sorry to hear about your issue and I hope it works itself out for your sake!

On the baby front! Well it sounds like i am the old lady of the bunch here at 36 so right after the AHR in July we are going to start trying. Times a tickin! FI is only two years younger than me and he wants two so I guess i am just gonna have to pop one out after the other cause i don't want to have kids after 40 due to health risks. I hope there are no issues getting pregnant because I have a few friends doing fertility programs and having a hard time.

Also I think adding a color would add even more pop to the colors. I have three! Brandy put up some nice combos.

Lua and Mocha-I am totally in if you guys want to do a girl spa day! I only have two girlfriends coming to my wedding, one from primary school and the other from highschool that I have remained close with that can come. One lives in florida and the other about 45min away. Other girlfriends of mine are teachers and can't come. Two in the city and the other 15hours away from me so I hear what you are saying about the lack of friends around. Had to let quite a few go in the last couple of years for the same reasons as others have mentioned and girls can just be terrible some times. I was always closer with guys also, not as much drama!

Tris-totally do the trip, you will have memories for a lifetime and you are still young enough to have kids! Enjoy the hubby and married life for a while!

I got my vista print order today way early and will post pics shortly, had to do some computer maintenance lol

Oh I thank god for your girls!!!

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Ok there is alot more but after i spend forever uploading the pics and go to submit the system tells me to enter something before i submit my post urgggggg and it is far too late to continue this lol

Anyway, I also got a hat with our logo, 5 pens with our logo, a photo flip book with pictures of all of our firsts, a notebook, photoshare magnets, a large outdoor banner for the ahr, a tote bag and i think that is it this time around! Gonna see what the luggage tags look like tomorrow without cardstock cause I really don't want to do the cutting but may have to.

Anyone doing wine labels for their ahr? My dad called me today and said he is making the wine and asked that question which i thought was so cute after all my bitching about him today lol I told him I would make up a label and send it to him with our logo but i need your opinion-should i put our wedding date on them or the AHR date? or both? And would anyone have a template for a wine label?

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Lisa, I think if you're doing a wine label you could just use the center of your logo with your names. Maybe around the edge you change it to a "Thanks for celebrating with us." Are you just using regular labels or are you purchasing wine bottle labels? Should be easy enough to create a word document once you have the label dimensions.

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