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April 2011 Brides


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I picked up my flowers over Christmas and while I was opening the box my sister sat to watch my reaction, my mom walked in, looked at the stuff and walked out. Ummmm... no comments? It is almost like she feels it's not a real wedding. Especially since it's not in a church. Oh well, I'm not going to let everyone's negativity ruin the most amazing day of our lives.


But on a different note, saw this cute hair pin on etsy for anyone with a starfish theme.



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Uninterested is the word for sure, I couldn't have said that better! Thank god for my aunt who has let me vent and talk about the wedding and FI of course but really he would like to help but doesn't really know how to get this stuff done and quick like I do so I just end up doing it myself.

After the treatment I have been getting I won't be so involved in anyones wedding after this! I am just bitter now lol

I have another sister in Florida who isn't coming she is 19 because she says she can't afford 750$ but yet goes tanning and gets hair extensions and would rather paint her car really then come to the wedding without her friend who can't afford it. Her mother who is also my mother isn't coming and didn't even have the courtesy to reply!

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uninterested is definitely the key word here. don't get me wrong, my parents are great - my mom asks almost every other day if there's anything she can do to help! (she's going to be in charge of printing and ironing on the logos to the OOT bags and koozies) my brothers though... no interest from them what-so-ever! ... my parents had to help pay for them to just get them to come! my one brother and his wife are even only flying in the morning of my wedding day and leaving the next! .... as for FI's parents.. they're great in that after some convincing finally seem to support the fact that we are getting married on a beach in jamaica, not at their church followed by a reception in the local polish hall. But it's weird, we see them all the time and now only 3 months out we never talk about the wedding.


i guess what i'm trying to say is thank goodness for you ladies!!! i'd be going crazy without you!


with the risk of sounding pretty lame, i don't exactly have any girlfriends to share this excitment with! (one of the reasons we're not having abridal party).  after university, i grew up while my friends didn't. 5 years later, they're all still single .. still doing the school/partying thing... i got a few little congrats on facebook when i got engaged and that's it. so needless to say, i doubt i'm getting any sort of shower, or bachelorette or anything.  I've come to term with those facts, but part of me still thinks it sucks you know?


on to happier things! ;)  you gals rock!

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ooo i meant to tell you all this morning i got the sweetest thing in the mail yesterday that made me so excited and probably blush like crazy!


FI gave me a subscription to Women's Health for xmas.  He get's Men's Health and I've been wanting Women's for a while now so I was pumped when I got the email at xmas saying he got it for me.  Well yesterday i got a card in the mail from Women's Health again explaining that he bought me the subscription and that I'll be seeing my first issue shortly.


WELL..... the card was addressed to me with what will be my married name!!! (he was thinking ahead).. I absolutely LOVED actually seeing it in print! :)


..now I need to start practicing what will be my new signature!

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