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April 2011 Brides


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Brandy- my FI bought a natural colored linen suit from Mens Warehouse (they have great deals). He's going to wear a white button down shirt, tucked, and no tie. I'm worried that he's going to be too casual and here I come in my fancy dress! I'm also freaking about about the linen... it gets wrinkled so fast. Every picture I see online doesn't look like the guys are wearing linen...can anyone help me destress about how wrinkled my FI is going to be in our pictures???




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I don't think Linen is too bad in the humidity unless he will be sitting down a lot. Just make sure to keep him on his feet.


Your bride-o-grams are so cute. I could never hang that one up, it would never come down and everyone would find out that I do 99% of wedding stuff at work and no real work!

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Is anyone having in-law issues? Our visit after Christmas ended with FMIL making the following comments, "The princess always has to have her way," and while FI left me in the car with his parents "As usual, you make me the villain." And the whole thing started because I didn't want her hovering over us while we picked out FI's ring.

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To be honest I have had more issues with my family (ie father, mother, sisters) and FI's parents have been fantastic! Had a bit of drama with his sister but more with my family. I love my in laws, they are so understanding with stuff and have not got involved really at all!

My sisters are my bridesmaids and have helped me with nothing! No offers to help, don't think i will even get a shower, not that I really wanted one or anythign cause people are paying to travel but the thought of them asking would be nice! One hasn't even thanked me for buying her dress and I am currently not speaking with her! It's not pretty, would much rather her not be in the wedding but felt guilty about picking just one sister. They are young 20 and 22 but should still have some common sense about things!

My dad-we had issues cause he is man and just clueless about weddings and called me a princess at one point which i am far from! All is good with him now but some of the things he said and did hurt me (like why don't you spend 10$ and go get married at city hall)!!!!! Oh ya I almost had a fit! And this is from a man that is not hurting for money and had never even told me he was going to pay for anything at that point he just kept bitching about costs and people counts. I guess all the bitching was because he was going to pay for some of it but couldn't just come out and tell me that like an adult!!!!! uhhhh men

So many more drama issues I could go on forever, you really find out who people really are when you get married!

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You girls have been extra busy today! 


Brandy - I personally like the look of the shirt tucked in even without the tie. 


FI hasn't told me what his plans are yet.  He has it figured out though, I do know that.  FI is so into clothing, so I know I really don't have to worry about it.  It's the attire for the groomsmen that I'm more worried about.  I do know that FI plans on wearing some sort of suit....

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Originally, FMIL was great. I think maybe because even though her and FIL have always been together, she's never done the wedding thing and doesn't understand all the stress. I also think because she's more small town she doesn't understand a lot of the things my family wants to have included. Perhaps she's overwhelmed, but leave your emotions at home because all you have to do is show up. Anyways, she needs to loosen the apron strings because her little boy is all grown up and makes his own choices, with my input not hers.


As for my family, my mom seems uninterested and my sister thinks nothing is good enough for her, but is too cheap to spend $200 on a dress.


Thank goodness for FI, always my hero and supporter.

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Ugh... I know how you ladies feel. Although I don't have real "drama", everyone is just uninterested as mocha mentioned. I honestly don't talk about the wedding that much, I actually rarely do at great lengths, it just gets brought it up in conversation and every time it does my mom & sister change the subject. My sister, who's my best friend and my MOH actually asked me "what day is the wedding again? When do we leave" yesterday. Like seriously? She hasn't offered to help with really anything besides picking out my dress and she constantly has snarky remarks when I talk about the wedding... it's like my whole family believes that because I'm doing a DW that I shouldn't plan anything, just buy my dress, go down there and get married. My mom was even shocked that I hired a photographer. So God forbid I talk about bringing decorations down with me or anything of that nature....

Even with my wedding social. I did everything. I had to send my sister home early from decorating because she was complaining about not having enough time to do her hair and get ready. OMG! OH NO! So me and the rest of the wedding party had to stay there and finish, rush back home, get ready is 20 minutes and were back at the hall.


It's so incrediably frustrating! I get to do this ONCE in my life and I'd like everyone to let me have my time. When they all get married I'll be so involved they have no idea...


This all may be because we're the first in our group of friends and both sides of our family (like cousins and such) to get married. You'd think everyone would be excited but they're more uninterested than anything.

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oh and the future inlaws are being super supportive. FI's family is... well... interesting... They're very refined and a tad, well, stuck up. They're great people though, just different. But they got married at the court house and have no idea what weddings involve, so they're trusting us on everything. That's great!

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Im so sorry to hear all of this girls!! I completely get it though, my family has been pretty great, but my mom doesnt really know much about weddings, and with me choosing a dw she seems to think that there should be less involved, tris explained it pretty perfectly, I constantly have to say I didnt choose a dw bc I wanted anything less, I chose it bc I wanted to get married in a beautiful location on a beach, I still want a great dress and great photos and stuff like that but she seems to think a little differently not in a bad way though I just have to occasionally remind why I chose to do this. I guess she thinks I chose it to have a quick casual wedding I dont know its kind of hard to explain I guess.  Like she wanted me to get some short white cotton dress snap a few photos at the resort and that was it.

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