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April 2011 Brides


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Originally Posted by Brandy View Post

Thanks Ladies!! I know i cant believe its all over with now :(

Erin, Im not sure where my MIL ordered those from, but once you hear how much they are you wont want them!!!

Erin, dont freak out I felt the same way, your always going to feel like your forgetting something!

Okay... good to know!  I'll just keep going with the white ones that our venue offers!  

Originally Posted by bryanandchar View Post


 Char, your pics are beautiful!!  I'm so glad you had a great time!

Originally Posted by lisadias View Post

Erin, I totally feel the same way. I think I am forgetting something but really don't have anything left to do but put wrappers on my chocolate bars, all my beauty appointments this week, pick up my dresses and finish packing.

I'm glad I'm not alone...  I did up a "schedule" last night for things I need to do each day.  I think that will help!! 

Originally Posted by greysgirl View Post

Ella-  Isn't it crazy how long it took to get those freaking sandals?!?  I used mine for our TTD and noticed 2 rhinestones were missing from my starfish.  Oh well.  Ha!

We are back, jet-lagged, and tan....and loving it!  Our wedding day couldn't have been better.  We were literally hanging out by the pool right up until my hair and make-up appointments.  The ceremony was so intimate and perfect.  FI, whom I've never seen cry, had the biggest crocodile tears as I walked toward him.  So sweet.  Maui was so amazing.  We decided if we lived there we'd be totally worthless b/c  we just laid on the beach and by the pool for hours:)  We took surfing lessons, which were SO MUCH FUN too.  I'm hooked.  Here are some sneak peaks thus far:


And one from our photog:





One hilarious thing happened right before our ceremony.  This old man walked onto the beach in this amazing speedo....like 1980's grey with a big diagonal orange stripe across it.  It was phenomenal.  He clearly had had this thing since the 80's b/c it was all faded.  He was proudly rocking it though.  He stayed and watched our ceremony from afar.  Our photog got a hilarious photo of us blurred in front with him in the background.  Gotta' respect the Speedo.

Greys, your picture is absolute beautiful!!  I can't wait to see more!!  It is crazy how long it took for the sandals.  I did leave negative feedback...though I hate to do that, I just felt other people should definitely know what went on...  I love your story about the speedo guy... At least it happened before the ceremony and not during!!!  Though, I think it probably would have been funny either way, just as long as it wasn't caught in any pictures!!



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Hi ladies!!! :)


I'm not sure how active i'll be on here today but just wanted to say hi!  (BRANDY you're pics are amazing!!)


Today is my first day back at work and while I was gone, they set up my new email address (with married name!!) yet had issues with transferring emails .. i have over 200 that i need to manually forward from my old account so i'll be pretty busy today!!!


Anyway to make it short and sweet, we LOVED every moment of our time at the RIU NEGRIL!!!! Trip advisor had scared me a bit prior to leaving with all the bad reviews but 10000% in all honesty, we have no clue what people are talking about.  THe food was INCREDIBLE, no issues getting towels or a chair on the beach... NO ISSUES whatsoever!!! We loved it so much that we've already started saving to return for our 1 year anniversary!!!


Upon our arrival to the resort, we as the bride and groom were upgraded for FREE to the best suite on the resort!!!! I did a cheesy video of it on one our last days which you can see here!



And as I think you all know, in order to stay true to our budget, we decided not to hire a photographer. Instead we just asked everyone to take whatever they could and then post on our photobucket account.  People have started to post their shots so if you're curious, here's the link to our account :)

http://s1201.photobucket.com/home/chrisandlaurawedding/index  (it should work)  Chris' uncle really stepped up and took a TON of shots on his parents camera but unfortunately Chris' mom is VERY computer/internet illiterate LOL so we haven't gotten to see ANY of those yet.  we're anxiously awaiting them and will probably just grab the memory card on the weekend and to the uploading ourselves.

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