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April 2011 Brides


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Lisa, first of all, I am so jealous of your mirrored closet doors! Second, I think it turned out pretty well.  I'm guessing you laced it yourself so if someone else does it up, the fit will prob be a little different. The ruffles look really good and I don't think it's too revealing. Why not be a little sexy? I do think it looks good straight across your hips, not sure if I would like it as much if it was slanted. I can't see any of the minor imperfections that you mentioned. Good luck with your alterations.


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bahahaha thanks Mocha! I took close ups of the imperfections but no point posting them. It is more the side of the boob area that I am not happy with because the cups are a little too small it shows too much on the side but hopefully I can get that fixed. Either way this dress will work perfect for a TTD session. I will probably still go with my original for the ceremony and I am going to get it altered this saturday as I bailed last week. I will try and get some pics of the original altered to compare the two and get better pics of the new knockoff done up right.


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I also don't have any crinoline under it as the one they sent me is really tight but maybe it would look a little better with that underneath. I will try that next time.


Oh Meggers, that really sucks. Crap you are having a hard week for sure and I hope things start looking up for you. I would get a back up plan though for the jewelery just to be safe and return it or sell it if you don't use it. Best of luck!

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What is it with feeling like rubbish. I am still feeling terrible and sound like a man i have been sleeping in the spare room because i am up coughing all night, I almost have no voice left!  2 sleeps left until i fly out, just got home from my last day at work WOO HOO!

My list for tomorrow is, Pick up welcome brochure from printer's Get i-phone fixed pick up dry cleaning get mani/pedi get blow dry done get all the laundry done finish packing tidy house leave note for neighbour to collect our mail I think that is everything!!

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well i'm back at work today. i have today and tomorrow and that's it!!!! (can't believe i'm almost done already!)  i ended up going home at noon yesterday, managed to eat a bowl of chicken noodle soup and then I passed out on the couch until 4:30!!  pumped the ginger ale and water as much as i could yesterday and plan to do the same today.  i'm still feeling iffy right now but i think it's because i may have eaten too much for breakfast... i was sTARVING though!!!  here's hoping i'm better by tuesday when we leave!

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Laura, that's great that you had more of an appetite this morning. And you still have a few days to completely bounce back.


I'm so excited, I finally get to go home tomorrow. Coworkers are taking me out to dinner tonight. Unexpected bachelorette on Saturday night and shopping in Buffalo on Sunday! Then two crazy weeks of work before our escape to Mexico!

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Meggers - everything I ordered from Etsy took forever to arrive - but with 2 more weeks, hopefully you get it before you leave!  I would maybe pick out backups. and they you can grab them if your stuff doesn't arrive?  you may be fine returning a lot of the stuff, but most places won't let you return earings...


Sorry for all you girls that are feeling crummy - hope you all get better soon!  I'm feeling a little off today, my stomach is a bit unsettled....  But I'm hoping it's just from nerves/exciting cause I LEAVE TONIGHT!!!!!!  Yippee!!

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