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April 2011 Brides


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There.....man I am a nerd!!!

I guess I should have read further back to see what was going on with the list. lol

So......I had my BD shots done.... I am hoping they turn out good.  I had an old friend do them and she has only been doing it for a couple years.  I didn't really like the way the hairdresser did my hair but as soon as I get them.  I 'll post a few and then send the link.

I picked up my wedding dress..yay that went great.

I sent my ring away to get replated so it's just as shiny as my wedding band.

Made all my beauty appoinments ie. nails, hair, eyelashes. 

Took all my clothes out and put them in the spare room so I can go through them.

Got most of my wedding stuff in the extra luggage

Called credit card companies and let them know we'll be gone

called phone company and got unlimited texting


Need earings for wedding

Need sunscreen/ bigger bottle of aloe

hmmmm still lots to do


ahhhhhhhhhhh it's coming up so fast.....I have about a million lists for everything!




I think it was maybe Mocha....someone told me about Options Plus through AirTransat, I can't thank you enough!! Everyone in our group opted for it and we all have our seats now and we are all sitting in a big group.  I am so excited!


Brandy: I while ago you posted about Rimmel 24 hr foundation.......I'm in love!!!! Thank you for the tip!!


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Hey ladies!!!  I just got home a little while ago from my bridal shower!  It was so much fun!!  My girls treated me so well!!  I couldn't have asked for a better day with friends and family!! 


Now I have to work on wedding stuff....and I just don't have the ambition...which is REALLY bad!

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Lisa, I am working on my fan programs now. I had them all cut out, which really wasn't much trouble. Now I am at the assembly process and it's not working out so well. I think they are too thick. I have four pages of cardstock and two layers of metallic cardstock. I didn't put a lot of info on them, first page welcome, second page bridal party, third page parents, fourth is the thank you and cocktail reminder. I am trying to put eyelets in them, but they are too short so I guess I have to make another trip to Michaels. Just an overall frustrating day for me.


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Sherri sorry to hear you are having such a bad day! I am sure your FI will love them when he sees them men are just so funny you nevr know how they are going to react to things! I am really upset i got an email from my cousin yesterday saying her and her boyfriend wouldn't be able to make it to the wedding after all, i was so shocked and upset she has a room booked at Dreams so i never imagined they wouldn't come and she only let me know because my sister is staying with her and kept bringing the wedding up! 13 days till i leave and 22 days till i get married wish she could have told me earlier. Now is suspect her sister and her boyfriend will pull out ahhhhhhh Well that is my rant for the weekend! On a good note i went and had my last fitting yesterday and i do not need to have my wedding dress let out down the sides for my thighs!!! So pleased i finally lost some weight from my thighs!! I now have to have it taken in thru the waist!! I pick it up in a week! Now just to keep the wight loss up!

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Lisa, I am checking them out now. I didn't put ceremony info on ours just because I wasn't completely positive how they would do the ceremony or what we would end up including. I also wanted the writing to be large enough to read.


Victoria, I hope he learns to love them too. Otherwise, I never would have spent the money. He said it's going to be weird knowing that our wedding photographer has seen me in lingerie.






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Sherri, that totally sucks, sometimes they just need to see that we do things with them in mind, not to hurt them.  Can't he just see the intention behind the action as opposed to the action itself?  Like everyone else has said, hopefully once he sees the book he'll forget who took the pictures. Too bad you couldn't have just told him the wife took the pictures and the husband had nothing to do with it.


Victoria, congrats on the fitting. I saw on another forum that you're going to be in LA for a few days before the wedding? If you need ideas of anything to do while here, let me know. I've lived in LA for over ten years.


Lisa, those fans sound like a pain.  I've been going back and forth on the idea, but since we're only having 14 people, one of which is my photographer, one is officiating the wedding, and four of which are the parents, that only leaves eight people sitting and watching, it just doesn't seem like it's necessary. I do like the idea of the program, but we don't have a wedding party so I wouldn't really know what to put on it, especially because I'm writing the ceremony myself.


Happy weekend ladies. Can't believe we have so few of these left as single ladies!!

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