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April 2011 Brides


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Mocha, I have stuff to do as well, the way I work it is, I'll do a little bit and then come back here...do a little more, then come back.  Yea...it's bad!  I'm just glad I'm not training the new person anymore, I can get back on here and not have to worry about coming back to 40 new posts!  

I also agree, they must have created it just for us!!!

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Dont you just love when they help out Lisa!! Especially when they are real particular, I started putting the stickers on our chapstick and had him finish and he was like you put them on wrong!!! He was ready to rip them all off a re-do them bc they were facing the wrong way according to him lol!!!!

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I'm with you girls - I think the mailman must think I have a shopping addiction - there seems to be at least 2 new packages that arrive every week!  I'm going to have so much extra time and money once this wedding is over......


Lisa, I think the dress looks great with that bottom!  But I agree with Mocha - if you're getting a new bottom put on your existing dress, I would make sure the seamstress has lots of experience!


As for wedding party gifts, we are finally done! 

for BMs:

Coach wristlet

pearl earrings

beach bag

pedicure kit

terry cloth lounge chair cover



aviator sunglasses

golf balls


flower girl and ring bearer:

beach bag

sand toys


mexx sun hat


I also took my dress in for alterations last weekend, and FI took his suit in for alterations, plus I did the paylist for the ceremony and champagne reception (my sisters doing the actual reception playlist for me).  So, the only thing left on my to-do list is to get the prongs filed on my e-ring so it sits right with my band!

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LOL, I agree lsmith, I often wonder what my neighbors think bc there are always boxes on my front porch when i get home, and I already know my mail lady hates me! I get packages they said be careful fragile handle with care and she crames them into the mailbox!! Im talking boxes that shouldnt even go in mail boxes she gets in there bc she doesnt feel like walking to our front porch!!!

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I have been really careful at trying to keep all of my packages coming in through either FedEx or UPS because I swear my mailman steals packages if I'm not really paying attention.  We had one package that he "delivered" but we never received.  I filed a complaint with the post office in town and the stinking Post Master backed him up.  I don't believe a word they tell me anymore! 


I prefer packages through UPS because our UPS guy is super hot!!!

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i'm pretty lucky with our mail person.  my mail also gets delivered to my door, so if the package doesn't fit in my little mail box, he's really good about putting it between my two doors.  or hiding it on the corner of the porch if it's even too big for that.

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Lisa, I don't think you're crazy. I think you're BRAVE. I'm crazy for just putting off the whole finding a dress thing for so long.


My credit card company must love me this year, between wedding stuff and $5000 a month in travel expenses I'm really racking up the points. I won't have to pay for groceries for months! Maybe even a whole year!

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Laura - Can you send me the link for the cake toppers again?  I'm at work and wanted to show a co-worker the cake topper I'm going to get.  I only have it at home.  Please?!


Mocha - I LOVE that!!  I literally laughed out loud when I read "I won't have to pay for groceries for months"!!  I couldn't imagine being you with all that traveling, especially during all of your wedding prep.

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Originally Posted by lisadias View Post


oops seller lol



FYI I used them for lanyards and she didn't send the package when she said, like she made a label but forgot to mail it. I contacted her and she said she'd send "another one." But I had to email her again about sending it out because she didn't send it when she said. All in all the price was good but the shipping was SLOW, I left neutral feedback and she sent me a rather snippy email about not leaving me feedback. Just thought I'd share.
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