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Important - NEW Requirements for Cuban travel


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A new Cuban law dictates that all travellers to Cuba MUST have travel medical insurance as of May 1, 2010.


Here is what I got from my travel agent:


As of May 01, 2010 all customers entering Cuba must have travel health insurance. Customers who do not have proof of medical insurance upon arrival will have to purchase it there. The insurance company that you are buying this insurance from MUST be a member of ASISTUR or WTP.


Please pass this info on!!

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Here's the source:

Reuters AlertNet - Cuba to require medical insurance for visitors


It says it's done in order to bring additional revenue due to the recession.

Wrong way to do it... Increase food quality at the resorts and provide better service. That will bring FAR more revenue.



PS. I think this should be made sticky until May. My guess it would be cheaper to get insurance here in Canada than from Cuba.

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I don't like the idea that they're doing it just as a money grab- that might discourage tourism which would be bad for the economy in the long run. Seems a bit shortsighted. The thought of being stopped at the border on the way to your vacation and being made to purchase a specific brand of health insurance bothers me, also- especially if you already have some but they don't recognise it.


My big question now is what they'll require for proof of insurance. We both have travel benefits from FI's work benefits (they say that that's not always good enough but I've gone over the coverage and his package is pretty similar to ones that you purchase). I know it's not a factor until May 1st and we leave on the 25th of April but I'd like to have something just in case since we'll be there in May. Also, how do we know whether or not Cuba "recognises" our coverage? The info that's coming out now is a bit vague. I guess I'll have to check with my travel agent.

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Just spoke with my travel agent this morning and she says there will be a list of acceptable companies being revealed sometime within the next week.....when I find out I will post.

We both have out of country coverage with our work insurance but apparently if the insurance company is american based they will not accept it and you will still have to buy insurance.

This really sucks....we leave May 1!!

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Originally Posted by K'osh View Post
Just spoke with my travel agent this morning and she says there will be a list of acceptable companies being revealed sometime within the next week.....when I find out I will post.
We both have out of country coverage with our work insurance but apparently if the insurance company is american based they will not accept it and you will still have to buy insurance.
This really sucks....we leave May 1!!
May 1st! Oh, that sucks- you just made the deadline. I can see them not wanting folks with American insurace companies in a way, maybe they've had problems with getting paid because of the embargo. This whole thing is still a huge pain, though.
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