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Pre-Wedding Ceremony??? Opionion?

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Hello Everyone!


We are getting married on June 4th in Vegas. I have decided to not bring my daughter along but would like to do a family commitment type ceremony for her before we leave. (she is 6).


I was thinking something along the lines of getting a JP and going to the park and have her incorporated into some vows?


It'd be very casual and we would make the marriage legal here with her before we go (I just want her to feel included). Or my other idea is to have her included in some type of party when we get home?


Any thought or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! (I'm really struggling with what to do about this one).

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I like both ideas! The thought is so sweet...I'm sure she would love both.


Oh do the pamper..dress up girlie stuff that we all live for. :-) Have a spa day with her "kids mani/pedi" my 5 year old niece loves that!! Engage her in the vows and have a nice dinner (of course restaurant of her choice).


Enjoy and please let us know what you decided to do.

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