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where did my my threads go??

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Not sure what threads you are referring to, however if you go to the search function up top on the right hand side, and do advanced search, you can type in your own user name and search for threads that you started.

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Ditto to Trish, I'm not sure what threads you mean.


Have you read all the FAQ's provided in the welcome email? Also, if you search and read the threads that already exist, you can find most of your answers there.


ETA: I also moved this to the proper subforum, so please try to do the same in the future.

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Originally Posted by mrs.timpone View Post
hang in there meredith!!! i was in the same place and I still struggle with this site!

to be honest some of the moderators kinda of make you feel like an idiot for not knowing how to use this forum, but dont give up! just keep using the search tool!
I would be careful when calling out moderators on the forum since they moderate this forum for free in in their spare time.
As with anything new, there is a learning curve... however, there is an entire section dedicated on "how to" navigate the forum. If you do a search, you should have no problem finding your way around.

The SEARCH button is on the very top, 5th over with a little arrow next to it. Very simple.
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Originally Posted by mrs.timpone View Post
to be honest some of the moderators kinda of make you feel like an idiot for not knowing how to use this forum, but dont give up! just keep using the search tool!
i wouldn't say that the mods are making anyone feel like an idiot. it is when people choose NOT to read the forum rules or FAQ so it is their own actions that cause them to be directed to the search or forum rules.
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i wasnt trying to "call out" any moderators, i didn't even mention anyone in specific. All I said was they can make you feel like an idiot for not know how to use the forum. I think a lot of you veterans forget how overwhelming this experience can be for us first timers. It's not that I choose NOT to read the forum rules and FAQ i had no idea where to even find them! But thanks to the moderators pointing me in the right direction, I am learning more and more how to navigate the forum.

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to be honest, when you talk about "the moderators" you're really talking about all of us as we operate as a team and back eachother up. sure, some of us may word things differently, but in general we tend to agree with one another in terms of how to enforce the rules of this forum.


and i believe the rules of the forum are sent to you when you sign up, they're in the siggy of every mod., and there's a section called "Bugs, issues or "how to" navigate forum questions" with many helpful "sticky" threads at the top.


if you have any suggestions as to how we can make this easier for new members, we'd be happy to listen. but i don't think that you should blame the moderators for making anyone feel stupid.

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I'm not sure how things can be better. There is a lot of help, lots of sticky, and it's well organized, but... that's just it, there is a LOT of help. It's a lot of information to take in when you first sign in, and it can get overwhelming for a newbie. I already had "forum" experience, so I knew most of the basics, but even then there was no way I could retain all the useful information all at once. After a while all this info just blurs together, and some will only make sense when you actually need it, which might not be right as you sign up. Plus, I remember when I first found this website I was so happy with all the destination wedding info that I just wanted to jump in.


So all I could suggest is to continue to be patient with the newbies and remember that, though they might have read part of the rules/FAQ, it might take them some time before they can read it all or have it all make sense to them. :-)

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