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thanks for your comments ladies! its helps to know I'm not alone here! i swear this site helps me keep my sanity during this whole thing!


if i had to do it again i would still create the site but not but in as much time and effort.

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Man! From the title of this thread I though someone DIED or something.

Not to be harsh, but no one is going to care about the details of your wedding as much as you. Sad I know, but the sooner you remember this the more you are going to enjoy the process and focus on what's important: You + FI= Married!

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Don't worry about it! I understand. I feel like I've been obsessing over small things as I plan the wedding. Spent hours and hours on things that our guests could care less about( website, finding the perfect invite, getting a TA etc.) If I could do it all over again I would keep it all simple( & elope!)

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I had the opposite thing happen. lol We have a really crappy but pretty website. Crappy because there is no information or anything on it... we put it on the invites with the intent of having more stuff on it by the time people got them. Well, the website remained the same and practically everyone harrassed us about it in Mexico! LOL


Don't sweat the small stuff, because this is really small in the grand scheme of your wedding. wink.gif

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Originally Posted by Mischaka View Post
This is the reason why I didn't want to pay for a site. I didn't want it to be in vain. But I did a little trick with my STD's. I said that they need to pre-rsvp on the site. lol
I haven't sent out my STD's yet...but I wanna see some responses!!!!
I did the same thing and only like 4 ppl went to the site and RSVP'ed. A lot more RSVP by word of mouth or email.
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