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I am so annoyed and I dont know if i am over reacting!! I spent hours and hours creating a wedding website, I searched for pictures to upload. I wrote little found little poems for each of my bridal party. I worked really hard on it!


When I sent out my Save the Dates i put the address for the website and so far only 2 of my friends and family have said anything to me about the site!!!! ONLY 2!!


Maybe im being to sensitive but it makes me sad to think i put all this time and effort and no one cares frown.gif

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Are you able to track how many people view it. We are able to see how many people are logging on. It could be that a lot of people have seen it and liked it but just haven't said anything to you. We didn't hear a lot of comments at first, but then a lot of people would tell us how much they liked our engagement story, etc. so clearly they had been to the website. Also, we were quite surprised at how many people, even though we specifically directed them to the website on the save the date, didn't seem to be aware of it. Especially our parent's generation, we had to send them emails with the link in it. Don't get discouraged, I'm sure a lot of people love your website and will let you know soon.

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I had the same thing happen, there was 250 views and 3 comments... One was from my FI asking me if he could come to the wedding.... I was put off too... oh well... You'll find those things will start to roll off you... people are strange!!!

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I think part of the issue is that wedding sites are a relatively new concept, and a lot of people are still very traditional when it comes to wedding planning and information distribution. They expect an invite, and that's about it. I found that a lot of people were curious about our site, at first, but then whenever I updated it with new information I could never be sure those that needed to know the updates were actually going online to get them. I still think it's a great idea and its time has definitely come - but the old saying, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, applies here!

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I was disappointed with turn out of my website too. Since we didn't have a lot of people attending the wedding, my plan was to use the comments page from the website in a scrapbook or something, so we had the "well wishes" to go back and read.... so much for that! I had originally said I was going to update the website as I was planning, but since barely anyone had the courtesy to even RSVP or say Congrats I said screw it! I try not to take it personally. I think when people see websites they may think "optional" or something, I'm not sure lol.


If it makes you feel any better, I care :). And I know how much work it is and how much recognition you SHOULD be receiving for it. Forget everyone else, I don't even waste my time trying to figure them out anymore!

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