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Stressed and sad about photos


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Are you talking about the Majestic? If so, they will allow outside photogs from DR if you pay a $300 fee. If its not the MC than maybe they will just have a supplement you have to pay. This sounds like it will still be cheaper. If you have facebook, and its the MC, then check out the Facebook Majestic colonial brides group. There is a thread about this. Good luck!

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Thanks everyone! I will look into it for sure.


I'm staying at the Bavaro Princess. It was between Bavaro and Dreams. I really wanted Dreams but got a really good group rate. I went with the good rate for my guests. I'm kicking myself bad. I just hope it all turns out.

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Uh, that is horrible what the hotel is doing. I would be so furious if my hotel did something like that. I think you should try and find out if you can have the photographer you want in PC stay at the resort as a guest and have him take your pictures. It would probably be cheaper than flying out someone. Also I would definitely talk to the manager about the $200 photo deal. If it is in your contract then I would think that they have to do it (unless they included some weird wording like as long as the hotel offers this special or something).


I hope everything works out for you. Good luck!

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First, if they said you could have the 15 pixs for $200, I would fight it. Also, why don't you and your hubby leave the resort and have the photographer take pictures somewhere else. You can even wait till the next day and do a TTD shoot. I am having a basic photo package b/c I am having my family take alot of pictures & the resorts photographer doesn't look great. I don't think it is rude to ask one of your guests and I think if they will love it.

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Originally Posted by Holly22 View Post
Thanks! I really am thinking of calling and talking to some manager.
They never told me once.
In the contract I had to send the option for the 15 pictures for $200 was in it. Maybe that will get me somewhere at least.

I'm so upset with this resort. From the start I was led to believe that it had a wheelchair accessible room. I have talked to two WC about my best friend being in a wheelchair and how we will do the ceremony. A day before final payment was due my TA called and said they have NO wheelchair accessible rooms! WHAT! She is still able to have some movement and has her own portable bars but it is the point. I have been asking my TA to reserve the room for almost 6 months. Apparenlty they have been giving her the run around as well saying they can't book it so far in advance. Then last minute all of a sudden there is no room?

I am so laid back about everything. I'm starting to snap. haha

Do you have anything in writing about it being handicap accessible? I would also fight this. That is crazy a new resort is not HA.
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Bring a photographer with you (or share with someone or a couple of someones to further lower costs), but have him/her check in as a guest, preferably one who is related wink.gif to you. They can't stop your uncle/cousin/aunt - whatever - from taking pictures of your wedding!


Dreams (PC) tried to pull a similar stunt when I was planning my wedding in 2008. A whole bunch of Dreams brides threatened to cancel their weddings, and suddenly they changed their tune!

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